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About killkhan

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    I gave you a solution' date=' you ignored it. Why bother? [/quote'] First of all it wasn't a 'solution', was it? It was a suggestion. Secondly, what makes you so sure I didn't try it? Maybe the fact I'm still asking for help means it didn't work.
  2. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    so on a scale of 1-10' date=' how high are you? [/quote'] Is that in some way, shape or form supposed to be helping me? Or maybe you think you're being funny? You're not helping and you're not funny so why don't you just fuck off the thread.
  3. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    Oh and I'm constantly spawning in a debug forest. Help please
  4. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    So nobody can tell me why I can't play in third person anymore? It really is a game breaker for me so I'd love to get it sorted.
  5. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    I can no longer play in third person and now I constantly spawn in the debug forest. Loving the update! Any ideas as to what the problem is?
  6. killkhan

    Can no longer play in third person

    No, it just doesn't work anymore no matter what server I join.
  7. Yes I have the latest beta patch installed for Arma 2. Does it matter which order it's installed? For instance I installed the 1.71 update and then the beta patch. Any suggestions?
  8. I got the new update and now over 70% of servers aren't joinable for me even though it says they're running 1.71. Any ideas what I need to do?
  9. killkhan

    Servers down

    Did all the servers just go down? Tried to join a game, all the pings went extremely high and then vanished. Edit - Never mind, they all just reappeared. Strange stuff.
  10. Terrible post from the OP. Five minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  11. killkhan

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Hunted a bandit for ages, got the drop on him and he disconnected. It's the first time it's happened to me but from what I can see it's fairly common. Why? Why are people such low lives? It's just wrong and something I've never even considered doing. What's the point in playing a survival/horror/simulation if that's how you're going to play it? Just do the rest of this community a favour and leave, as all you're doing is making more work for the devs, whilst killing any fun, or immersion for people who aren't actually total cunts. It just goes to show that a lot of people, when left to their own devices, can't be trusted to do things properly and have to be controlled, like 5 year old school children. I'm for this being dealt with in a harsh manor. Bans or even perma bans should be the norm for this kind of behaviour as it does nothing but troll a good community that people are working very hard in to create/maintain. It's as bad as hacking imo.
  12. Not quite sure what the admins are doing on some servers but hopefully they will read this and listen. Why are people reversing server times? For instance nearly all US and UK servers were night time and they shouldn't have been but there was absolutely no info in the server names. Why isn't the information being given in the server name/info? Also, why aren't they letting people know that there is no third person in their servers? This should also be in the server name/info. It's time consuming enough trying to actually get into a game to then find out it's not what you're looking for. People need to give the proper information in the server name.
  13. killkhan

    Longest survival

    Yeah of course, it's to be expected, though, it doesn't make you feel any better when it happens!
  14. killkhan

    Longest survival

    Not sure how long I was alive for but it was a long time, I also had loads of stuff. I then climbed a ladder and fell off because it glitched and the really galling thing was I only fell about 4ft. I was not best pleased to say the least.