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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    LRS spawns in police stations and garages

    Mosin sucks anyways. :P
  2. Shhhhhh I knew it was there! *Puts finger on your lip* ^_^
  3. Etherious

    Transgender Cow!

  4. Etherious

    Senchi's Tweet about New Village

    B) That is what I was wondering...I mean I would like more towns to the top west.
  5. Etherious

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    First off, the roadmap says those 7 features IN Q2 meaning that over the period of Q2 there will be those features. *facepalm* Second, OP did in fact whine, but only after other people started posting.
  6. I'm going to be an asshole here and just say that alot of people are weaklings and want alot of "support" features that help them. That is just my opinion though.
  7. Etherious

    Senchi's Tweet about New Village

    I thought Black Meadows was Chernaya Polana? ._.
  8. I don't see a problem with spawning next to someone's stash. It would be their fault for not hiding it good enough. You got to hide your stashes super far away from the map. :P
  9. True. I would like a spawn system where you can spawn everywhere around the map. No place is untouched, except for Airfield/Military Base spawns. :P
  10. Etherious

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    So, they aren't exactly keeping up with their roadmap, sorry but that is never actually mean't to be taken fully serious. Roadmaps are just guides to what to expect or foresee of what might the game look like in the future. BTW August would be Q3 not July. Edit: Of course you would say their lying, goes to show how bright you are in the meaning of roadmaps. xD
  11. So, what are people supposed to do then? Not spawn, spawn either way, not loot, and go to the end of the map to take pictures of grass? xD
  12. Etherious

    Senchi's Tweet about New Village

    Ahhhhhh ok. :3
  13. Etherious

    Is there an ACTUAL friendly server? Or does anyone...

    Against rules to have a "friendly" server. You cannot kick people for anything unless their being dicks.
  14. Etherious

    Senchi's Tweet about New Village

    Smirnovo? :o
  15. The cities FPS are already horrid, adding more apocalyptic objects isn't gonna help that FPS. xD
  16. Etherious

    New patch kinda broken

    They are not gonna revert to an older patch unless it's an emergency. :P
  17. Etherious

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    Nope. Because I'm not some impatient being. I will stick it out to the end, and I can already see this game becoming a wonderful picture in the end of this year. :)
  18. Etherious

    New Patch: Screenshots of the new city

    Your welcome. Ok...o.o
  19. Etherious

    New Patch: Screenshots of the new city

    That city is called Novodmitrovsk.
  20. Etherious


  21. Etherious

    DayZ doesn't save my character. Please help

    Stable or Experimental?
  22. Etherious

    New Updates

    Thanks for showing me something I get as mobile notifications on my phone. :D
  23. Etherious

    update exp to 0.45.124426

    Features have been reported missing, according to some Redditors and Streamers. Ex. Chopping down bushes no longer gives sticks, Can't gets sticks from tress, M4s spawning in other places now other than helicopter crashes, No new clothes, and AKMs not being found. However, as of right now, no one is getting rubberbanding including myself. :) (Mostly fixed) Hicks just tweeted "Players may notice some function or features not showing up on exp right now, will be updated back in after a night of testing. (In the AM)"
  24. You cannot retrieve old gear man, sorry.