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Everything posted by Warped_Jack

  1. ... This ^^ Open up Arma OA, play on Armex. It's basically a free roam with a bunch of vehicles you can mess around with. With friends as well if you wish.
  2. Then you're screwing over 2/3 players then. Point is, you're still potentially screwing someone over by having some sort of illegitimate advantage, so that's why it's not okay.
  3. You would still have had some effect on those in the unpopulated servers though. Screwing over 10 people (accidentally or not) rather than screwing over 50 still leaves you screwing over 10 people.
  4. Well, even something like spawning in a vehicle is going to have an effect on your environment. Even if it was a busted one that needed repairs, you were artificially increasing demand for vehicle components, perhaps actively going out looting player camps or industrial sites which other players (with legit vehicles) also would have been looking for. For example, imagine a group needing a windowscreen for their legit car, which you took to repair yours. Seems minor, but they now have to keep looking, might even have died trying. In a roundabout way, it would be kind of your fault they were in that position. Even the smallest things can change your environment, and thus the interactions other players have with it also.
  5. Warped_Jack

    character bound per server?

    This already happens in private hives. When a server is down for a bit, start a new character on another hive, or go back to the main hive for a bit knowing you're still doing your bit to provide all that information the devs need to improve the game. Also, private hives do give you some hacker protection in the form of restarts and rolebacks being possible when everyone gets script-killed. (Which you can do in hive servers, it just won't do any good. Your character is still dead on the hive) Plus you avoid ghosting, server hopping etc etc
  6. You do all realise non-hive private servers do this all the time right? Had this guy done this stuff privately with friends, wouldn't have been a problem. It'd be a nice thing to see the ability to do this legitimately (think, GTA free mode, or playing a Valve game through Garry's Mod) included in the final release. Nothing to work on urgently, (since if you know how you could set it up now really) but in the future maybe. OP, you did make a pretty massive mistake thinking you could do it on public, BE protected servers though. If everyone was playing by the same rules, would have been okay, but as it wasn't, then nope. I'm sure there's a private hive community out there who is pro RP and mod the game to do so, and who deliberately don't run BE to avoid getting themselves globally banned. Then, when they switch to normal hive games, play legit.
  7. Warped_Jack

    Night-time playing without NVG

    I don't know, having them there but very rare is quite nice. I've never found a pair, only one person I know has at all in fact. Once off a dead player, and once as actual loot. Given the dead player also had a lot of what you might consider "the hackers' standard" that's only one pair we've found (for certain) legitimately. Having one player in a group have them I think isn't so bad. Or as an amazing upper hand to any lone wolf, bandit or otherwise.
  8. Warped_Jack

    Night-time playing without NVG

    Erm. Nightime is meant to be dark. So surely not using the gamma "workaround" removes some of the atmosphere. It does in my opinion anyway. But yeah, chemlights all the way. Once you've played for a bit and seen someone running around with their torch on, you'll know just how ridiculously visible you are from a very large distance away. Same goes for flares, use both at your discretion. If you're a fresh spawn with no chemlights, I'd recommend using the torch once you hit the main coast road to read the first sign you find to get your bearings. (Have the torch off until that point; roads are easy to find in the dark due to the white lines being slightly visible, and the fact they sound like road to walk on) Then once you've picked a direction to head in, torch back off, run in as straight a line you can in the direction you were facing. Use the torch every so often to reorientate/check any buildings you pass through, and then turn it back off again. Ideally you'll want to find chemlights ASAP, and quit using that torch as soon as you can. Alllsooo it's worthy to note that while chemlights have a range beyond which their "glow" can no longer be seen, the stick itself is still visible from any range (that I've tested). Anyone watching a town or the woods with a keen eye and a scope could probably see the little blue dot moving around. Just a heads up, or rather something to be aware of. (I've not been caught due to it yet anyway)
  9. Warped_Jack

    really starting to piss me off....

    This topic - no wait, topics
  10. Warped_Jack

    Please help me find a good gaming pc Read.

    You are the epitome of the need-it-right-now generation. Time to settle down and start saving!
  11. Warped_Jack

    Is this a good enough pc?

