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About Tomez

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  1. Tomez

    Red 'FUEL' in a bus

    You need fuel and fuel tank parts
  2. Tomez

    bad weather in dayz

    When they remove rain from the real world, I want it out of this mod too.. until then.. let it rain
  3. Maybe the canned food should not go bad, because they are canned for that purpose.. but perhaps the cooked meat should go bad after a few days in the backpack or pocket..
  4. I think it is already an upcoming feature, since the leaderboard had player ID's linked to a specific page, which was still under development (before the leaderboard was taken offline for maintenance)
  5. Check your gear and if you can not see a map in there, you need to find one first. You don't start with a map.
  6. Tomez


    Hey, check this out! :idea:
  7. Have you tried joining in another server? Do you spawn in the wilderness on every server?
  8. Tomez

    Need help with lags

    I believe it's because of some unoptimized stuff in the DayZ code and it should be (at least partially) fixed in the upcoming version of the DayZ code. I've had similar performance issues and lowering the graphics settings has had a very little effect on the fps.
  9. Tomez

    Are Tents Broken?

    Or keep the gear window open and keep clicking 'pitch tent' while you walk around a suitable area.
  10. Tomez

    No zombies/No loot in DayZ

    There is no single player in DayZ. It is a multiplayer game mod with centralized server system to save profiles and other data so you need to join in one of the DayZ servers to play. That's where the zombies are.
  11. Tomez

    Lack of an Authentic World

    I think this thread has some interesting ideas and therefore it should be in the suggestions section, not in the new player discussion. As have been said before, some of the current items are probably just placeholders because this mod is still in so early stage, that the main focus of the development is still on the game mechanics and big bug squashing.
  12. Full 50 player servers tend to have roughly 700-1000 zeds wobbling around the Chernarus.. and when a player moves closer to something important/interesting, zeds (and loot) will spawn there. Now think about having 100 players on a server.. there would be 1500+ zeds + other stuff that server has to track. As it is now, servers are barely managing smoothly those 50 players + zeds + loot + other stuff, but without further optimization of the server and client side codes I would not want to play on those 100 player servers. The lag would be horrible. On the other hand I think it would be nice to have larger player caps on servers but that will probably come later as the mod evolves.
  13. Tomez

    Can anyone pitch a tent now?

    I had the same 'issue' earlier today. However, after searching from this forum I found a tip that you should keep the gear window open and slowly move forward while clicking "pitch tent".. Using that method it took me like 2 seconds to finally find a suitable spot for my tent.
  14. Only "global" chat that I think would work in DayZ is some kind of short range radio.. or walkie talkie. It should be a relatively rare loot (not found in every house/barn/shed) and it should have a maximum range of let's say 3-5 kilometers (this could depend on the terrain). If the signal is weak the text and/or voice chat could be slightly scrambled.. and if the signal is clear then it would indicate that the person communicating could be near. Perhaps there could even be various frequecies or channels too..
  15. Tomez

    Food & Starving has plenty of food available as loot.. and I'd suggest hunting some game and cooking your own meat.. it's delicious and very good for your blood level too :)