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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    I was referring to cheating, but exploits as in glitches then no, of course they won't be able to detect that. They will however be able to fix those glitches later down the path.
  2. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    Yes, I am more than 95% positive that those who exploit hastily will be banned. Do you even know why alot of them will eventually be banned? Because of their actions they do while using their paid for cheats, many are no smarter than a screw. The ones that are smart will code their own hack and even then only use something like chams/esp.
  3. ^This How does smoking weed symbolize that your a down to earth person? But, if that's how you feel then ok. :P (Yea, haha I just did a unwanted pun/ironic joke) OT: I will be sure to try to nab that code! Hehehe...
  4. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    Same exact hackers? Ok, just because he has the same name doesn't mean he hasn't been banned. Once, again sorry but I cannot just assume your right because you have a friend of a friend who knows a guy who cheats and doesn't get banned...
  5. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    They DO get banned. It's called banned in waves my friend. Plus, like I have said BEFORE it's not gonna stop them from buying another account.
  6. Etherious

    Make Chernarus UNIQUE

    I agree! 100% Araida, once again you write a great post. + Beans
  7. Etherious

    ARMA 3 Stance System is needed.

    Thanks, I just got it to for my Blu-Ray drive.
  8. Etherious

    ARMA 3 Stance System is needed.

    This scene looks very familiar! Where is this from? Sorry, to go off-topic. It's just bugging me. ;_;
  9. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    Impossible unless he uses his own coded hack, which I highly doubt it. I am sure he mean't he has been cheating for two months with multiple bans. :3
  10. Etherious

    Glitchers - dayin and dayout

    And they will get banned do not worry. But we of course cannot stop them from making another account and just buying DayZ again. :P
  11. Etherious

    Those 100 player servers...

    Well, yes the player increase is to be implemented to stable, but not anytime soon for us.
  12. Etherious

    Those 100 player servers...

    The increased player slots is just for experimental not stable, as they do this for testing purposes..
  13. Etherious

    Why do people want to tell others how to play?

    Dem spaces and well, that's because people feel that there word is so important that it's needed. But, those type of people need to to calm down. :P
  14. Etherious

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    It can, with a dynamic weapon ID, although yes your right in the fact that finding the original will be SOO hard.
  15. Etherious

    Motorbike helmet

    I wanna look like this in DayZ someday...I don't give a shit for "practical-ness".
  16. Etherious

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    KVSK uses 12.7x108mm right? or am I wrong? ._.
  17. Etherious

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    Alot of what you requested would cause so much server performance loss. Also, OT: AS50 would be fine if it's mega rare.
  18. Etherious

    Anyone got this feeling?

    I don't have alot of time either but I still go through the effort to look for new info. Not that hard, tbh.
  19. Etherious

    No servers?

    Already done actually. <3
  20. Etherious

    [SA] Server Crashes?

    WTF are you talking about? Actually I'm not going to continue anymore, you're simply a cave troll trying to get attention. /discussion
  21. Etherious

    [SA] Server Crashes?

    They did do one and it was actually delayed. *sigh* @dayzdevteam
  22. Etherious

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    Yea, you (Accolyte). :) What's wrong with some little love. xD
  23. Etherious

    [SA] Server Crashes?

    .......I don't think your quite understanding what I put in response to your previous post, you said they havn't DONE a maintenance in 3-4 weeks which is false. They do it EVERY week. I was talking about maintenance's not updates.