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About MucchoBalls

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MucchoBalls

    To the Owners of US 2037

    You're just verbally attacking anyone disagreeing your opinion. Are you friends with the accused admin(s)? If so, you could just as well help them get those logs posted. I don't want to judge people from this amount of information, but it sure doesnt help anyone to get a grip of this if you just blast off to everyone.
  2. On server UK 11 Machoman, Asylum-something got kicked out due violation of restricted script #54. Right after that, other Asulym memeber announces 2 minutes until server restart. Don't know if this really is anything but asking anyway. This happened 3 minutes prior this post.
  3. MucchoBalls

    I think I killed an admin...

    What beats alt+f4!... Ban them bandits!
  4. So my 2 cents for sharing funny moments. I had just been driven over by my derping friend (out of boredom) so i figured i have 15 minutes to wait until he can come and pick me up from elektro, where i spawned. And that led me to do kind of an childish attempt of overly abusing greed. So i switched server into a +40 player one, looted a m1911 with 2 clips, and ran to the store. I aggroed some Z's on the way, looted 1 more clip for my pistol and shot 2 clips empty inside the store. The sound of shots and running zombies should draw attention from anyone inside the city. Trap was triggered. I crouched behind the last set of shelves, listening close for incoming players. With those 2 clips i finished most of the Z's, and the Z's around the shop would aggro if someone tried to get in. After only 2 minutes, i hear zombies moan, and footsteps from the back of the store. I wait until the steps stop, pinpointing the location of the guy (on the corner next to doors, "behind" counter). I lean to look from behind the shelf and see a guy with akm, totally oblivious. From the looks of it he's not here to try and help to clear remaining zombies. Clip later im looting his corpse, taking akm, 1 food, 1 water and 2 bandages, and leaving rest laying. I go back to behind the shelves. Next guy came in 5 minutes later, going straight for the body and alike fortune met his fate. He didnt have much besides winch, but for the experiment he had to fall. I was getting bored of mindless slaughter, so the 3rd guy who came in 10 minutes after the first kill got a special treatment. I was a little bit open so he could see me (he had only a hatchet), and i told him to loot the corpses, and get away. I stated that i got best loots from the bodies already, and i don't care about the rest. Well, the guy takes a pistol i left into one of the bodies, readies it and tries to shoot me. Fast burst takes him down, i feel kind of sad for that behaviour. Now, i was about ready to get off the server and meet up with my friend, when 4th guy runs in. Again, no items on him, and i let him loot the corpses. He picks up winch, and we share few words, enough to trust eachother for now. Zombies start running in waves, he shoots with Winchester and i cover with AKM. We fight side to side, confronting the threat in unity. We emerge victorious, but he's ran out of bullets and i have half clip left in AKM. After the fight i ask of him if he wants to team up, or to leave. I get no response. I tell him about the pistol in the 3rd body, and that i killed them all in the name of the experience. Adrenaline still pumping in my veins, i start to get suspicious. The guy havent really replied anything besides asking for painkillers, and his behaviour changes a bit. You know, into the one, where you start to keep your eyes on the other guy, while trying to get out of his vision, trying to fade away. I've met this kind of trickery before, and i know what it means. I tell him one last time to leave, but he's not responding, and continues to evade my attention. I have to make the decision, and i flank through the shelfs to get infront of him. He freezes as he's faced with the cold, black gun staring at him. One second, two seconds of silence, then, as the flavour of the day is, this mischievous bastard gets to be the 4th victim of the shophousetrap of horror. I walk away from the store. Those victims and nearly all the necessities to survive outside, and to journey to NW. I feel glad to walk away from something i thought will end up in my misery. Luckily each one of them we're solo, i can imagine how much more difficult it woulda been to survive a group of 3 or 4. My friend tells me he's around the hoods, so i hop the server and ride towards the sunset. Another dayz gone by.
  5. MucchoBalls


    Usually theres not much happening, but one time i was scouting it out for my group, and came across remains of 1v2 battlefield, where all 3 participants we're dead. Brought a gaz over and got nice set of snipers, ammo and utility <3. Besides corpses loot was shit lul.
  6. MucchoBalls

    Raging clusterfuck

    I got to the point where i felt the same. Now i got better thrills trying to survive player encounters as friendly :D
  7. MucchoBalls

    Looking for a group.

    *Bump* Don't bother thinking im kind of a scam, im not that much into metagaming.
  8. MucchoBalls

    Looking for a group.

    So im somewhat tired of playing with friends, it's fun and all but sucks to try to make anything worthwhile when someone always is failing, dying, bugging or afking. I want something more organized. I've been playing dayz for about a month, been running up and down the map, driving every vehicle there is out there. I've used snipers, rifles, pistols and machineguns with good accuracy. I've engaged people in and out of cities in pvp like manner, usually thriumphing, even against 1v2 or 1v3 situations. All that said, i don't think like im the shit, or anything like that. What my biggest asset is probably having IRL military training as teamleader, which makes it easy for me to think and plan while under fire. Pref +18, am 23 myself. I also have huge cójones, if you know what i mean. Like the text, or like the balls, hit me up! Steam: Naapuri3 Edit: Gmt +2 or around pref.