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Everything posted by Publik

  1. Publik

    DayZ makes me feel sick

    It's probably the head bob. You can change it a little but it'll never go away completely.
  2. They seem to be having fun over there. Edit: And thanks for, you know, assuming my friends are children
  3. I can't get my friends to buy it even now, not when Rust is only $20.
  4. Publik

    So I just got standalone

    It's only 45 minutes past Tuesday here.
  5. Publik

    So I just got standalone

    "Maintenance", every Tuesday night.
  6. $30*. Rust is the one that's $20 and worth a damn.
  7. Only when I look at my second monitor to read silly comics while waiting on the shitty spawn timer.
  8. Publik

    So I just got standalone

    I remembered when I killed a few hundred more guys. Good times. To be honest, hacking is way low in SA or at least I haven't run into many. It's also not on the same scale as the mod. Game's just boring, is all.
  9. Publik

    retrieve - assist - gather missions (please add your ideas)

    I left in the acceptable bits. Adding in atmosphere with little pre-zed notes would be cool. Little random "events" (term is used loosely) like the chopper crash with pointers elsewhere on the map. Letter that goes "Hey Mom, how's the new truck?" with the delivery address to somewhere in Zelenogorsk, etc. that you find either undelivered or in a mail van.
  10. Publik

    So I just got standalone

    Give it a week
  11. Know what I'd really like? Manual bolt control. Fire with Mouse 0, then once it's been fired hold Mouse 0, move your mouse up to rotate the bolt up, pull down to pull the bolt back, mouse up to push the bolt back in and chamber another round, mouse down to rotate the bolt back, release Mouse 0, press Mouse 0 to fire again. That, different zeroing settings per scope (MOA), windage, and I'd be a happier sniper.
  12. Publik

    What has the standalone become ?

    This community is going places, just you wait.
  13. If I had to pay a subscription I'd fuck right the hell off.
  14. Publik

    has anyone found raw meat?

    Find an animal and a way to kill it and you'll have your meat.
  15. Publik

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    Every single one of the sidearms is shit. The FNX is the least shitty, but they're all still shit.
  16. I'm more worried that the system they're using isn't going to be scalable to a large number of different items.
  17. Disagree on the "when you kill them" think like Aradia, but I do agree that the number of zombies could be higher on low-pop without sacrificing anything.
  18. Publik

    7.62x51 is for a M14 7.62x54R is for a Mosin–Nagant

    Can you get a link? If they're under loot list strain they ought to pick a more flexible weighted random selection algorithm, kinda like the one currently in my sig.
  19. Publik

    Corrosive Ammo

  20. Publik

    Dean Hall On PvE

  21. Publik

    Update frequency

    That's a negatory, brokaka. There are generally patches every 1-3 weeks, but not really major ones. Those happen about once a month. The major patches so far have been 0.32 on Jan 22 (Magnum, Shotgun, Svetlo), 0.33/0.34 on Feb 05/07 (SKS, B95, cowboy hats), and 0.42 on Mar 19. That's 2 alright patches a month after release and within 2 weeks of each other, and a 1.5 month break until the third. Red lines are updates, doesn't include 0.43 (Mar 22), which would be at the far right edge. Also doesn't include the Mar 22 revert to from 0.43.116251 to 0.43.116212 that's on Exp.
  22. No, I don't want to have fun.