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About WarhammerZeus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

  2. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    -thanks for the example - another example of mean spirited people. btw i have people to play with but most guys are sick of this mod already. didnt take long before i was also. im not elitist either, im a grown man, i just dont like the nastiness. i only dislike purposefully mean spirited people. thats all. all you ranting haters go ahead and hate i could care less. its all mediocre bs
  3. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    is there a thread for adult gamers and locked servers?
  4. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

  5. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    don't worry i don't play anymore. too many glitches too many a holes. but if there is a adult group who plays maybe ill have a go. this mod could have been cool but lowest common denominator always wins i guess. if your replying to this thread to argue you can feel confident knowing your part of this group.
  6. WarhammerZeus

    friendly server

    Killing everone else is "insert half brained pseudo-psycho babble here". If you dont know what he means by being unfair then its because your one of those creeps also. the fact that you need to keep defending yourself is proof you know you suck. face it running around killing people in the game is nothing like real life. in real life even in the wild west, you got caught. in the game you cant and dont. in rl there arent people from all over the world spawning into a small area killing then disappearing. its unbalanced and unplayable and if it isnt evened out, this mod will be dead in a 3 months. face it its going to be only bandits vs bandits and then the mod is no longer a survival game.
  7. WarhammerZeus

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    I think the people playing this mod are mostly nasty mean people. No tactics no team play just spawn kill spawn kill repeat. Ive played OFP Arma and Arma2 and Ive been playing dayz for a while. Its just not enjoyable for most arma2 fans. Its really the nastiest most childish people Ive ever encountered. If this mod doesn't do something to make these people leave the community, they will achieve the goal they are setting for themselves- to irritate the existing community so bad they stop playing the game all together. Its the same with any fps game. These "people" find any trick to make it unpleasant to others. they don't care about score, tactics immersion, anything. 9000 new players and not a one of them has anything to offer but grief. To any of the people im speaking about- Your dubious achievement of upsetting people is a really sad and pathetic one. Anyone can irritate, and you cannot measure your success. Try doing something like reach a high score or use teamwork to overcome short term and long term goals. Being a sad little bully in a tiny little fishbowl is pathetic. Now begin hating me with original comments such as "butt hurt" "fag" and "call the waaaaaaaambulance".