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Everything posted by Warped_Jack

  1. Warped_Jack

    What exactly happens to you body after you die?

    I think you just said that your body was still there on a server a day later...? Well, if so, that's possible. It just means it hadn't restarted in that time frame and no one had hid your body yet.
  2. Log out/log back in, see if you have gear again. If not, keep on chugging, you'll either find a new bag or die trying (and then should respawn with it)
  3. Warped_Jack

    I don't normally hack...but

  4. Warped_Jack

    Survivor dafe camp?

    One form of play style should not be rewarded over another. There is already a perfect balance risk/reward ratio for banditry and survivor play. Survivors who don't shoot on sight can offer to trade, work together, and generally help other survivors along. There is after all, generally strength in numbers. The risk is putting yourself out there, when you may get shot or double crossed. On the other hand, bandits shoot first, take what they need, maybe ask questions later. (Or ask questions, make demands, and shoot if necessary, but whatever) Obviously the risk here is getting shot back, or other bandits. Plus, within a city or town, the zombies being attracted to your shots. Unless you already have a group, shooting on sight limits your trade and cooperative options; and unless you get lucky with a survivor you kill having what you need, you might be waiting awhile on a rare item, eg antibiotics or similar. Safe havens favour one play style over another, and that's not a good idea. Plus, as stated, as soon as a survivor leaves the safe zone, have fun losing your newly traded goods.
  5. Hahaha Oh, them First World Problems
  6. Warped_Jack

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    Hold the i key in game, it brings up a scoreboard. In the headerline of the scoreboard, it has the server name. You'll want the first few letters/numbers, eg LU188 or something. ... Slow at typing this morning it seems
  7. Warped_Jack

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I think we can do more than just removing the zombies. I might still get killed by players, barn doors, falling from heights greater than one metre, or laying down on rocks. And then I have to either run aaaaalllll the way back to my body, or start over. And that sucks. nerf barn doors and pointy rocks plz also gravity
  8. Warped_Jack

    Rope ladders ?

    If server hopping is fixed, this is a really cool idea. Actually, regardless, this is a pretty cool idea. Hiding from someone on the same rooftop, and they're blocking the only way down? Not anymore! Make an escape or get surprise backup, I like it.
  9. Warped_Jack

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    This. Plus, other than for the purposes of this game mechanic, since when does a dog care about if a guy has killed other humans or not? As long as the 'owner' keeps feeding it and treating it well, it has no reason to stop following commands.
  10. Warped_Jack

    Make the nights brighter!!!

    But you aren't using them as intended. It gives you an ideal "set brightness until this standarised box shows on your screen in your current lighting" and that is what the intended amount of lighting is meant to be. If they meant everyone to play at max gamma, max brightness, they'd set it to that by default.
  11. Warped_Jack

    Jet powered rocket pants

    If it helps me not break my legs after dropping 1m off some stairs in a barn, I'm pro the idea :beans:
  12. Warped_Jack

    Make the nights brighter!!!

    Some people like the darkness of night. You can probably find a nearby server running on daytime times. Also, running holding a glowstick helps a little, torches/flares if you feel like letting the server know where you are.
  13. Warped_Jack

    Remove starter backpack?

    Keep bandage but lose painkillers? personally I always have painkillers on my person, but not bandages. /minor nitpick ... having said that, I carry those painkillers in my backpack... FFFFFFUUU
  14. Warped_Jack

    CPU survivors

    No. NPCs in this game should have some clear purpose and add something new to the game. NPC survivors would simply act as lootable zombie kills. It adds no sense of extra immersion, because every player is a survivor wandering the land already. I see no sense in this, except an easy way to get half decent loot.
  15. Warped_Jack

    Remove starter backpack?

