I was very confused and forgot to take a screenshot, but three days ago my mates, me and I think the hole serverpopulation have been teleportet to the north western forest of the map and were shooted. A friend survived and got a little later portet again, he finally died. I couldn't say who was a bandit, hacker ore casual player...was a total mess and I just ran out of sight (died later starving in the woods..the blurr effect...that was hillarious -.- Server: de #897 gmt-something (sorry..it was very late..or early) Is there a List of "dangerous servers? would feel better^^ Later I joined the server again and spawned near Electro...ran ..found a crate on the shore^^ I couldnt believe I found a L85A2, lots of DMR, STANAG (...) ammo and some sort of sniper rifle I dont remember..made a hole lot of noise I dont think that this occures randomly? Or was I just lucky?