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Everything posted by Publik

  1. Publik

    New Terminology! Beandits!

    Survivor*: A player who claims to be trying to survive (See: Friendly), but really just shoots anything that moves.
  2. Publik

    Coupe of Suggestions

    1. Yes. The only thing displayed should be how long you've been alive, not how many murders or bandits or zeds you've killed. The counter (and the server connect/disconnect/kill feed) can be used to be sure if you've killed someone, IE shoot a guy until you're credited with the kill. I'd rather have that all hidden, so you never know if that guy you shot is really dead or just unconscious. 2. Needs work
  3. Publik

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    0/5 First off, how the fuck can you even enforce that? Second, Rocket has said that meta-gaming is acceptable.
  4. Publik

    CROSSBOWS - Your opinion?

    Trying it out in the Armory, and while the lack of sights can be ignored once you get used to it (it's actually pretty easy to use), I really hate the reload speed. The animation plays but you have to wait double that to be able to actually fire.
  5. Publik

    [VIDEO] no, no, no, no, no, no

    That was adorable
  6. Publik

    3D models from Russia

    Yep' date=' you answered my question perfectly :) Also, I still love you Rick ♥ [hr']
  7. Publik


    I don't think so, though I've never been in possession of more than one of either at a time.
  8. Now if they'd just turn off the death feed/server messages and remove the kill counter on the debug window (or remove the debug window altogether). It is nice not having Side anymore, and it's nice not having "HerpDerp: FRIENDLY IN CHERNO?!?!?" all day long. I wonder if the amount of KoS was because of Side? Statistically, most people aren't bandits, but I wonder if the amount of complaining in Side was one of the things making people paranoid? ♥ You're at Green Mtn, right OP? ♥
  9. Publik

    Server Nuke ?

    Yep. Dipshit script kiddies messing up a good thing. I was gonna move myself out of Vybor tonight but I think I'll just sit tight until this crap dies down.
  10. Publik


    People with no/limited body armour do explode and rip apart like that. Ever seen saving private ryan when people get hit with explosives and machine gun rounds? Yea that pretty much equates to a left for dead 2 experience Factor in that zombies are malnourished and have disease and that makes their bodies weaker and more vulnerable to explosives and ammo rounds. Because movies always depict real life, and these Olympic-class runner zombies (infected, really) are "malnourished and weaker" than the rest of us. Edit: Not to mention it can't be done in this engine anyways.
  11. Publik


    L4D2 is not my standard for "realistic damage". If people really exploded like that it would be in the base arma 2 engine already.
  12. Old graphics card, CPU is on the slow side. Set graphics to lowest default settings.
  13. Don't be one of those guys...please. -_- Man, every time I join a game and go on the forums, there's always someone asking about "what new computer should I buy for this game". I wish I had the disposable income to just buy a new computer whenever I feel like it, or to buy one specifically for a game. Just one of those things...
  14. I'm really tired of this. Instead of asking "what should I buy so I can play this game", why don't you fools ask "what kind of computer should I invest in"? A computer is a fucking investment, not just some tool to play games with. It's like asking "what car should I buy so I can go racing on Saturday?" Edit: And it's WELL. What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working WELL.
  15. Publik

    Trading Post, volunteers required

    If you're not like my new favorite person in the world (VictorM) I'd love to join.
  17. YES However, make it so you have to focus on the person first. You need to stare into their soul. Twenty.
  18. You're just my new favorite person ♥
  19. You know, using the forums is actually a form of metagaming. Just saying. If you were really hardcore, you'd make this band of misfits without posting on the forums about it. Edit: Just had a little read there. You're planning on putting it in the med camp next to Balota? Balota? The SW airfield? Where everyone without a brain goes after wandering through Cherno? "Friendly in Cherno?" Cherno?
  20. Poll I had up before the server wipe. Somehow people are still submitting to it. If you look at the amount of time most people have played (+3wks) and the amount of time people play per day (usually 2-4hrs), and the group size people usually play in (2-5 friends) and the number of "paranoid survivors" and "survival bandits" (which are essentially the same thing), it looks like most people are just in little roving bands of shoot-on-sight non-noobs. Most people (though I've seen it quite often) don't spam the respawn on the coast anymore.
  21. Publik

    'DayZ' Facebook Page

    Not official, should transfer ownership to Rocket or BIS if possible.