    The less we start with the better the feeling when you do get anything, so I'm a yes for this. Make the current starting bag, and the 6-slot pouch more common to make up for it. At the moment that 6 pouch is completely useless, and only gets used if you misclick, and the game glitches your old bag into oblivion.
  16. Indeed. EVE only keeps you around if you have an aggression timer anyway. Also, if I suddenly have to go answer the door/other real life event and log out, I don't want to be sat around like a dick just because I had single zombie within 500m of me (Do you even have an idea how far that is!)
  17. Warped_Jack

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Okay, okay, I have to agree the skills/stats idea does push boundaries more towards RP gameplay than strictly survival. That's not an MMO thing by the way, more games have done it for far longer. It adds an extra dynamic to explore and expand your character, past just getting the best gear (which, incidentally is also a BIG MMO dynamic, but you seem 'kay with that?). But fine, you don't want that, because it feels like the wrong direction for DayZ. You still haven't said why though, just saying. Other than URGH MMO URUGHH NO you haven't really made a point. Really, what is wrong with character development? My point about Minecraft NPCs is that it should be a lesson that they need to be intelligently implemented with a clear purpose. So I'm definitely not up for random NPCs wandering about doing nothing. If they're there, they're there for a reason, and they are interactable. NOT as quest givers, or traders, or some other random thing, but as entities you can choose to either kill, protect or even use as bait. Minecraft did none of that, and it was a total waste of time, but that doesn't mean all npcs in any sandbox EVER is a waste of time, that's a ridiculous sentiment. And here you kind of make a point, then screw yourself. So none of these events should happen, because it shouldn't be possible in-game to find out about them? Because no one has mobile phones to be like "OH HEY, GUY, SAW SOME MILITARY DOODS, LET'S GANK 'EM" then it shouldn't happen? WEEELLL this game is already meta'd the fuck out of. Simply using an online map, or the wiki, or this forum, classes as some level of meta. THEN the fact you claim this kind of activity should stick to clans? Oh so you use teamspeak or skype? So effectively, that's equivalent to all of your characters having phones/radios simultaneously, all of the time. You can't really claim that's okay, but other events happening isn't "COS REALISM"; your argument just doesn't hold. Plus, radios are already implemented to some degree, they could be used as link to server wide events. No meta needed. In summary, you can have events, and keep the realism. It's what I want too bro. None of the suggestions in this thread are perfect, but shooting ideas down won't help. Plus, I play with friends, and I guess that makes us our own sort of clan sort of, but I don't feel like there should be a monopoly on events if you're a clan. Lone wolves and small groups play this game too, miscellaneous shit happening to mix things up a bit should be available for everyone.
  18. Warped_Jack

    Friendly mode

    I really want to claim CCP do this for EVE online.... But it would be a lie. It's true, even with a game such as EVE, where non-consensual* PvP is the norm, the PvEers are pretty heavily catered for**. So yeah, I've nothing to add really, I think we practically have the same point of view. A standardised letter for all PvE players would be great though. Perhaps something like... "Hi there PvEer! Sorry to hear you aren't enjoying the game how you like to play it. By simply switching to a PvP server you'll have instant access to many great features such as: - Personal gear and loot protection schemes! Want to protect your precious loot from being stolen by thieving players? Now you can use that gun in your hands to stop that thief in his tracks! Stop him dead! - Player run courier system! Feeling hungry or thirsty? Running low on ammo for your guns? On our PvP servers, all players are meatsack-ammo-bins for your personal benefit! This service is constantly live, and constantly dynamic! To enable this service, simply approach a player with your gun drawn, and then pull the trigger. This converts that player from his mobile transport state, to his prone 'lootable' state. Keep pulling that trigger until flies erupt from his body, and you've got yourself a brand new lootsack at your feet. Happy looting! CAUTION: Becoming a meatsack-ammo-bin is a non-optional prerequisite of joining a PvP server. Better be on your toes! - Fair loot redistribution service! No longer will you have to worry about being killed by Zombies, only to have some other non-deserving nearby player come along and loot your stuff before you can reclaim it. In PvP servers, you'll get killed by other players! Now you needn't worry about that dastardly non-deserving player nicking your loot on the sly; players will kill him too! When the carnage is over, the victorious player will grab the worthwhile scraps from your shattered remains, before running into the woods and eating your beans. Fair gains for fair rewards, better luck next time! We hope to see you make use of these features, on a PvP server near you! Love, The DayZ Team" (I am of course, in no way affiliated to the DayZ dev team, BUT IF I WAS...) *While people see it as non-consensual, it's actually consensual from the moment they hit the undock button... ** Cue a carebear to come and tell me how CCP does nothing to protect his Hulk from suicide ganks..
  19. Warped_Jack

