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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. We don't know yet if it's tents. :P
  2. Etherious

    My SA experience.

    When criticizing something you ALWAYS should address it in a civil and non-negative manner. This was also another post negative rant HOWEVER, it was so much better than the most that get posted here.
  3. Etherious

    Will someone please explain to me...

    Desync is what everyone gets. Also, always make sure to press V or whatever button for your vault BEFORE you reach the fence, not when you touching the fence.
  4. Hello, fellow survivors. :lol: Anyways, Chris Torchia just tweeted out a mystery picture with an odd quote. It is a simple picture with a couple twists obviously, but the most obvious being the introduction of Paramedic clothing. Do you think there is something else within this picture that is hidden? :) BTW Maybe this will be in the new experimental patch update that is already available for download now? Here is Chris Torchia's (Hicks) twitter: https://twitter.com/ctorchia https://twitter.com/ctorchia/status/487602250962194432/photo/1
  5. Pointless since I always double tap. ^-^
  6. Etherious

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    It is real. It's in the current experimental files.
  7. Bug. There is no hidden fake death animation ingame.
  8. Etherious

    A snipers life for me

    1. Guess I'm a sniper with Amphibia S then, huh? Can I haz medal? 2. Yea, I do think that, agreed. 3. Certainly do? I certainly played the series but I am no fan. Maybe try another insult that works? 4. Yea, I attempt at this stuff too.
  9. Etherious

    A snipers life for me

    Well, I realized that already by now. However, I still won't change my original comment. :P
  10. Etherious

    What powers do admins have?

    You cannot ban people and you cannot see their ingame names unless they talk in direct.
  11. Etherious

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    Yea, I'm going to be very eerie with people who wear the Paramedic outfit. :( I am also waiting for that outfit. :lol: Boneboys, is correct we were getting off-topic, opinions don't matter if it's about another matter.
  12. Etherious

    A snipers life for me

    LOL Georgie, you must think everyone is some COD fanboy because they have a different opinion or something when it comes to this sniper subject. Also, why talk about distance I never mentioned anything about distance. You're very odd. :P
  13. Etherious

    A snipers life for me

    AKM (Ingame) is not a sniper. :P
  14. Etherious

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    There are blue check shirts though albeit their called "bright" because...well they have their color brightened. :o
  15. Etherious

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    No, the new update will have a new zombie navmesh system. :D Also, there won't be any maps updates til that Map designer comes back in August. https://twitter.com/ctorchia
  16. What happens is that the building literally disappears according to the server data, so when that happens the server is like "Welp...shit, gotta fix it by letting that guy fall through." So, essentially to the server you were standing on nothing so it proceeds to throw onto the ground.However, to us we are just minding our own freaken business then DEAD. :) Edit: HOWEVER, this usually only happens when pushing against the building or up against something within the building.....but can rarely happen without you pushing against something.
  17. 1 for looting, & pillaging, and another 1 for "super" fun and killing! :rolleyes:
  18. Etherious

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    LOL Where have you been for the past couple 4-5 months? The Mosin, and M4 both got nerfed to crap, ages ago. They used to be everyone's favorite until the babies complained they were to OP so they gutted them. Not to forget that even the beautiful (used to) crossbow and string bow used to also be amazing until the whole "WAI IZ IT STRONG3R TH4N M4...BLERGH...BLERGH" threads showed up. All in all, we aren't very lucky to have unchanged things, especially when they aren't broken in the first place.
  19. Etherious

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    It's a bug that is already logged and the Devs have alreay replied and Reddit that they will fix it along with other bugs.
  20. Etherious

    The Missed Opportunities of DayZ Players

    Nice. :) Also, I tried using that Russian learning book and it sucks unless you google the Russian alphabet. >.>
  21. Etherious

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Well, if you're gonna be skeptical and doubtful already then why ask for technical information on this Enfusion engine? Not making much sense. :huh:
  22. True enough, except there won't ever be jumping. xD
  23. Etherious

    need help making a Computer for DayZ Mod

    Why are you making duplicate posts? and posting it in the wrong area? Anyhoot, yes you sorta can and if you want someone else to build it...well I hope they don't charge you for it. xD
  24. I thought they fixed the inception thing. Because I can't put items into empty backpacks, and vests when there in my inventory.
  25. Etherious


    This.^ It greatly irritates me when they do that. >.>