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Everything posted by Publik

  1. Really now? We've gotten pretty good about only banning people actually hacking. If you got banned you deserved it :/ That said, we have a thread employees with access to the RCON are supposed to report bans to, and they're also supposed to follow up with a cheat report. I'll look into this for you. Edit: I've got to get my guys better about using the RCON for sure. They suck at the follow-ups. I also don't see any ban appeals either, so that one's on you. I usually search the forum for "freeside" about once every day or so. Edit 2: Only one person was banned today, for having an AS50 TWS. Only one group attacked us. If that was you, I hope your nuts rust off. If it was you, take it as a lesson: If you're going to attack us with hacked weapons, STOP USING THE OBVIOUS ONES. If it wasn't you I can continue to look into it.
  2. Publik

    Looking for M4A1 Holo/203 rounds

    Please note, we don't only do the trade events. I'm 100% sure there's a few M4 Holos being sold by independent traders.
  3. Whose roleplaying? We handle our guys pretty well... :/
  4. Freeside isn't actually anti-bandit, despite popular belief. We're anti-people-that-shoot-at-us. I'll sell you the gun that you kill me with, so long as everything is done without the hax and the boring battle-log shit.
  5. We were at Devil's castle today, but we won't be tomorrow. The most fun time to attack us is about 2 hours in while we're winding down and looking for some action. Ghosting is lame and I expect you won't be doing that. On behalf of the employees whose lives I've made harder, you're welcome ;) For my information I'd like two rusty cans and a sack of no less than 29 marbles. If no one gets it yet, FTC (at the least) enjoys a challenge. We're in no ways angry about legitimate attacks. These attacks only further the community and the experience for those involved. I'd like to ask that the other groups in the Coalition think in a similar way. Real bandits aren't our enemies. Our enemies are the kids that hack and ghost and give bandits a bad name.
  6. If you like the shotguns, I'm sure we can find a Remmington to trade up for. We could also do medical supplies. But we're not a bank... I'd have responded if A. I wasn't playing DayZ and conducting trade for the people who showed up on time or B. we hadn't had our supplies blown up by some invisible satchel kid. We provide this event and service at our expense; we've no obligation to stay open late unless we feel like running late. The times have been up since yesterday and you posted 30 minutes after we were slated to close. We're open again tomorrow from 20:00 - 23:00 UTC if you'd like to come by and trade.
  7. Trading has been concluded for 5/17. Hope to see more people tomorrow :)
  8. We're open for business :) Today we've got {CQF} here as well providing security.
  9. Just chiming in, Freeside is behind this 100%. We're open all weekend if anyone is interested in stopping by! I'd also like to skewer my loud neighbors let the other groups active in the Coalition know that they can get in contact with us for jobs/support at our website/forum. It is only profitable if you can kill all of us ;) As for the crossfire problem, that might turn into a problem, though Freeside (can't speak for the rest of the Coalition) operates on a fire-only-if-fired-at policy (at least when on the job and not in high-profile areas). We had some we had some we had some :D Only one problem, a hacker teleported everyone onto a satchel during the fight :( Douche didn't even have the satchel laid out right.
  10. The ACOG is a pretty nice gun, I'm sure we can find something to offer you. Came across a few CCOs today if you're interested. Our policy for people who get shot while under our care is somewhat like this: The player is on our TS with us: If you get killed and it's your fault (not following the rules) we won't guarantee much. If it's not at our expense and you're reasonable about it, we'll hold your gear for you until you get back. If you're killed and it is our fault (friendly fire, bandit gets in) we'll do whatever we can, at our own expense, to get your stuff back to you. If we've got a vehicle on site (we usually do) we'll come out and pick you up or take your gear to you, otherwise we'll write down what you had and reimburse you when you get back. If you're killed by a hacker, we're probably dead as well. [*]The player is not on our TS with us: If you're killed and it's your fault, there isn't much we can do about it. If you come back and say "Hey, I'm Joe Schmoe and I died here earlier, I lost my AKM" we'll do what we can to get your stuff back. That said, small items might get eaten or taken by the company. If you're killed and it is our fault we'll reimburse you with something equal to what was lost, or give your gear back outright if it hasn't been resold. If you're killed by a hacker, we're probably dead as well. We do offer medical assistance, though it's mostly our own medical supplies unless we make a run to a hospital. If it's life threatening, we'll patch you up, but if it's not you'll need to buy it from us. Ammo works nicely, most of the time.
  11. Publik

