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Everything posted by Publik
We've drawn the ire of some hackers. Had two attack our camp with god mode and hacked items the other day, and had a hacker with god mode spawn hostile NPCs at our camp just this morning. >Still can't get tents to save. >Weapons have been nerfed to hell and beyond. >Hackers after us every weekend and now on the weekdays. >Ban a hacker, community tells you not to and says you're on a "power trip" >??? >Low fucking morale. GG
Hey DEVS.. half the threads are about hackers...
Publik replied to a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I wonder why there are all these threads? -
God mode, under review found with hacked items: Was with Drencrom (Godmode) at the time. Name and GUID: 13:06:13 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (cf72702681e2b79d048a4204a58d2641) of player #19 AntiSwag What happened: Vulwulf tabbed back into the game at our base and reported Drencrom there. He was fired at and hit several times. He had god mode and was blowing up our vehicles. After he was banned, Vulwulf spotted the second (AntiSwag) and shot him three times with an M14 AIM. Our vehicles then exploded and Vulwulf was killed, and Xyro (nearby) spotted a large explosion (possibly satchel). ~50m across. Vehicles disappeared (no husks) and tents were flattened.
server_console.log tells login/logout/IP/GUID, arma2oaserver.RPT tells items and console read-writes. That's about what I've figured out.
20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection
Publik replied to rocket's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sure. I'd rather have super-high humanity detection, though. No one labeled as "bad", but good people labeled as "good". -
Yes. It's also part of the gameplay to decide not to do business with people that threaten us. Freeside's got nothing to do with this ban appeal (I think it's an appeal, at least?). Edit: To clarify, since I think this is what you missed, our internal blacklist is internal. It has nothing to do with the server, we just have a list of names we know not to deal with. If he was on the list for something, he could have been shot at, though I don't hear anything about him being killed. With a name I can check for him.
Pretty much as Striker says. We also have an internal black-list for people who have been hostile towards us before. Threatening us with satchel charges is a surefire way to get yourself added to the list if you're not on it, by the way.
Missing rocks.pbo? Fine, I don't care. Missing something out of weapons? Don't really care. "Bandit clan" missing trees? With the amount of bullshit we get on the weekends, I don't really care if a few people get caught up in it because "they had problems updating". I'm sure they can understand and move on to another one of the many thousands of servers DayZ offers. Our server host has replicated the warning message by removing trees and foliage and was able to stay connected for about a minute before the files made it to verification. Based on that, I will not unban the two that tried using modified files. I have unbanned the other four. Matter has been settled. Neither can I.
The next Freeside member to post gets hit in the face with Conman's Mtn Dew. Issue is done, I've made my decision. Please don't feed them.
We don't get bandits. We get hackers, exploiters, and ghosters. I wish we had wild west banditry. DayZ has the potential to be something amazing; emergent gameplay and player driven content are the future of gaming. Sadly, the games industry has for the past 10 years built a breed of gamer that can only get off by being a troll. The Lord Rocket tells us in his scriptures not to call them "CoD kiddies", but I find that to be a most apt term. I loved the DayZ community several months ago. I remember being able to walk up to another survivor and not get shot at. Now we've got 600,000 assholes trying to ruin 100,000 peoples days. For every good person, there are 6 pieces of filth. I'm sick of what the community has become. /rant Edit: If you are going to try this, be ready for the idiocy. Try not to let the filth get to you like it's gotten to me tonight.
One of the fundamental problems I see with DayZ is that players have very little ability to impact their world. The most we can do is place a tent, barbed wire, tank trap, sandbag, or a newly added bear-trap. Here are some additions I'd like to see to allow players to more impact their world: Some new items (bold may require new models): Metal Wall - Place-able like other fortifications, a tall metal wall, maybe 2m high and 2m wide. Can only be removed with crowbar and toolbox. Gate - Place-able like other fortifications, similar to metal wall. Creates a small gate that can be opened/closed. Can only be removed with crowbar and toolbox. Large Gate - Similar to the large ones at Balota medical tents, functions the same as the above gate. Can only be removed with crowbar and toolbox. Large Sandbag - Similar to current sandbags, but much larger (2m tall and 5m wide). Can only be removed/placed with entrenching tool. Spotlight - 4-5m tall, has a small spotlight on top. Requires a generator nearby to be activated. Barrel - Similar to the ones that can be found in Cherno. A metal barrel that can be lit. Offers more light/heat than a fireplace, and wood burns twice as long. Takes 6 slots to carry. Rain Barrel - Alternate use of Barrel. Fills with water when it rains. Can fill 1 canteen per minute of heavy rain. Noise Trap (Glass) - Whiskey bottle attached to tripwire. Breaks and creates noise when crossed. Can be vaulted over. Can only be broken once. Noise Trap (Cans) - Cans attached to tripwire. Makes noise whenever crossed. Can be vaulted over. Does not break when crossed. Grenade Trap - Cluster of hand grenades on a tripwire. Explodes shortly after being crossed. Flare Trap - Flare attached to tripwire. Lights flare when crossed. Military Tripwire - Military grade IR tripwire. Loud klaxon when triggered, can only be disabled by being broken or by the owner. Tripwire can be seen with NVGs. Bear Bag - Small bag that can be attached to some trees. Holds 10 items and 1 weapon. Can be accessed by scrolling over the tree it is attached to. Can be removed by anyone, but only the owner can recover the bag. Large Tent - Large tent. Holds 200 items and 50 weapons (Ural capacity). Behaves as other tents. Wooden Crate - Large wooden crate. Holds 100 items and 10 weapons. Secure Trunk - Medium sized trunk locked with a combination lock. Requires the combination (set when placed) or a crowbar to open. Once opened with a crowbar, the object cannot be locked again without repairs. Combination can