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Link plz. Seen a couple interviews, but none that are anti events (thus far). Class system, yeah, can see why that has some drawbacks and would drive the game in a more RP direction than a survival one, but I'm certain I HAVE seen him intending to add more 'end-game' content. Also, chill. These are suggestions, not demands. I like DayZ as it is, but extra, well thought out content rarely hurts.
  20. Warped_Jack

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    Perhaps, but I imagine the growling should happen at fairly close range. If you're already that close to someone, and they get startled by the dog, I think you still have the upper hand of both surprise, and you have an attack dog the moment you open fire (if you choose to). I think it'd be definitely enough to encourage someone to drop their shit and run at the very least. Also to OP, great idea
  21. Warped_Jack

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    But srsly. Why is change so bad? Give me a good reason why more content is a bad thing. Seriously.
  22. Warped_Jack

    Friendly mode

    Gotta disagree here. I'm not pro/anti PvE servers as long as they don't allow easy farming for server hoppers. BUT - those PvE mechanics, like the loot protection from thieves - should not be included. It woudn't happen in reality. PvEers want a PvE experience with no way to protect their shit? They can get a PvE experience with no way to protect their shit. The point we start artificially protecting loot spawns and god knows what else just because someone got there first is a terrible, terrible day for this mod. So, as I've said before, I don't think ANY mechnics should be added for pve other than FF off. I think players will quickly see the bonus to PvP this way too. And then the "gotta include more stuff to do" argument kind of fails, because that content could also be used in the main game, and that's a good thing.
  23. Warped_Jack

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    So, adding content will ruin the game? Also, your only argument for not adding any NPC interaction is "it will become WarZ!" Errrm... no? WarZ so far promises a variety of very MMO elements, many of which are NOT included as ideas for this mod (and they shouldn't be). Having a few similar elements is not necessarily a bad thing. So is there any other reason not to include NPCs? Also you take the common minecraft comparison. Minecraft added NPCs, and it was pointless. Totally pointless. It's taken months for them even to implement some sort of trading with the NPCs. That's cool and everything, and a lot of people whined about the NPCs then as well. But, being a sandbox, you have no requirement to interact with said NPCs anyway. Even when first pointlessly implemented, Minecraft didn't spontaneously combust and stop being a fun sandbox game. Re: Clans - of course playing with people opens up more options to you. Surely adding more content also adds options for them too? (Both intended, and perhaps not intended) More content = more player options = more chances to be imaginative, surely? Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but it does seem a lot of people are anti PvE content, just because it has a PvE label
  24. This is very idealistic, but I like the idea, especially the having to spawn on islands and get to the coast and boat/copter/swim out to move islands. Coasts will become even more dangerous IMO, and I fully expect we'd end up with a popular island with ever-so-slightly better/easier to obtain spawns which attracts a lot of PvP attention (and that's a good thing). Patrolled/camped coasts sound like a lot of fun, it'll be just like gatecamps in EVE, except over a larger area and hopefully with more action
  25. Warped_Jack

    DAY "Z"...dont you mean DAY "PVP".......

    More like "DayZ: HACKED TO DEATH" amirite? Let's all let all the QQ out right now. Let it go. And breathe