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    Recorded with a potato. Pilot probably had a hernia or something, happens whenever FTC gets a helo :/
  12. There's a converter in the OP... We'll have weapons and ammo on-site, and we can usually go to a base and pick some stuff up if you want something special. Extra stuff like backpacks, camos, and utilities as well. We get attacked usually, but it's been better the past week or so. If things get too hairy we'll just ask you to sign off while we deal with the situation. We've been doing this a few months now ;P
  13. 7/27 Event @ Devil's Castle, Freeside 2 23:00 - 24:00 UTC or later Delayed 1 hour or longer for maintenance Time zone converter: http://www.timeandda.../converter.html Freeside Trading Co. will be hosting our weekly open trading event. We'll be exchanging weapons and ammo on-site. When: 7/27 - 7/29, 20:30 UTC - 24:00 UTC Where: Devil's Castle, Freeside 2 TS3 Server: ts35.gameservers.com:9253 - Message an officer if you need any help. Rules: Approach the compound from the road at a walk. Enter through the front gatehouse after announcing yourself over VOIP and chat. Do not sign in or out at the compound (do so at the treeline). When inside, lower your weapon (primary out but down). The guards will direct you to the trading location. Please do not arrive early. Specific items available by request, but please be patient while we grab the gear. Note: SixUpdater hates the server, so if you can't find it, launch DayZ by joining a random server, then disconnect and filter for "Freeside" in the Arma 2 server browser. Bump it if you like it, we need the exposure.
  14. As anti-bandit suggestions go, that one's actually pretty reasonable.
  15. ESC + Alt-Enter + Alt-Enter + ESC works well sometimes. This pauses your game, switches from full-screen to windowed and back. You can also do LeftShift + Numpad- and then type "flush", which flushes Arma's memory.
  16. Publik

    favorite loadout?