be set without replacing the box (option on context menu). Holds 25 items, 5 weapons. Buried Cache - Small mound of dirt covering a cache of items. Requires entrenching tool to make. With wood and a toolbox, you can create a large buried cache. Small holds 20 items and 2 weapons, large holds 50 items and 5 weapons. Large Open Tent - A large medical tent that cannot store items, but can have trunks placed inside and keeps a player warm/out of the rain. Camo Netting - I hear this one is on the way, but the same netting at the center of the Berezino tents, sans stuff inside. Does nothing but break up silhouettes. Change: Matches - Has a limited number of uses (20-50) Lighter - Has 4x the uses of a matchbox. Cigarette Box - Poor man's painkillers. Same effect, but wears off after a few minutes. Has a limited number of uses (whatever the average number of cigs in a box is, I don't smoke so I don't know how many that is (20?)). Requires matches or a lighter in your inventory to use. Benefit: Stacks, Drawback: Doesn't last forever. Change: Morphine - Temporary fix for broken bones Splint - Requires 1x wood to craft (using toolbox). Permanent fix for broken bones - Slows player down for some time while bone heals. Morphine can be applied alongside to prevent slowdown. Simple changes/crafting using the already existing combine/split functionality: Scrap Metal -split-> multiple Tank Traps Scrap Metal -split-> Metal Wall Scrap Metal -split-> Gate Wood + wire fencing kit -combine-> Large Gate 3x Sandbags -combine-> Large Sandbag 4x Wood -combine-> Wooden Crate 1x Wood -craft-> Splint The above require a toolbox in your inventory to create. Whiskey bottle + string -combine-> Noise Trap (Glass) Can + string -combine-> Noise Trap (Cans) Grenade + string -combine-> Grenade Trap Flare + string -combine-> Flare Trap When helicopters are added again, a rare spawn of a Chinook that can have a small vehicle loaded into it (car or smaller). If no vehicle is present, 500 item slots and 150 weapons can be stored. More things on the way...
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Crossbow at least pretends to have a niche. Crowbar has to take the cake. I wouldn't say tin cans 'cause I hear you can take a building down with one if you're persistent.
Haven't really noticed anything different this patch... I was looking forward to tents being fixed, but alas.
Is the title of the thread referring to your group, then? Our server host tried modifying his .pbo files to get the same server response we saw with your two members. He was able to stay connected without trees or foliage being rendered for about a minute and a half before being kicked. We've got pictures of what the removal of those files does... It's not pretty. I updated your definitions. Since we're talking "points of view", from my point of view we're attacked by some hacker or ghoster or exploiter every weekend. If 2 of 5 people in a group display messages that can be interpreted as the result of an exploit, I don't care if the other 3 are innocent. I'll ban first and ask questions later, if it prevents any possible fallout. I'm not going to revoke the bans on the other two. You'd need the Lord Rocket himself to change my mind.
Tents still duping/losing items
Publik replied to kicktd's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Confirmed on Freeside 2. Took a tent down and replaced it, dropped a wire fence kit inside and saved it. On server restart the tent was empty. Ran back to another group of tents I had tried to place in that were duped 3 high (had removed them prior to restart) and they were back. -
Misc additions for further player fortifications
Publik replied to Publik's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'd be happy with just taller fortifications. That just requires a box and a texture. Think about this: The detection method for beartraps can be used for the tripwire. The tripwire spawns a live grenade or whatever when tripped instead of breaking your leg, same way the weapons spawn live rounds or hackers spawn live munitions. Code reuse, straight from code 101. All of it would be used. If you had two types of tents, would only one be used? Nope. Same with having 5 or 6 types of storage. Would traps be used? Well, we've got beartraps. Aside from the fact that they never disappear, they are used when they're found. This is an alpha, btw. This stuff can look like crap. As long as they are functional it doesn't matter. -
MK17 ammo has been checked, it's not these guys. We're looking for older logs to find when they were created, but apparently they've been wandering around the map for about a half a week. Will post a new thread once we find where they came from.
Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trading - 7/27 - 7/29
Publik replied to Publik's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
No, but we buy them. People always shoot out wheels :( -
Last time I'm going to say this, those who did not use modified files have been unbanned. The other two are still banned pending input from a mod. MK17 mags not found in our logs.
Well, let's use some logical reasoning. Two of your members sign in with modified tree and plant files. These files can be modified to not render, allowing one to see through walls (see above post). It can be reasonably assumed that these files have been modified for illicit purposes, and that by association, the rest of your group is suspect. At the time of banning, I did not have immediate access to the logs and banned the 5 or 6 of you for that reason. I have unbanned everyone that didn't attempt to use these modified files. I will unban the last two if I can get a mod to chime in. Until then, enjoy it. Additionally, there is the matter of the Mk17 mags. I need a mod for that as well. Having the server admin check script logs, though I hear that people can bypass the script logging anyways.
Well, the modification in question is like this: Link removed If a mod would like to scrub the link, feel free. Do not post links to Hacks/Hack Sites. I will bring down the hammer if you do that again. PM me.
I know, what I'm asking is if I should dispose of it, or if (since it's the same weapon sans skin) it could be used. Like I said, I'm a snowflake. Edit: Ah, whatever. I'll go and bury it :(
Update: Found 4x Mk17 SD mags on the tower. I need a mod.
I'll drop the bans on the two idiots trying to use it in the first place if I can get some insight from a mod. The rest are free back in.
Hmm, where does one draw the line with this? I'll unban them then, but they did try and connect in the first place. Can I get a higher power to give me guidance on the matter? Dropping the bans on all but the two.