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Everything posted by Publik

  1. Publik

    backpack space disappeared

    I had something like this happen as well. Put 2 wood in my backpack and a buddy took another, and when we went to start a fire our wood was gone. I also signed in today missing my last half mag of m9sd.
  2. Publik

    DayZ Execution

    Some team
  3. Publik

    DayZ Memes

  4. Publik

    Incentive to survive

    Instead of entitling players that sit in the woods for days, why not penalize death and stupid behavior? Your perk for being alive for so long is that you're alive.
  5. Publik


  6. Publik

    Friendly Fire Option.

    What is this obsession some people have with making DayZ easy? Now I get why Rocket called you guys carebears. DayZ is an anti-game. It's not meant to be rainbows and sunshine. It's meant to suck, and from what I can tell it's meant to be an experience. Not that trinkety scripted crap people seem so content with nowadays. If you want an easy zombie game where you can mindlessly shoot crap, play L4D.
  7. I was under the impression that it was an anti-game and as such meant to be hard.
  8. Publik

    Forum Font Color

    I rather like the gray.
  9. Publik

    that feeling you get....

    The feel of having your legs shot out in a field, turning to see 3 fellow survivors on you, opening up with your AKM and getting two of them before dying, losing your Coyote, m24, AKM, g17, and utilities, then spawning on the coast to meet up with a buddy and finding a dead guy with an ALICE pack, all the utilities you lost +gps/-entrenching tool, +weapons and ammo and food. The feel of being liberated from that fucking m24, golden. I hope whoever took it enjoys the 5 shots it had, cause now I don't have to waste 13 slots for it :D
  10. Publik

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    Shit, I drank my dew already
  11. Publik

    Allow stmovement!

    +1 agreed
  12. I'd rather spawn with a mak, one magazine for it, an empty water bottle, and a can of beans. (I'd also rather have spawns happen 30 minutes after player death, enforced grid-wide, so dying is more shitty)
  13. I know of a place but since I've yet to see it mentioned I'll just keep my pipe shut :D
  14. Publik

    Everyone is a Bandit

    The problem is that dying isn't harsh enough. If I die I can just spawn on the coast and run to the Balota airfield or whatever and be roughly back to where I was. Because of this, playing full bandito or dickbag survivor has no penalties to running and gunning. You die? Go to the coast and restart. You live? You get more loot. Get in trouble? DC and run to another server. The solution is to A) make it a harsher world, so players have to spend more time getting set up and ready to go. Temperature is a good addition in this respect. Make it so it's hard to run and gun without first having fire and food and medications and a plan. Spreading the loot would also help, so that the CoD kiddies can't just run through some hunting stands and then hit the airfield to get set up. Making things like ammo and higher power weapons more rare might also help. or B) harshly penalize respawning and disconnecting. Make it so dying forces you off the servers for some time. Respawn? You've now only got a mak and one mag, an empty canteen, and a can of beans, no pack. Disconnect in a firefight or a horde? Game assumes you've run from a fight and spawns you in the forest with your pack *maybe* gone and gear fallen out. You ran like a bitch, something probably got lost on your exit. The more zombies are after you or other people shooting at you, the more stuff you have a chance to lose. In such a way, dying is extremely detrimental. Playing in a CoD or BF3 kiddy style is possibly as rewarding as it is now, but if you fuck up or run away you're screwed. As it stands, players don't mind dying. Make it so dying is the worst possible thing that can happen.
  15. Found out today that to fill a water bottle at a pump you need to go into your pack to get the option. I know Rocket has stated somewhere that the scroll is for everything outside of your pack, so using the pump/filling gas/whatever should still be on the wheel. That being said, I really liked the functionality of the wheel. If I needed to do something like eat or drink, the option was right there. Sure, I had no control over what I ate or drank, but it was quick and I didn't have to mess with my inventory. It'd be cool if you brought back the wheel options alongside the new inventory controls. No need to remove features.
  16. Played about 2-4 hours at night, lost 0 temp. Is it a difficulty-dependent setting?
  17. Publik

    Zombies with guns

    I thought he meant it would be that military and police zombies sometimes still have weapons with them, like a handgun still in its holster.
  18. Publik

    Where's my trusted multi-tool?

    I just want an axe for cutting down trees.
  19. Publik

    Possible end-game objective

    I can stop now? Finally! Sleep!
  20. Publik

    [Guide] Seeing at night

    It's slightly better than it's been. When I started, around 8PM it got pitch black. Now it's reasonable under gamma/HDR. -Not being able to see anything is not fun -Players who only want to PK will exploit the gamma/HDR -Lucky players and clans that dupe have NVGs Why should I cripple myself by not also using gamma/HDR?
  21. Stuck on "Extracting files from : dayz_v1.2.5.rar....." as well