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Everything posted by Warped_Jack

  1. Warped_Jack

    Friendly mode

    I don't see the problem with a PvE option. If people really want it, have it. It shouldn't have anything less or extra than the normal game (because NO to balancing just for PvE, it's a pain*.) To be honest, I just feel people on those servers are really missing out on the 'meat' of what makes DayZ such a great game to play. Once you're over the "OMG ITS TEH ZOMBIE 'POCALYSPE WHADDA I DO?" (which is great, at first) things boil down a lot more to tactical planning of where and when you want to loot, all to avoid/encounter players (depending on playstyle). Remove PvP, and you lose player options, as well as 95% of the tension DayZ has as a game. Anyway, I've seen "friendly" servers on the list for awhile now. How they enforce such a thing, I have no clue. As long as any characters that log in there can't be transferred to a proper server, I'm fine with it. I just won't be there. *I suppose an initial rebalance, MAYBE could be worked out. For example, PvE servers, all zombies have twice the health, or you have a greater chance of being knocked out/status effect'd. BUT really I'd want that to be a global change anyway, because the zombie apocalypse should be a goddamn harsh world to survive in. Anyway, I've already thrown in slightly more than the 2 cents I planned to, so I'll cut it here before retreading already stated points. This topic is definitely one of the many dead horses being flogged across the forum at current.
  2. Warped_Jack

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Found this thread after googling threads specifically looking at randomising/changing the way loot spawns work. I like most of these ideas a lot. I'm... Unsure what people seem to have against extra PvE content. It will in no way detract from any PvP experience, that is, unless you're a cherno/electro camper. Randomised events, finding something 'new' and general "WTF happened here" moments are just as thrilling in this game (well, to me at least) as any player encounter, whether it be a firefight or a tense passing of characters in an airfield without shooting each other down. The only thing I might add (which is really superfluous since any extra content would be sure to be fine tuned at a later time anyway) would be to include a degree of extra player options when they come across an unusual event. Say, for example, that that passing military convoy comes past, and rather than stalk it to a suitable ganking location, you opt to get ahead of it, stand by the road and salute/wave it down. Now you can join the convoy, and are tasked with making sure it reaches its target location safely (A big city, or an airfield, say). You'd have to help clear zeds along the path etc etc, but the real point here is now if any other players intercept, you may well be thrown into a fight with them, depending on how they react. PvE players get their content, survivors and explorers have something out of the ordinary to react to, and last but not least, PvPers have a new angle to tackle players from. Ganking a player manned, NPC aided convoy sounds like fun Oh and naturally, if the player who takes the "IMMA HELP OUT" route succeeds, they get a nice big gun/kit/ammo/supplies to choose from, with appropriate 'balancing' I suppose to be decided.
  3. Warped_Jack

    Press "Space" to continue

    Definitely. Not needed, but would be a really nice little feature.
  4. People kill because they get bored. yes, survival works better in groups, up to a point where you know you can trust everyone in the group. A group too big you might find someone double crosses you, or keeps loot for themselves. For that reason, some players with decent gear prefer to play it safe, not trust a guy with no gear at all, and sometimes kill them. Why is it necessary to kill them? The same reason you should DEFINITELY be able to kill players even if they have no gear. An ungeared player could still have geared up friends he's spotting for. This happens for real. It's a dirty trick, but one to watch out for. So yes, while killing ungeared players constantly is pretty dumb in my opinion, if an ungeared player starts following my geared-up ass around, I get suspicious. Also, I'm in the bandits-should-be-indistinguishable-from-survivors camp to be honest. The tension is greater when you don't know who to trust (and don't shoot on sight)
  5. Warped_Jack

    Make Dayz Harder! Part B: Zombies

    Zombies with melee weapons doesn't seem all that unlikely to me. It died with a crowbar in its hand, and just hasn't released that grip yet. There's no obligatory reason why it should. Zombies with guns is a little less believable... If you take the argument that it was a guy who died with a gun in his hand, then it's kind of the same idea as above. But the gun should only go off by chance, misfire even. Say, the zombie hits you while holding a pistol, and that causes the pistol to go off. Could miss, could kill the zombie, could kill you.
  6. They could start us with a fort and a pile of guns, but that'd skip over the initial panic of having nothing too, so, I disagree.
  7. My thinking was zombie apocalypse -> contaminated water supplies Possibly a tenuous link, but feasible? Think bodies in water sources etc
  8. Warped_Jack

    Kill more zeds & get more revarded

    If/when zombie spawning is fixed so it's possible to clear out a section of town to do a 'safe sweep' so to speak, then I'll be doing this kind of thing anyway. Kill all zombies in the way, then move into the town to loot. At the moment, it's pretty ridiculous as the spawns never end, rendering even trying this pointless, BUT once fixed, there's your reward. This way it's less "QUEST: Kill 50 Zombies - Completed! Pickup ammo reward" and more "Okay, town's clear, let's move in" A surprisingly subtle difference really, but an important one for that all important 'immersion'.
  9. Warped_Jack

    This gun?

    Bit presumptuous there. Pretty certain not everyone checks the wiki immediately to check out the stats on their new gun; so there's no guarantee that a player who finds a hacked in weapon has any idea it's not legit. ... heh, ninja'd
  10. Warped_Jack

    Are there still friendly Survivor?

    There's plenty of friendly survivors around still. Myself can the couple of friends I was playing with at the time found an ATV in the middle of Berezino. Some guy appeared, we said not to shoot and lowered our guns, and he turned around and gave us some guns / showed us his hideout. Gotta say, pretty brave of the guy in all honesty. He was seriously outgunned, and at no point did any backup on his side become apparent. Another time in the NE airfield, we were heading from the control tower down to the hangers. Hugging the external wall, heard a soda can pop on the inside. Opened up voice chat, let the guy know we were outside and coming in, told him not to shoot etc. Cautiously entered (we only had his word that he was alone after all) and while the situation was a tense one, we passed by each other without incident. He carried up on to the control tower, while we did a brisk search of the hangers and went back to the forest. Of course that's two purely anecdotal events. Last night we had a bigger group of 6, and (stupidly) were all exploring the same barn in Kabanino, I think. I step out of the barn, and instantly get my head blown off. Two more of us go down pretty much straight after, a fourth and fifth not far behind. Our last guy takes out two of them before making it into the woods. No contact was made at any point, we'd just been completely caught off guard and lost appropriately.
  11. Warped_Jack

    Kill more zeds & get more revarded

    But you do get rewarded for killing zombies. Sometimes they have beans!
  12. Oooh good idea. Perhaps include ability to drink from water sources, but then also include water purification tablets? Water directly drunk from a pool or pump is impure, even if placed in a canteen. Adding water purification tablets to the canteen, or even boiling it over water would make it safe to drink. Drinking impure water could restore the thirst meter as much as clean water, but also includes a risk of infection
  13. Warped_Jack

    Stuck on loading on ALL private hive servers

    Hey, I had this problem last night. Got kicked off a private server with a "battleeye could not connect to client" error. Upon reconnecting, was stuck on loading screen. Try this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48723-official-1724-stuck-at-loading-screen/page__st__100#entry466607 Long story short, redownload the BE .dll files from here: http://www.battleye.com/download.html Reinstall your beta patch (I just reinstalled the one I already had) Try overwriting the DayZ weapon file in your addons folder with the one discussed in that topic. I restarted my machine, and then it worked. Good luck!