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Everything posted by bankst3r

  1. bankst3r

    Vehicle and tent questions???

    Oh man, I really hope you are right. I am trying since yesterday to get that tent working. Yesterday I saved twice, waited for the restart and it worked. Then I went to a "safe" location, pitched the tent, put some meat in it, saved twice and it didn't work. I am going to try the save once option. Can I log off right after saving or do I have to wait for 5 minutes? I have read somewhere you have to wait 5 minutes.
  2. bankst3r


    Ah Gumpnstein I just checked out your youtube vids. You have only around 2.5k subscribers?! I thought you were some kind of a big shot. No offense but if even you decide to give DayZ a negative review and all your subscribers will follow your recommendation I don't think (and I am just assuming here) that will have a negative impact on DayZ at all. What about those guys who are still having fun with DayZ in its current state including hackers, noobkillers, snipers, bugs etc and they have like 90k, 100k, 200k subscribers. Somehow I get the feeling you are pulling stuff out of the thin air...Is your BA even real?! Are you even 32?! o_O
  3. bankst3r


    You sure it doesn't have to do anything with schools and colleges etc starting again?
  4. bankst3r

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    So did you died? ;D
  5. bankst3r


    Hey, I came to DayZ because of youtube vids. So it should be 81% ( If we assume the numbers on the site are just a ruse and there are actually only 100 players in total ).
  6. bankst3r


    Doesn't work always. I have tried that while alt tabbing back into the game once the loading was done.
  7. bankst3r


    That's interesting. I didn't know that.
  8. bankst3r

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    This. I used to wonder why the cursor on my gf's netbook would jump around like crazy while typing. I haven't really touched the touchpad but apparently it was enough to just hover with your hand above it.
  9. bankst3r


    And there is your misunderstanding. This is not the BI forum. This is the rocket forum. Once the standalone is out and the official site is running and a mod being an official representative of BI seemingly "misbehaves" you are justified to complain. PS: This doesn't mean that I think the mods here are misbehaving. Actually I can totally see why they are fed up with people assuming this is something which it is not.
  10. bankst3r

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    I have heard of accidentally shooting your gun when you Alt tab. Actually I have even experienced it and it always scared me to death. The controls would also play crazy like running permanently although I am not pressing any key. The solution for this is to press escape before alt tabbing. But your problem seems to happen whenever you log into the game?
  11. bankst3r


    I get what you are trying to say and I also see why you are upset but your expectations are way too high. This mod is not a BI project. It belongs to Rocket, this site belongs to rocket. BI doesn't stand behind the mod. Only because of the mod they decided to offer Rocket a contract so he can officially develop a completely seperate DayZ as a BI project. I don't think they hired him to work during office hours on his mod. DayZ the mod is made and supported by Rocket. He is the PR department for the mod. BI has no say in this. Rocket could have gone to any other company with his mod. Of course now he is getting a bit of support from BI for the mod but it is still just his project. What if BI never hired him? What if he would still develop it without any connection to BI? Don't you think he would tell people to suck it if they are yelling at him? People have ridiculous expectations because they think this is a alpha release of a game with a big company behind it. But it is not. It's just one guy who might have some help now but still for nada dollars.
  12. bankst3r


    It's only logical that BI is going to demand of rocket & co to spend time and money on the standalone which is in their and our interest. The mod belongs to rocket and he already assured players that he will update it but who is seriously going to play the mod once the standalone has been released?
  13. bankst3r

    The Dayz Community in a nutshell.

    Replace DayZ with Gaming or better Internet. It always has been like that and it will be like that until the end of time. ;P
  14. That guy is indeed a hero. Very skilled player. I was really surprised at how confident he was. "I will go up to those 10.000 guys, ask them if they are friendly if not then I am going to kill them all." And then he went and did just that. But he is actually a hero for trying to be friendly, helping and avenging "bambis". ;D My goal is to become a hero but somehow I end up panicshooting other survivors who appear out of nowhere whenever I turn around. I need to buy a decent headset. =/
  15. Haha internet rage is for douches. On CoD some people would flame me via private messages because I dared to kill them repeatedly. The last internet gangsta was quite colorful with his profanities. So in the next game I swear I wasn't even looking for him whenever I fired my gun he ended up running right into my bullets. Not my fault but he thought otherwise and made it clear in his series of private messages. My standard reply is "lulz kk thx bye". Aaaand then he went nuts. ;D
  16. bankst3r

    Why Playing With Friends is Fun

    Verrry naaaiiiice. I am playing as a lone wolf for 30 min here or 1 hour there. Don't want to devote too much time to the game. For some reason I always think if I am going to play with other people it's going to take a lot of my time. Even in COD, people would send me friend invites, I would add them after a while but keep ignoring them when they wanted to play with me because I don't want to spend too much time in the game. I am WoW damaged, played it with friends and soon it was the only thing we would do in our freetime. Cost me a gf. I don't want to play that way again that's why I am avoiding MMORPGs. But it sounds fun to play DayZ with others. We'll see once the stand alone is out.
  17. bankst3r

    daytime/night time

    DayZ Commander gives the time which is mentioned in the server name, e.g. xxxx UTC+5. If a server admin changes the time without updating the server name then you might end up on a nighttime server although DayZ Commander says otherwise. This annoyed the hell out of me until I decided to check it in the FAQ of DayZ Commander
  18. bankst3r

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    Not really fond of that idea. What I like about DayZ you can enjoy it even as a casual player. You can take a break, come back and don't have to fear being left behind. As far as I have understood you will be able to skill your character in the stand alone but it is not going to be permanent. You can reskill if you want. However, whatever they decide to introduce I just hope it won't go the route of other MMORPGs like WoW where you have to invest a massive amount of time in the game just to receive leather shorts enabling you to fly or something like that.
  19. bankst3r

    Question about tents?

    Yes, only if you die you can't move it anymore but you can still use it for your stuff. After death you have to re-save it.
  20. As you are asking only for shooters...I was switching between COD Black Ops and COD MW3. I wanted to try out BF3 but the console version's graphics are apparently quite inferior to the PC version. So I am still undecided if I should wait for a new PC or if I should by it on xbox360. The gameplay looks fun. Any suggestions?
  21. bankst3r


    I think your stuff is saved with your GUID on the hive and is not connected to your windows user. So that shouldn't be a problem. But you will eventually find out once you log in. ;P
  22. bankst3r

    i want a sniper! please help?

    If you manage to find someone who is kind enough...don't know about the sniper but you will at least get the ammo...in your head. ;D
  23. Maybe it depends on if the kill counts as a bandit kill or a murder. I am not sure but I would also like to know. Your stats reset after your death but if your hero/bandit skin carries on what happens if you kill a bandit who has zero murders?
  24. Well, the quote fits more your style than mine but whatever makes you feel like an internet gangsta, you can have it, bro.
  25. Really? You couldn't think of anything else as a response? At least we both are in good company, aren't we?