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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    New town

    It's NW of Svet, so it's on the right corner of map!
  2. Etherious

    Running forward while in your inventory?

    It's easy. Just walk/run and press tab. xD
  3. Etherious

    New town

    Yes, really. xD Someone posted it on Reddit. :) Yea, I'm really upset that they keep adding more villages/towns to the NE.
  4. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Zee Rabbits! Ahhhh! Zee Rabbits! Yes! Yes!
  5. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Snares? :o ._.
  6. Etherious

    New town

    It's located NW of Svetlojarsk, and it's Turovo. It will be the last addition to the map til August.
  7. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    That is one rad spreadsheet! :D
  8. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    I was just shot at by someone with it and it did an "Ok" amount of damage but he never ended up killing me. Seems like they nerfed the 9MM damage output?
  9. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Yea. Someone has posted a video of it.
  10. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    There is also a 30 Round magazine.
  11. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Isn't that 4x4 slots? :o Also, someone found a 30 Rnd mag earlier on Reddit.
  12. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    No one has posted anything on using it yet. :/ Yea, good thing you did. :3 Cuz it just got nerfed. xD
  13. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Well, I did look at the NWAF for a bit to see if I could find something new and ummmm they nerfed the crap out of the NWAF Tents. There is only half the amount of tents. x3
  14. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    People have found MP5 mags already and everybody keeps apparently dying after obtaining this gun so they can never test it out correctly.
  15. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Your welcome, I just figured that most of us don't want to have to go to DayZ Reddit for any new news.
  16. Etherious

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    I don't know since I don't have one, and since no one has posted a picture of it in there inventory.
  17. Etherious

    you missed out, pal

    Exactly my point. Everybody is a dick because others decided to be dicks so everyone are dicks except for the ones who don't care if they got betrayed. :P
  18. Etherious

    Server TS settings

    If you know the people then yea it's great but if you don't...well there just there to kill you...
  19. Etherious

    you missed out, pal

    People appreciating others...in DayZ?!
  20. Etherious

    I miss the Cherno Bell.

    Bloodsuckers are originally from the best game series imho ever...called S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  21. Etherious

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    0.46 is not that of a big update mainly just small stuff and an extra anti-cheat system.
  22. Etherious

    I miss the Cherno Bell.

  23. Etherious


    Machetes are great in the current experimental.
  24. Good o'l Austin aka xSmaK. xD
  25. Etherious

    Pale Blue Menu Screen - Is there a Fix?

    Your welcome. :) I put up with it because I liked having all of them there but I eventually got tired of it. :P