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Posts posted by BossFi

  1. Best thing in life is life itself! Everything else comes second!

    Killing on sight in dayz, well that's a cowards way out! Means your too scared to give him any chance! Same reason why snipers snipe from distance because they are safe. It's more intense to see a guy and let him know you are there and wait to see what he does. There no skill or reward for shooting someone in the back. It's more satisfying making an interaction first, whether it's turns out good or bad, instead of just firing on sight. I have even fired random shots sometimes to make sure the guy knows someone's around.

  2. I used to play dayz because it is was the only zombie survival out there. I stopped playing because I log in and there is never anything new to do, development is too slow.

    I was going to come back but now I've just watched some h1z1 gameplay and read a lot about it and well no reason to play dayz anymore when h1z1 come out and does everything dayz does but bigger, better with faster development. I predict in a years time dayz will only have a fanbase of around 10,000 hardcore players while h1z1 will have millions. I like realism but when its too real you end up doing more boring stuff to stay alive and less of the fun stuff.

    It was inevitable that a massive company was going to get on the bandwagon, after seeing the impact dayz has made, to create something spectacular, but we only have rocket to thank for that.

    Flame away! But that's my opinion!

  3. Maybe some people, such as myself, dont have the luxury of living in our parents basements, and stayin on all day to log out where you deem acceptable. I log out because of emergencies, unexpected town trips, and bad weathers comin so I unplug everything. Poor excuse my ass, not everyones a 400 pound fatass who runs the internet.

    Some people are self employed like myself and need to answer business calls all day and evening when I may be playing so I too need to log off but the sacrifice is worth it! So stop the poor excuses!

  4. How would that improve the gameplay? That would just mean bandits have an easier job killing bambis because they have to come out and get shot.

    It's just stupid.

    Oh so your a combat logger?! You log out inside a building to get away is exactly what you are saying!

  5. This is needed to stop cheats, loot hoppers, and combat loggers when held up inside a building.

    Anyone losing connection (or supposedly needing to log out in a hurry poor excuse) will respawn outside the building when they log back in.

    Until this happens gameplay will never improve!

  6. You can't use realism as an argument because neither option is realistic in any sense of the word. How persistent storage is done is entirely an issue of gameplay, that is to say, in which direction the devs want to take the game: minimal loot and gear, in order to focus on the survival aspect of the game, or overabundance of gear (like Epoch) with the focus on gunplay with every kind of military equipment and loads and loads of vehicles of all sorts, to mention the extremes of either direction.


    Anyway this issue of persistent storage seems to be deeply connected to the issue of hives, one hive per server or public hive with some private hives or something completely different. An issue which we don't know much about how the devs will handle either.

    I'm not using realism as a argument! I care about gameplay over realism! Others don't!

    We already know where Devs are taking this, persistent storage and persistent base building. So the only argument is whether persistent disappears after you die or not. And that answer is obvious if you want to keep solo players on par with groups.

  7. So how exatly do you want to handle ppl exiting the game? Not allowing "Exit" in buildings? What about server restarts?

    Anyone force quitting or just unfortunate to disconnect random teleport them outside of the building walls when they log back in. It it still so much better than allowing players to log in inside a building you have already cleared. That's the biggest issue here since that leads to getting killed by bad game mechanics.

  8. In real life people recognise each other by faces, build, posture, movement, mannerisms. NOT from the clothes they are wearing.

    So to make Dayz feel more realistic it needs some kind of system implemented to make up for its lack of "realism"

    When I play with a friend on voice chat I feel like I'm his babysitter or carer always asking unnecessary questions like: Did you just go in that building? Did you just go prone? Did you just change your shirt? Where are you now? Is that you pointing an M4 at me?

    Totally unrealistic as Dayz stands!

    • Like 5

  9. You could always ask them to do the hands up gesture and crouch to go into the submissive gesture, then go in and cuff them yourself. :)

    Handcuffing someone else can be a problem. because you have to unarm yourself to do it. It's too easy for someone to quickly rearm themselves having seen you holding a pair of handcuffs.

    Telling someone to cuff themselves solves this problem.

    And what if there is two survivors. You can't cuff them both by yourself. It's impossible.

  10. Pretty sure you can't do this and you should be able to, would add a lot to the game

    Such as leaving a pair of handcuffs in a building on the floor with a note saying handcuff yourself and come out or be shot. Or shout out to them.

    Would solve some of the standoffs when you don't really want to kill someone on-sight.

    • Like 4

  11. There's only 2 options FULL STOP

    1) Persistent storage after death - There is no other option because its unfair to solo players.

    2) No persistent storage at all - also means no persistent anything to keep realism , bad for the game in many areas

    Who cares whether persistent is realistic! For those that are seeking pure realism should get out in the real world more and experience it there!

    • Like 1

  12. Being able to see who killed you is a necessity if you want to be serious about stopping hackers. This isn't global info , only you will see who you got killed by. No reason to vote against it (unless your hacker) Then add a report button so admins can look into it. If you get killed by same person within minutes in 2 different areas of the map obviously a teleporting hacker. You would only know this if you new your killer.

    Battleye bans people after they get away with hacking for 2 weeks. By that time a new wave of undetected hacks is out and players are hacking again

    This type of game needs hackers banned faster, otherwise all hard work of skill of staying alive is pointless!

  13. Firstly.....No point having persistent storage if everything inside storage disappears when you die. Thats the only reason why I would use it. Only the stuff your carrying should disappear.

    Secondly....Nobody stays alive long enough to hoard stuff and get to use it as well as the stuff your carrying.

    And finally ......Your excuse will be probably be because you have friends so you can give your teammates the gear when they die as long as your alive. HYPOCRITES!! That's the exact same thing! Tailoring the mechanics of the game to give clans a big advantage over solo players is a big No No!

    Solo players have as much right to play this game as clans do! So it has to be fair for all sides!

    • Like 2

  14. Progress is very slow. I too don't play anymore apart from logging in for a few minutes after a major update, few and far between. Probably be another 2 years by the time this game is ready and worth playing again. I can't imagine how many other similar games will be finished and released by then that I'm not even sure it's worth following here for much longer.

  15. Helicopter is necessary even if you don't plan on using it. I never used a heli in the mod but when you hear one flying not too far from you it really adds to the atmosphere and the need to hide in cover. It breaks up the boring running for miles not seeing anything different.

    Plus it's a sandbox game so heli adds a lot to the game in terms of more things to do like trying to capture it or creating a flying medic group.

  16. Random spawning inside woods anywhere on the map

    1) would add the feeling of being completely lost for a while.

    2) it would stop players instantly suiciding to find a better spawn point because they need to spend at least 10mins working out where they are first.

    3) big variety of spawn locations.

  17. Zombies will never be the main threat. Even if they were made harder, other players will be more of a threat. Why bother taking a chance to loot a town full of deadly zombies when you can let the players do it for you then you kill them when they leave town. So zombies don't provide anything, they actually make the game less scary. Zombies give other players position away.

    Now imagine a game without zombies, deserted towns with no indication whether another player is already looting or holding up there. That is more scary than seeing a town with zombies that give away players who are already in town. The unknown will always be more scary than the known.
