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Everything posted by Lord_Arawn

  1. Lord_Arawn

    Flare Gun

    Haven't progressed in Arma2 to know if one exists... but a suggestion would be to have the item in DayZ. Sometimes you want to iluminate an area for a short while, but you dont want the flare stuck on the ground, fire one off into the air, and certain direction, you iluminate the area to get an idea what's around, without lighting yourself up like a christmas tree yourself. I think the item and it's effect talks for itself... i hope.
  2. Lord_Arawn

    Looking for UK survivors.

    I'm looking for a UK group to roam with. 27, UK, previously played Op Flashpoint when it came out, didn't get into Arma1, but now into Arma2 thanks to this mod. Not looking at joining a dedicated guild, just grouping with players in DayZ for like minded people who like the survival element to this mod, raiding, a base of operations... etc. steam ID: Lord Arawn