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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Man, it's gonna be a hell of a wait to play .60 when it hits exp unless you are faster than light to join those servers. xD
  2. Etherious

    Your favorite Sniper kit

    Yea, it's beige. ^-^ And, well, it's REALLY hard to master the crossbow. However, while it may not be sniper distances but I have killed people with the scoped crossbow up to 100-110m. The damage drop off is bad though at those ranges. Yet, it's amazing to be able to killed people so silently at those distances. You can put on a holosight, and pistol scope on the crossbow.
  3. Etherious

    M4 and AK101

    True, but most of the information on the M4, and AK101 say that they are just REALLY REALLY rare. Even though that is not true.
  4. Etherious

    Your favorite Sniper kit

    Is there even a brown balaclava? Anyhoot, I if I'm sniping I like to wear all light blue clothing with a holosighted crossbow, and amphibia S. (Not kidding btw)
  5. Good on ya for adding to my apparent uncool-ness, Good job, pal. *Sigh* BTW, Why the hell would I care about being cool on the internet? Serious, that is just dumb. lol "Cool" response (I guess): Wow, looks like someone doesn't understand game development in the least. You should stay away from early access games if this is how you view things with the development.
  6. Etherious

    M4 and AK101

    M4s, and AK101s just like DaveB said, do not spawn. They will be returning in .60.
  7. Etherious

    #DayZ Logic

    OP said it was supposed to be a fun thread. I get you missed that tid bit, huh? Looks like your reading skills are quite low.
  8. Etherious

    Trading Post

    Someone is gonna come in, and flip out that Lord Blackwolf just said clip for a glock. lol Anyhoot, I have a suppressor east for ya, Tatanko; and I have a MAGAZINE for your glock, Lord Blackwolf.
  9. Etherious

    #DayZ Logic

    1. You can respawn by some weird black magic. 2. Can eat 10+ cans of food, and not get full. 3. When vomiting, it looks like a fountain or a waterfall. 4. Apparently using alcohol tincture to clean rags once, somehow uses the entire bottle. 5. Chambering weapons for some reason requires reloading the weapon with an invisible mag.
  10. Etherious

    update.60 Question

    As far as I know they never said that character wipes would no longer happen. They've always wiped character, and persistence data every patch (or least tried too). There is nothing wrong with it because this game is still in development. Plus, it's not even hard to gear up, why are you so salty over wipes?
  11. Etherious

    Where is 0.60?

    True, but they NEVER set a deadline for .60 update. They were just HOPING to get it out to consumers by the end of February.
  12. I can agree. Too many people don't realize this is the first stage of the new renderer. The FPS gain won't be huge like everyone thinks it's gonna be.
  13. Etherious

    Guns practicing black magic.

    1. Why did you double post the same thread? 2. Guns, and the ammo they use are always subject to change, and are different every patch (or sometimes they stay shitty like the shotguns). 3. The gun glitch you mentioned at the bottom of your post, most likely won't get fixed for a while until they feel that it's necessary too.
  14. Etherious

    In desperate need of .308 ammo

    I always find .308 ammo in the interact-able rusted down cars. I literally had 900+ rounds of .308 from looking, and snagging it from dead bodies in a barrel once. Unfortunately, that barrel was deleted for some odd reason. ;_;
  15. Etherious

    update.60 Question

    I second this.
  16. Etherious

    Weapon sway

    The DayZ dev team has already said it's not working as intended, and not where they want it anyways. They will be fixing it later on (not any time soon afaik).
  17. Etherious

    Supprise Map

    I think you forgot an extra T in "MATTER". ;) Back to OP: Just because they sold a lot doesn't mean they will make another map. Yes, I am more than sure they can, but they won't.
  18. Etherious

    DayZ SA Mission Editor

    Of course, there isn't. You have to wait til they release the modding tools when DayZ hits Beta.
  19. Etherious

    Vss Trade For M4

    Dead serious. I have used those things a lot to know just how shitty they are.
  20. Etherious

    Supprise Map

    No, it doesn't. It means they won't be MAKING another MAP. They haven't finish Chernarus+ yet, and will just let modders make other maps.
  21. Etherious


    There is a trading thread for a reason, pal.
  22. Etherious

    Supprise Map

    They have already said they won't be adding another map. However, expect a ton of maps when modding becomes available.
  23. Etherious

    Vss Trade For M4

    1. VSS for a M4 is freaking horrid trade; due to the fact that the VSS is shitty. 2. Most, M4s got deleted from character's inventories. The only ones that are left, are the ones that were in barrels / tents.
  24. Etherious

    Projected .60 patch notes

    From what I understand they were ready a long time ago. They should've been able to spawn already.