    It has a 1TB HD already. You'll take a performance hit when FRAPsing mind.
  12. Warped_Jack

    Is this a good enough pc?

    Looks like it should be fine, but probably not on max settings.
  13. Warped_Jack

    20 rules of DayZ

    Kind of related to previous comments about surveying a town from a distance to see if zombies have spawned. If you leave the trees and find yourself in a town unexpectedly (it happens), and zombies are about, check how spaced out they are. Should they be all grouped together, walking out of enterable buildings (especially residential log cabins I've noticed), it usually means they're freshly spawned, and you're the only one around in this part of town.
  14. I think while you can launch six launcher through steam, the game is a new .exe instance which steam doesn't recognise as running through it. (So you just appear online, not in a game. And thus have no overlay still) However, if you insist on using six launcher: - Open six launcher, verify etc and find server. - Open steam. - Open internet browser, go to http://arma2.swec.se/server/list and find the server you wish to join. Copy its IP address. - Close six launcher, close chrome, launch DayZ in Steam. - Connect to server via IP using in game mutliplayer menu. (Click 'remote') Seems long winded, actually takes about 30seconds. Alternatively, put up with it / put weight on W key. You should also know that using the overlay trick is an exploit, not a feature.
  15. Warped_Jack

    will my laptop run this game

    Run it in a low resolution and optimise for performance, and you should be fine. Expect it to look a bit like an N64 game though
  16. Warped_Jack

    1 more for the good guys.

    Kinda doubt it was the same guy. +1 morally grey kill in the apocalypse more like.
  17. Warped_Jack

    Let Us Drink Seawater!

    Good job reading the OP Slowclap
  18. Warped_Jack

    Low FPS and mouse help

    I run the game in a silly-low resolution. Native is 1440x900, I run it at 67% of that or something, then with everything on low, and altered config file settings for better performance. It leaves the game looking like an N64 game, but it works
  19. Warped_Jack

    Let Us Drink Seawater!

    For this same reasoning leg breaking barn doors should remain in the game. (To allow a place for players who know in real life that barn doors break your legs if you close it on yourself.)
  20. Warped_Jack

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    So many poor examples of people who don't read past topic titles here And more still who don't understand satire how do you even get through the day?
  21. Warped_Jack

    Let Us Drink Seawater!

    Well, yeah. I'd be pro something like that. But it's not quite what the OP described.
  22. Warped_Jack

    Low FPS and mouse help

    I've a feeling it's not (entirely) your hardware. I run DayZ on a 5/6 year old laptop with similar settings to the ones your posted above. An old radeon ati X1600 mobility graphics card (256MB), 2GB of RAM and a 2GHz dual core processor. In the woods I get a decent frame rate 95% of the time, in towns it's slightly stuttery at times, but easily playable. Server choice plays a big role, mind. As stated previously, open up a game of Arma, tweak your settings there and see what works. DayZ performance is a little worse than Arma, so maybe aim low. If Arma runs fine, and DayZ doesn't, try other servers? Also, does your interface resolution match your native resolution?
  23. Warped_Jack

    Let Us Drink Seawater!

    Obligatory http://i.qkme.me/eb6.jpg Repeated tl;dr for OP: Drinking sea water is possible, it just makes you sick I love this idea, BUT, have you ever tried drinking sea water? It triggers a strong gag reflex. As such, I don't think realistically someone would run around drinking multiple canteens of this before realising it's a mistake. (Since really, you'd throw up)
  24. Warped_Jack

    People Leaving DayZ

    Re: Hackers I've been playing more frequently on non-hive servers. You still get the occasional hacker, but even if they aren't banned on the dot, there is usually a quick server reset to before they arrived. A pain, yes, but not nearly as much as it is on hive servers.
  25. Heh. It works like this. - Pick up ghillie suit. It shows as a brown package in your inventory labelled 'ghillie suit.' - Equip ghillie suit. - Your character is now wearing the ghillie suit. Your old clothes i.e. your old civilian clothing is now placed in a brown package in your inventory. It is labelled 'civilian clothing.' For clarity - You can ditch the civilian clothing if you like after you've changed. Unless you intend to change back, there is no need to keep it.