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About Fairuza

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    On the Coast

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  1. Fairuza buggy?

    The Debug Monitor can be put back on the screen via Game Options. But still the icons are buggy from time to time. After relogg it apears correct (sometimes). I logged in yesterday on the airfield with no debug monitor and constant green icons. Suddenly I lost 6k HP and afterwards 10 HP every few seconds. Dont know if I maybe was shooted with a pistol or maybe starved..after bandaging the bleeding continued so I relogged and found myself truly starving. If starving, do you loose this ammount of HP (like 6k HP)? Or did I really got shot?
  2. I was very confused and forgot to take a screenshot, but three days ago my mates, me and I think the hole serverpopulation have been teleportet to the north western forest of the map and were shooted. A friend survived and got a little later portet again, he finally died. I couldn't say who was a bandit, hacker ore casual player...was a total mess and I just ran out of sight (died later starving in the woods..the blurr effect...that was hillarious -.- Server: de #897 gmt-something (sorry..it was very late..or early) Is there a List of "dangerous servers? would feel better^^ Later I joined the server again and spawned near Electro...ran ..found a crate on the shore^^ I couldnt believe I found a L85A2, lots of DMR, STANAG (...) ammo and some sort of sniper rifle I dont remember..made a hole lot of noise I dont think that this occures randomly? Or was I just lucky?