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About hikerlt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. So I dropped mostly everything, including a day pack, before I went to a tree stand to get more items. AFterwards....Came back to the location of my stuff - I can see it all laying there..., but for some reason, the indicator showing for me to hit the enter Key and then start taking stuff...does not work... I stashed the stuff under a pine tree branches... Why can't I pick it up ? ?
  2. is it possible to carry BOTH a rifle and a shotgun, or multiple rifles ? or are you restricted to only having ONE longarm ?
  3. Hatchet: how do you use a hatchet// and do you have to "reload" a hatchet....and if so, how to do that ?
  4. ok, when I spawn it says Cherna Wilderness.....so where on the map is that ? update....ran to the left , from facing the sea, and finally now I see some forest and a road or airport runway....!! \ Thanks!
  5. Newbie here I keep spawning on this desolate beach...I have run to the left for hours, to the right for hours, inland up hils towards the mountains for hours... nothing nothing and more nothingness .........where the heck AM I spawining to ?
  6. OK, newBie here, and frustrated trying to paly the game. Questions" 1) running windows 7 64 bit ultimate. I can load and play the game the first time, but if exit and then use six launcher to load another new game, it hangs at the loading screen. I shut down the pC, and reboot...and then can manage to load an play game. 2) how the heck do you SAVE a game...and any progress you might have made.....?? 3) if a door is closed in a building, can you open it ? 4) I see icons on right hand side - loks like a red cross , another like a canteen that flashes red after I've been running around in the aimless wilderness for an hour, etc.. How do you access these things ? If attacked by a zombie and bleeding, how do you apply the first aid kit ( I assume that is what the red cross thing on right hand side stands for)...