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About Jangowuzhere

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That is a terrible idea. For one, how do you know that the majority of hackers and snipers are under 18? Also, what about the people who are under 18 that DON'T hack or sniper. It's okay if they get the short end of the stick?
  2. Jangowuzhere

    Can an M107 take out a Helicopter?

    Oh, I didn't know that. I thought the only AM in the game was the AS50.
  3. So I logged Into Day Z today and I was on a roof in Cherno. The whole city was a warzone, gun fire was being shot all around and two helicopters were flying around the city. One of the helis was hovering in the air not to far from me. So...for fun, I tried shooting at it with my M107 sniper rifle. I was aiming for one of guys in the gunners seat. I fired once at the chopper, I missed the gunner but hit the chopper. I fire again and I miss the gunner again, but I hit the chopper again and this time the choppers engine basically dies out. A second later the heli starts plummeting to the ground and I hear a loud explosion. I was all like Can the M107 do that?