    An excellent non-pvp setup is an MP5 using PDW mags, an M9SD and a few M9SD mags. The MP5 can use most of the sidearm ammo (G17, M9, M9SD, PDW) as well as both of the MP5 mags, so ammo is plentiful and the ammo types are fairly quiet. Also, the 9mm ammo is "floaty" enough to get headshots on zeds at a moderate distance. The MP5 has auto and burst fire options, giving it a huge amount of flexibility. The M9SD is optional - a G17 (or PDW if you can stand it) would work just as well. Mainly, the M9SD is for being quiet around other players. These weapons free up your entire main inventory for other stuff, like medical supplies. You can operate effectively even without a backpack. You can also modify this for PVP (or at least a sniper/spotter role) by using your extra pack space for a sniper rifle (I like the M107, M24 is nice too) and some of your extra main inventory for primary ammo.
  17. Thread updated, sorry for the delay.
  18. Database level ban on invalid items after 3 strikes, done - solves a good chunk of the idiots, without any involvement from BattlEye. class Player { int numberOfOffences = 0; ... } // On read/write: foreach(Item item in player.inventory) { if(!LegalItems.Contains(item)) { player.numberOfOffences++; } } // On player join: if(player.numberOfOffences > MAX_OFFENCES) { DatabaseBan(player); } Also, tags are potatoes.Edit: Also, why the hell is this thread stickied?
  19. We got a double feature today! If no one else has noticed, I put one or two of these up daily. Halp? Time: 45 minutes prior to post Server: Seattle 104 Freeside 2 Brief summary: (possibly) spawning a helicopter, god-mode, teleporting, spawning of weapons, having hacked weapons. Names: ebash and Colton We received a report that a helicopter was heading South. We were on the coast at the time to drop a cache at some tents (which we found empty - still not saving), and set our V3S and Hatchback as bait. The chopper was spotted over Cherno, then turned and made a bee-line to where we were set up waiting. The chopper opened fire at ~300m, and we returned fire with multiple small arms, an Mk48 and an AS-50. We had several confirmed hits, to both the chopper and pilot/gunner. The chopper circled around once and then lost power and fell into the sea. We hit the chopper with an M203 HE as it exploded underwater. A few seconds later, we start taking fire. I'm in the lighthouse with the Mk48 and hit the fraps. Colton runs into the base of the lighthouse and disappears. I think he's logged, but upon further inspection of the video, I see a second person (with same hair, camo, weapon, and pack) walk back into the base of the lighthouse and then walk out. We pull the V3S out and a few minutes go by with no contact. The rest of the group gets into the Hatchback and it blows up (reported satchel or M203 hit). The person (Colton) goes back into the base of the lighthouse and I log as the server is dropped. First instance of Colton on our RPT file: Hacked weapon: The rest of the logs of Colton: Le GUIDs: dc99bb7ceadd575679a0c7eb0b3b3f55 goes by the alias(es): Colton, a32ca109e4901b01f8a41bad62add1a2 goes by the alias(es): Colton, Both GUIDs are from today, and we have neither in our own logs prior to today (first time connecters). Different IP and ID, but same name and timespan. The second is the only one with proof, but I wanted to list the first in case any connections could be made. Now for Ebash. Note, this is EVERY log we have of this guy in chronological order. I'd highlight what's important, but all you really need to know is this: Le GUID: 66c99683466195f274876b9039f84a16 goes by the alias(es): ebash, I just spent 30 minutes on this report. I can render the video (doesn't show anything conclusive, but is very likely to be Colton teleporting) if need be. I can also ask for screenshots if you still need more proof. Justice, please? Edit: Also, there was another guy earlier, but he had only been using the invisibility/teleport stuff. Nothing in the logs really (only eye-witness and several corpses), but he's been banned from our server anyways.
  20. I just did Max, what are you gonna do about it? :P
  21. 8/3 - 8/5 Event Seattle 104 Freeside 2 20:00 - 23:00 UTC Time zone converter: http://www.timeandda.../converter.html Freeside Trading Co. will be hosting our weekly open trading event. We'll be exchanging weapons and ammo on-site. When: 8/3 - 8/5, 20:30 UTC - 24:00 UTC Where: Factory (114-078) TS3 Server: ts35.gameservers.com:9253 - Whisper an officer if you need any help. Rules: Approach the compound from the road at a walk. Enter through the front gatehouse after announcing yourself over VOIP and chat. Do not sign in or out at the compound (do so at the treeline). When inside, lower your weapon (primary out but down). The guards will direct you to the trading location. Please do not arrive early. Note: SixUpdater may dislike us Edited by Vulwulf: Wrong event time.
  22. God mode, Hacked weapon Was with AntiSwag at the time. Name and GUID: 22:24:10 BattlEye Server: Player #2 Drencrom - GUID: 8e785a3e012e67b2172293175c1d6778 (unverified) What happened: Vulwulf tabbed back into the game at our base and reported Drencrom there. He was fired at and hit several times. He had god mode and was blowing up our vehicles. After he was banned, Vulwulf spotted the second (AntiSwag) and shot him three times with an M14 AIM. Our vehicles then exploded and Vulwulf was killed, and Xyro (nearby) spotted a large explosion (possibly satchel). ~50m across. Vehicles disappeared (no husks) and tents were flattened.
  23. Yes, you do not use a VPN for gaming, unless you're playing at a LAN or tournament or something along those lines. I think you mean proxy, but even that is nothing illegal - only suspicious. Where in here is limb status? I think it's in the red: but I'd like to know for when I check logs myself. Does that mean his legs are broken, and he's at ~8k blood?
  24. Publik

    Military Offroad

    Ours has been missing for about 3 weeks to a month.