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Everything posted by Tyrtaeus

  1. I totally agree with this. Having died a few times because of being unable to find anything to drink (even in several low and medium yield loot spots), and being near a water pump, its very frustrating :S
  2. Tyrtaeus

    Last Resistance - Needs More

    Steam Username: DestructiveGoose Age: 17 You must have a mic: Yes Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Not for Dayz, but a number of other games, yes Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Loot Sharing?
  3. Tyrtaeus

    Starting a group

    EDIT: Nvm
  4. Tyrtaeus

    Location help?

    Relatively new player, can anyone tell me where this is: And if there's any chance of morphine being relatively close? You see, I've broken my leg and crawling is terribly tedious. Is it worth just ending it all? :blink: Thanks