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Everything posted by BossFi

  1. BossFi

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    I think we need a sticky of servers to keep away from! Just because they're admin doesn't mean they are worthy of being one.
  2. Wow that would be such a boring game without any pvp at all!
  3. I agree with OP. Stop all the poor excuses that are against it! Stopping exploiters will stop you dieing more times than you will die from your internet disconnecting at the wrong time anyway. FACT! .
  4. Tents disappearing when sleeping in it doesnt work as someone else may have a tent in exact same spot so would cause problems. Sleep overtime could be a way of recovering from illness and blood loss.
  5. BossFi

    I got a train to catch!

    OK maybe it just requires lots of wood piles to make it run for a 24hrs till it needs more wood. It wont be a train that needs repair or one you drive. It runs by itself and anyone can hitch a ride on.
  6. BossFi

    Body Armor/ Kevlar

    A single type body armour would be a good addition but as long as it is rare. Addition of a police riot shield could be good tactically to use.
  7. BossFi

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    OP has completely overlooked the problem causing the night issue. NVGS are only a problem becuase of duplicating them. In normal circumstances I predict 1 player per night server would have NVG's because they are rare. Once the duping has been fixed then night time will become fair again and NVG's will be an item you will guard with your life. Or they will make someone really happy when they are lucky to loot them.
  8. DE3 is the most friendly server where players still group up. WHY? Because its the only server that still has side chat enabled. You dont need any more proof than that! So all these other ideas are not needed! Bring back side chat and suddenly more players are friendly.
  9. Add a writing pad (with limited pages) and a pen as a loot drop. What could I use this for? Leaving notes(message, timestamp,player name) as loot on the ground or in tents for any player to pickup and read.
  10. BossFi

    Storage and hording

    Without a tent to store gear then what is the point in playing the game once your backpack is full of all the stuff you need? There is no point killing players or looting buildings when not having any inventory space left to store it. Besides filling a tent with extra nice loot means I have already been risking my life more than necessary to get the loot in the first place. Dieing and looting a building then dieing and looting a building is no different to looting a building, not dieing, store in tent, then looting a building. They both have a fear of dieing.
  11. BossFi

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    1) 30sec logout timer for disconnecters. 2) When a player logs in he will spawn 200 metres away from players and zombies close to where he logged out. This will stop players spawning behind you in a building you have already cleared and made safe.
  12. Game is way too easy. Here are the tips to stay alive and get into the leaderboards 1) Spawn at balota and go to the airfield. Look in the hangers or tower and grab a decent gun. If you cant find a gun, server hop until till you do. 2) Camp in a corner and keep changing servers, you will soon spawn behind someone who has nice loot for the easy kill. Repeat at one of the towns for a change of scenary. 3) If someone fires at you disconnect to get away. If you know where the guy is, connect to different server and go to a location behind him, then reconnect to same server and kill him. 4) If your still struggling make yourself invisible, other players will only hear your footsteps. 5) If a player is too far away teleport to his location. 6) If your still struggling cause your a real noob get a wallhack that shows everyones location, tent location etc. Doesnt get much easier than that! Enjoy! /sarcasm off
  13. Im so sick of dying by EXPLOITERS and HACKERS that I either need to quit or I need to buy a hack to stay alive! But using a hack is boring as it doesnt take any skill! It doesnt matter how stealthy, or tactically good you are at this game, YOU WILL DIE by a hacker eventually! EVERYONE WILL DIE BY A HACKER! Even the hackers will die by a hacker! Now we have leaderboards so expect the hackers to increase in numbers! It is possible to fix the exploits but you can never rid the game of hackers. And because this game has perma-death, hackers have a bigger effect on the game than other games. Basically the effort you put in to stay alive just isnt worth it and becomes pointless! Hackers not only know where you are on the map, they know what item you have in your hand, what loot your carrying, where your tent is, where your vehicle is. Hackers armed with also being able to spawn directly behind you makes them even more deadly. I guess stopping players being able to spawn within 100 meters of another player would help alot but I dont expect that to be added to the game anytime soon. If it does then i may play in the future but I really cant see this game surviving when hackers on the rise are just pissing every decent player off!
  14. Last few days I am getting killed more and more by invisible players! Let me be more clear..... I hear footsteps near me and see doors opening by themselves. This was happening mostly in airfield buildings. My first conclusion I had is that players are invisible for awhile when they spawn. Now for this to mainly happen in airfields suggests players are camping in a building and server hopping for the best loot. But now I see player names outside who are there for a few minutes but can't see anyone. I don't think it's just new spawns, there must be another reason why there skin is not showing.
  15. BossFi

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Tent cities are back already, duping tents is easier now. Placing a tent then moving also duplicates a tent on server restart. Loot not saving properly in tents either. So tent wipe was totally pointless last time.
  16. BossFi

    ESP Hack - Undetectable

    This type of hack would explain everything suspicious that has happening to me by a bandit who plays on Norway 2 server. Too many odd things happening to just be a coincedence.
  17. Those that dont want side chat give them the option to turn it off. Too boring without it when playing solo.
  18. BossFi

    Be more fun if I knew who killed me.

    This should always be enabled as .. 1) would help to identify hackers. 2) may help reduce those lame players who only kill for fun and camp the coast. Knowing their player name might put some players off from doing it.
  19. Did what rocket said . packed up tents, put my loot in truck. After I pitched 2 tents, then decided to move them. I pitched another tent so I had 3 tents and filled them all with loot. Not sure if the server restarted at some point but all my tents are empty and the duplicate tents are back. I have 5 tents now! All empty! :@:@:@:@:@:@
  20. OK this is seriously bad! I need to post this in bugs...... When I pick up a packed tent from the ground, 10 seconds later another one appears on the ground. I presume this may happen with picking any loot up as well?. Duplicate loot and tents is 100x times worse now!!
  21. 1) I pitched a empty tent and saved it. 2) I packed the tent and pitch the tent in a different place. 3) I keep filling the tent with loot over a few hours and save each time. 4) Server restarts sometime later. 5) I see a duplicate empty tent appeared in the original place as well as my new tent. 6) I pack the duplicate tent. 7) I notice my new tent is empty. I know its a bug as I have other tents in same location which I didnt move and they still had all their loot including NVG goggles etc. At a guess the old duplicate empty tent is overwriting the database entry for the new tent. *Current installed version: Happens since on v1.7.1 ( never tried earlier version ) *Server(s): Happens on any server *Timeline of events before/after error: Server was restarted then duplicate tents appeared.