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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    More new 0.60 Eye candy

    I am super excited for .60. Although I am not excited to wait for a million years to get into them exp servers when it does release. *shivers*
  2. Etherious

    Any idea when the patch will come?

    Probably by the end of march or first week of april. Even then, it might be super buggy (but it will be on experimental so ya!)
  3. Etherious

    Any plans for Alice/Coyote to be brought back?

    No, the one they showed off in the initial early 2013 dev videos were just for placeholders. They won't be adding them because their part of Arma.
  4. Etherious

    Beta in Q2?

    The game already works fine, and who cares if it takes more time to finish it. It's not like the earth is explode or something. Also, I am more than sure they will push back the date for beta.
  5. Etherious


    "good loot" ?
  6. Etherious

    Throwing problem.

    Well, there is your problem. You only pushed it once, you're supposed to hold it then let go.
  7. You mean the military shovels? Yea, I know those are in. However, they don't do anything afaik.
  8. What? I am so confused. Are we talking about the mod or SA? Cuz there is no entrenching tool in SA.
  9. Etherious


    WRONG SECTION, but you could also try DayZLFG subreddit at reddit.
  10. Etherious

    Terrain Editing and Map making ?

    Modding, and full server modifications has already been announced to arrive when beta hits.
  11. Etherious

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    To me it just seems like EA games just aren't right for you. Go play something else til DayZ gets finished.
  12. Etherious

    Is Dayz Standalone Experimental Playable ?

    They're is no difference currently between both patches.
  13. Etherious

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    That's because games take a long time to make. There not as easy as going on notepad, and typing MAKE GAME, and then saving it. lol I highly suggest you stay away from early access games til they come out, because obviously your patience is as horrible as all the others people who say the same thing.
  14. Etherious

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    Wait, so first you complain that people just shoot everybody, then you say that you're bored because of no danger....I don't understand you. Also, the buildings will eventually get changed, and zombies will increase in numbers eventually.
  15. Etherious

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    Ummmm, it's not hard what-so-ever to get ANY of this. There was no cheater involved.
  16. Etherious

    Persistence wipe?

    Yea, a lot of my barrels, and tents disappeared completely. However, it was because I hadn't moved them what-so-ever since I placed them in December. xD
  17. Etherious

    Where is 0.60?

    Uhhh, we get that already. lol Well, albeit a little slower.
  18. Etherious

    M4 and AK101

    Oh, there are definite answers alright. People are just to dang dumb to realize it.
  19. Etherious

    M4 and AK101

    It's completely true though. Why ask a REALLY common, and answered question, already? Literally a waste of time to both OP, and others.
  20. Etherious

    Been away for 8 months...

    Many things have changed on the inside, but not much on the outside.
  21. Yea, I would imagine it being really boring. Although, back in the later mod days I had mine own server and it was always empty. So, I added super smart AI, then it was fun. ^-^
  22. There is a minimum 2 days that Exp has to be up for.
  23. Etherious

    Computers players in DayZ?

    Like I said already. They won't EVER add AI to their game. Only modders will do that.
  24. Etherious

    Computers players in DayZ?

    The DayZ devs will NEVER add AI players into the game. However, I am more than 100% sure that there will be modders who make AI players for DayZ.
  25. Well, if there is nothing "major" preventing a .60 experimental patch from getting to stable the most amount of time would be 2 days. I'd say 2 days is enough time to get a lot of bugs reported (if there was no major bugs). Although me personally, I HIGHLY doubt .60 will be on experimental for a short amount of time. I think it will be on there for at least 1-2 months.