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Everything posted by Publik

  1. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5914 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5915 All in the past few hours. We get it. So tired of this thread cropping up.
  2. Publik


    Ok, let's roll with this. Flashlight goes in the utilities section (with map, etc), and you can activate it with a secondary weapon out. When out, the recoil on the weapon is increased (since you're only holding the weapon with one hand) and reloading is much slower. How's that?
  3. Publik

    Visible Humanity

    Why make it clear-cut and black & white? As it stands, you don't know if someone is a good guy or a bad guy. That is a good thing. I don't want to be told "shoot here, kill that".
  4. Publik

    Cooperation incentive - a proposal

    Having a buddy or two with me is an insane advantage. Playing together helps immensely. I have 3x the eyes, ears, and guns. You do bring up weapon durability which I haven't yet seen mentioned.
  5. Publik


    Why would you weld a weapon to anything else? That can't be good for the frame. The G17, Remington, and many of the higher ARs have flashlights built in. Edit: I am the dumb, I read wield as weld.
  6. If you ever meet a guy named Jeff, you owe him a can of beany-weenies. You actually bring up a really good point about zombies. They aren't a threat; the threats are other humans. I agree that zombies should be harder/more varies. As it stands, once you figure out that (spoiler alert) you can prone crawl to within a meter before setting them off, they're kinda tame. The stats could be a locally saved thing, kinda like that. I also agree that loot should be more spread out, and that seems to be the way Rocket is going anyways. I disagree however with choosing your own spawn point and I'm not sure how you could make grouping up easier other than fixing Direct Chat, which is something on BIS' side.
  7. Publik


    Nah. Monetization always leads to pay2win. DayZ is a free mod, let it stay that way.
  8. Publik

    Anyway to go unnoticed?

    Had an experiment the other day with military zombies. Buddy proned after a zed and the zed had to step on him to actually notice. As long as you're prone, you might as well be invisible.
  9. Publik

    How do people group and communicate?

    Teamspeak Does direct text work? I heard it didn't.
  10. Or only play on daytime servers
  11. Hint: Alpha comes before Beta.
  12. Publik

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    Dunno, I've seen the suggestion before and it's kinda appealing, though if implemented I'd rather see it for anyone, just not bandits. On the other hand, I'd also rather it be left up to the player and have the player know that what they're doing is dangerous and risky and wrong. I get some mad adrenaline when I start getting shot at.
  13. Every time I see this thread I chuckle at the title. "Remove the bad stuff that should be removed".
  14. Lol, carebears. Rocket was right to laugh at them. I seem to have been echoing the "make it harder" bit for a few days now.
  15. Don't get your panties in a twist. Let's break this down: Right. I am super duper funny. You'll do the same mistake until you learn. If you're unwilling to learn then good luck to you. I fail to see the problem with this? What do you call the current starter gear then? 5 Makarov mags.....WOW Neither will you be the next pro-zombieslayer nor will you be able to take down better equipped players without outsmarting them.... You act like you are able to grab a silenced M4 with 8 STANAG mags in a matter of minutes after respawning and need to slow things down by letting players spawn with less than nothing I call the starter gear too much. I start with enough supplies to get anywhere on the map. Don't you? Pain pills, bandages, ammo, a weapon, a pack, flares, food, water. I'd rather start with nothing and really hate restarting. Then I wouldn't make dumb decisions like run around in fields alone and stuff. If I did make a dumb decision I would suffer for it by having to take a break (oh knows!) I await your eloquent response, Publik
  16. Publik


    I tried to sleep last night. Only played DayZ for an hour, then lurked the forums and stuff until 12:30. Suitemate decided it was a good night to run his face, and he's finally stopped. It's only been 7 1/2 hours :( I want to sleep...
  17. Right. My point exactly. You start off with an incredibly bad set of gear. Want better gear? Go into town. "But Pubs, there are zombies there D:". Right. It's a zombie anti-game. Don't want to have to start with incredibly bad gear? Don't die.
  18. On the topic of popularity' date=' I'd say it's more a fad. The CoD kiddies hear that there's this cool zombie mod and go buy Arma2 and start in without knowing any of the controls, and they tell their friends and their friends buy it and start in without knowing any of the controls. Maybe not a fad, per-se, but the influx of people is definitely not the core audience that would actually want an anti-game. The influx of people want some watered down bullshit and QQ for moar loot and easy zombies. Eh, the anti-game is an odd concept... It's not that it isn't fun, more so that it's a different kind of fun? Take CoD. You spawn, shoot, die, and repeat for 15 minutes then change maps and do it again. It's fun (though I can't comment on any of the recent ones, I've been clean for about a year now), but it's this mindless arcadey gamey fun. It's a game, it's not serious. The game never goes so far as to beat the player to a pulp. It never offers real decisions with serious impact. The anti-game is a game that doesn't hold your hand. It's brutally hard and isn't meant to be gamey. Take VVVVVV. That's an anti-game. It's popular [i']because it's hard. There's another thread going on about how DayZ now has little value for life. I'd say it never has had any value for life. Life in DayZ is cheap. If you get killed you can immediately come back. It's not hard enough. Saying that making it harder would make people more murderous is slightly true. It would, but people would quickly figure out that the guy you just killed on the beach with your one mag of makarov only had a half mag themselves and had already eaten their one can of beans. Lot of good that risk did ya, huh? On the subject of being killed at spawn and having to wait, fine. What about for an hour you have respawn-timer-protection, where if you're killed at start you can quickly restart? Would that change your opinion?
  19. Publik

    "Are you sure you want to respawn?"

    It immediately kills you so you can respawn with a fresh character. This is a bit of an iffy one, cause it's more of something to do with Arma2 than DayZ.
  20. Publik

    Various Zombie Types

    We've got crawlers, hoppers, and walkers, what more do you want? :D
  21. ... turn around and run away. Better to live and fight another day. The end :D
  22. Oh, the 4th one is really nice. Very poetic.
  23. Publik

    Removing the HUD

    How would changing one's skin be implemented short of having a skin for each level of coldness for each possible skin type? What about at night?