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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    DayZ-like MMO by Sony

    How many of these threads are gonna pop up? xD
  2. Etherious

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Oh shucks! Stahp it! ;D
  3. Etherious

    i need motivation to start playing again

    Mmmmm Asada tacos!
  4. Etherious

    i need motivation to start playing again

    ......Do not get attached to your gear...ever. Also, DayZ is all about danger dude.
  5. Etherious

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    *sucks in lots of air* ALPHER Bergz! :) You will see and experience alot of bugs and alot of them will kill you. lol
  6. LOL Man I remember that thread. xD Also, what I want is are spawn points all over the map so where you can even spawn in the woods of Green Mountain. I think it would be very fun instead of just coast spawns. Although I do think that it would break the whole coast story that DayZ is built on.
  7. Etherious

    Poor performance?

    15 FPS in....? and plus the game is nowhere near optimized for certain constant FPS.
  8. Etherious

    Dayz Logs

    Your not mean't to be able to see who killed you...and plus if events were added your also mean't to stumble upon them not cheat and see where they're at from a log. xD
  9. Etherious

    Something to get our hopes up concerning vechicles....

    Modified server with edited server files. Plus, if you notice the date that's about the time that the server files were leaked. Of course it's patched already.
  10. Etherious

    Something to get our hopes up concerning vechicles....

    All he did was port over the vehicles from Arma 3 and the modding community over there. He also just downloaded one of the mods that changes UI and HUD to the one from Standalone. Even though he clearly failed since he left in the some of the Arma 3 UI in the video. xD
  11. Etherious

    Who did we just wipe at NEAF?

  12. Etherious

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Vilayer Actually it's a glitch to be able to see. :P It has NOTHING to do with 3PP.
  13. Etherious

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    I'm choosing to skip sleep and heading to NWAF now to check. xD Anyways thanks for the heads up on the second screenie. I havn't gone to that house at all in a while. :D
  14. Etherious

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Damn't I'm imprudent. xD Thanks Bone. :beans: Same here.
  15. Etherious

    Camo painted moisen

    I'd rather use this.
  16. Etherious

    Camo painted moisen

    I do, when I have nothing else to use. ;_;
  17. Etherious

    Good News from Vilayer!

    Yes! ^-^ There my hosters too.
  18. Etherious

    Dean Hall on Dayz ported to consoles.

    Fuck. Well, I guess I gotta stop playing when it comes out then.
  19. Etherious


    There are eventually gonna fix it, geez just be patient there. xD OT: Yes, I want fog really bad. :D
  20. Well, what you think your gonna get a Dick's & Walmart stores in the apocalypse or something? xD
  21. Etherious

    Possible Suggestion: Playing dead

    You know people don't like doing those things nowadays, that's for people who like to make a effort. ;D
  22. Etherious


  23. Etherious

    Stand alone attachment system = COD

    Awww I thought they were gonna do a C-1 Galaxy Kamikaze ability streak. :(
  24. Etherious

    No more loot in tents again?

    Multiplay game servers are from the Devs themselves and they have the loot fix active. Although apparently it's not all of them. Unfortunately I do not have any credible sources, just rumors. :/