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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious


    An Admin can set up Global Chat messages for a set interval, or set up BEC messages for a set interval, and or can use Global Chat themselves and type whatever they want at anytime. :)
  2. Etherious

    Netting issue

    WOBO's netting video is mostly right. However, netting does only spawn once during every server restart. So, if you WANT to increase your chances of finding one, go to a persistence server.
  3. Etherious

    How to find non-persistent servers

    They have always been visible on Persistence Off servers, however I do remember when the Heli crashes didn't spawn at all at one point...
  4. Etherious

    What's up with the loot in Third person?

    Persistent Off servers will not have as much loot as the Persistent On servers but do have a lower loot respawn. The good thing about that though is that the loot is actually distributed equally.
  5. Etherious

    Some oddities

    1.) It's a know Player and Building Collision Mesh bug, it will not be fixed until Q1 2015. 2.) The Super loot in one area is because of persistence being activated on that server. 3.) Could be either Desync or Cheater or Bad luck.
  6. Yea, then they *ucking removed them again.
  7. Etherious

    Spawning Loot

    It's because of persistence being on.
  8. Yea, for what we assume to be mods not server files. Plus, that isn't until Q4 2015.
  9. Etherious

    I have a dream...

    I don't care if people PVP. xD I was just using that moment to be a smart-ass. :D Also, batteries being rare (they would be)? They dropped there battery, why kill us now for one? That doesn't sound very smart. :P
  10. Etherious

    Where's the devblog this week?

    I am positive 0.52 won't be ready by Christmas time. :P Which I would not be mad about at all. :)
  11. Etherious

    Where's the devblog this week?

    Experimental on Christmas is supposed to be the initial DayZ release version. (If they do decide to release it)
  12. Etherious

    bugged gun sway after using vs3?

    There is a buy like NinjaTurkey mentioned where you will out of nowhere be shaking at the speed of light. This is due to being cold even though you're not actually cold. So, make a fire and get warm to get rid of it.
  13. Etherious

    I have a dream...

    So, people want to kill me for my Flashlight and battery?
  14. Wrong section to try recruiting, man. Go here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/127-recruitment/
  15. Etherious

    Too much food

    I concur.
  16. Etherious

    No acces to Server logs. Why ?

    It was said on the DayZ 2015 roadmap although you should always take the roadmaps with a grain of salt for the new things could always get delayed.
  17. Yes, please! I just want to see my two babies again....the Tactical Vest and Green Bandages! :D Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that I also want to see the beautiful initial Mosin in that build....*Hnnnnggghhh*
  18. Etherious

    Where's the devblog this week?

    No ones know why. However, you should know that just because we USUALLY get a devblog every week doesn't mean we will always get one. Plus, I think they are on their vacation.
  19. Etherious

    Different Gear on different servers

    Well, you CAN have Private Hive 3rd and 1st person separately but most people don't.
  20. Etherious

    Different Gear on different servers

    That is what I said. lol
  21. Etherious

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    :P I mean fun in going through stuff we don't want and trying to find what we want. I like useless items, like those empty cans back in the Mod. :)
  22. Etherious

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    Well, I guess I will guide myself out then. :P
  23. Etherious

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    xD Yea.
  24. Etherious

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    Are you saying the loot spawns inside the fridge and is loose or "exactly" like Fallout/Elder Scrolls, where it's just the names of the items?
  25. Etherious

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    I remember when we had a huge crosshair on our screen, tactical vests and Balota spawns. xD Also, yes, it's not impossible, but indeed a greater challenge. However, I still don't like that idea of Fallout/Elder Scrolls type loot containers.