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Everything posted by Publik

  1. So far the Zeds have been shit for 4 months now. The only change so far is that now they're faster, hate going downhill, and respawn in a dumb way.
  2. Probably in some unreleased indie title, I'm sure. Nothing released though. Some people have standards and when they see something as major as AI running through walls they go "ehhhh, I guess we should fix that sooner rather than later".
  3. The solution is simple. Stop referring to the "hardcore" hive as "hardcore". Call it "normalcore" and then call the "regular" hive the "pussycore" hive. "Hey ____, want to play DayZ?" "Sure, what server?" "XX-YYY 24/7 Daytime 3PP ON Fast Loot Kill Bandits" "Pussycore? Fuck that shit, step up your game son." No one wants to be a pussy, so they'll feel so bad about being on the pussycore servers they'll make the switch. Then, with no one on the pussycore servers, Rocket will finally pull his head out of his ass and make a solid decision on the perspective instead of being so flaccid about it and avoiding the issue. Although it is fun to stomp people and act like an asshole on the pussycore servers...
  4. Publik

    1911 Dispersion?

    A copy/paste from calc? I'd also like to know why the automatic fire dispersion is different (0.1013).
  5. Publik

    1911 Dispersion?

    On these forums?
  6. Publik

    1911 Dispersion?

    Makes sense, my bad. Forgot to account for the stock parts. Puts the M4 at 0.0118064 dispersion. Edited my OP, thanks Gews. All of the handguns have the same dispersion (0.03) except for the Amphibia which has 0.02.
  7. Publik

    1911 Dispersion?

    Hmm... I think the numbers we have in the local files are incorrect. They're probably ignored and the server has it's own set of configs. Edit: Nevermind, though it's a good idea.
  8. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    Quit it. I find your faith in humanity disturbing.
  9. Publik

    Why does DayZ SA require so much data?

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner. I wonder if they could, like, load everything and then just send changes? Or just send changes for people/things within 2km?
  10. Publik

    Yo Mods..

    I was not aware that CVS sold decor.
  11. Something like a snaploader
  12. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    And how, pray tell, is that?
  13. Publik

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    They sell guns in other countries, too, you know?
  14. Publik

    What has the standalone become ?

    Is Snowdrop going to be available for developers or kept in-house?
  15. Publik

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    Guys, the SKS is such a super rare gun, look!
  16. Publik

    A better Cripple system

    You just don't get it Gews, vaulting isn't part of Dean's vision.
  17. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    Well, some people liked cuffing others and feeding them fruit and bleach. That's Pavlov for ya.
  18. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    Well, in SA "bandit" just means "that guy that killed me".
  19. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    Not really? I kill people, sure, but I don't stick around and wait for people to come along before robbing/killing them. I guess I mean "bandit" in the "highwayman" sense?
  20. Publik

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    Well. They killed 2 people and were sitting on a rock.
  21. Publik

    How often do you sever hop?

    You could say that server hopping is rapidly changing servers to reap some benefit. A ghoster might be server hopping, but a server hopper isn't necessarily ghosting.
  22. Publik

    solution for server-hopping !

    What about distributing the loot on a server based on player positions? IE when the server decides to spawn in more loot it spawns loot wherever players aren't. If players are always checking airfields for loot, the airfields won't spawn much loot. Cities like Elektro and Cherno and stuff on the coast won't have much loot either, since there are a lot of people always passing through. This would move loot to the less populated areas, meaning if you were to hop a server at an airfield or other high-value area you probably wouldn't find much. To find loot players would need to travel, and if they set up a base in a city the city itself wouldn't spawn loot either because of their presence. Sort of like the mod's anti-loot radius, except much larger. Builds in an idea that the grass is always greener over that hill or down in that city we never check.