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Everything posted by Publik

  1. Not sure if the mods would be very helpful or if I can actually get in contact with Rocket in any way from here. Who are the community coders?
  2. Use a less inefficient weighted selection algorithm. I've got one if you want it. Implement something like ACRE. Freeside tried it at the end of the summer and it was glorious. Foaming at the mouth, twitching on the floor, glorious. The piles of new weapons from ACE and new loot system/loot spreading was nice too. Basically we had American and gucci weapons only coming from helicopter crashes, mediocre eastern military weapons from most military installations, good eastern military weapons from airfields, and a pile of handguns, civilian rifles, and shotguns in homes. It needed fine tuning, but the immediate effect was that we were in Chernarus with local weapons, not generic eastern bloc country with gucci COD weaponry.
  3. Publik

    Freeside Trading Co.

    If you could pass it on to MD that I'm sorry we fell apart so quietly at the end of the summer, I know his mailbox is probably full. That I'll be back with some outfit is guaranteed, though it may only be Freeside in spirit. I've at least got one failure to learn from :P
  4. Publik

    DayZ In A Nutshell

    I see nothing has changed since I left...
  5. Publik

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Sure, if that's where standalone will be. Towards the end of active mod support the remnants of Freeside started work on our own version with ACE and ACRE (which was kickass btw). We also played Lingor servers in our downtime. Edit: Actually, that reminds me, is Standalone using similar code from the mod version? If it is I have a modified loot spawning system that's less shitty. /Edit We could play on private hives, but what's the fun in that? One of the reasons for our decline ;P I'm on my way out of college, so I know the feel.
  6. If we found an M4A1 holo without the camo in a hacker's vehicle, can it still be used? It's the same as the M4A1 Holo with the camo (which is legit), except it is unpainted. Wondering where devs stand on found hacked weapons that are the same as normal weapons sans cosmetic differences.
  7. New unofficial DayZ map that I thought you folks might be interested in. Quite good actually. Anyone have any good stories? Came up behind a guy who only had a handgun. He saw me as I was stalking him and tossed a grenade at me. He was actually a good throw, and after that I lost him. He managed to flank me but messed up - his weapon was only a makarov and he didn't kill me when he had me. Later went up to this research center/radio antenna station. Didn't find anything interesting, but tried going into this little military outpost an got trapped :P Dropped a grenade right as they got me. Haven't had that much fun in DayZ in a while.
  8. ~ Trading Co. ~ Previously The Post We Facilitate - Trade - - Goods - - Security - - Ammo Exchange - - Transfusions - We Are Currently Located At Freeside 1 Freeside 2 (Primary Server) A note on the servers: For some reason, Six Launcher does not like us. The servers can be found easily in-game by filtering for "Freeside," but cannot (at this point) be found in the launcher. They are there, trust me. :) SteamForum Upcoming Events Traders are reminded to announce themselves before entry and familiarize themselves with our Security Policy.Players spawning within the trading post will be shot Unless otherwise posted in the Announcements section of our forums, we will be facilitating trade from 20:00-23:00 UTC Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of each week at Devil's Castle on Freeside 2. We also offer trade facilitation during "off-hours." Go the the Freeside Trades section of our forum to find out how. Security Policy Announcements Please conduct trades on our forum. If you need to contact leadership, please CC your message to Publik, Vulwulf, and Kurkistan for a more timely response. The only people with valid [FTC] tags have the tag at the end of their names. For example: Publik [FTC]. Fees And Rates* Access to the trading post Transfusions Food and Water Mercenary Work Key: Food, Ammo, Medical Supplies, Vehicle Parts, Construction materials Free with entry Choice of loot found while in service *Rates always open to negotiation Recruitment We are now recruiting for Freeside Trading Co. If you are interested, please join our forum and post in the Employee Application subforum.
  9. fn_selectRandomWeighted is bad. It's inefficient. It makes working with the spawn system terrible. //Created weighted array of indices. _weighted = []; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _weights) - 1) do { private ["_weight"]; _weight = _weights select _i; //Ensure the weight is a Number. //If it's not, set weight to 0 to exclude it. if ((typeName _weight) != (typeName 0)) then {diag_log "Log: [selectRandomWeighted] Weights should be Numbers; weight set to 0!"; _weight = 0}; //The weight should be a Number between 0 and 1. if (_weight < 0) then {diag_log "Log: [selectRandomWeighted] Weights should be more than or equal to 0; weight set to 0!"; _weight = 0}; //if (_weight > 1) then {debugLog "Log: [selectRandomWeighted] Weights should be less than or equal to 1; weight set to 1!"; _weight = 1}; //Normalize the weight for a precision of hundreds. _weight = round(_weight * 100); for "_k" from 0 to (_weight - 1) do { _weighted = _weighted + [_i]; }; }; If you don't program, this solution is like this: If I can get my own version working using a less inefficient algorithm I'll post it as an edit.
  10. Publik


    If anyone would like to help, a function for getting the sum of a number array and a function for selecting a random number (with decimals) would be appreciated.
  11. Publik

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    Player is killed Player replaced with NPC NPC sits in a "dead" animation and can be dragged/carried like any wounded player/NPC Sounds simple enough
  12. Publik

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Users in the last 24 hours: Below 150k Average life expectancy: 1:05 Do try and keep us interested. Gamers are fickle beasts; we'll go somewhere else if you aren't giving us the experience we want.
  13. Freeside Trading Co will be suspending our weekly trade events until further notice. We've come across a few issues that make it very expensive to do these ops:Hackers: I don't like to play the blame game, but the hackers suck ass. We've gone about 3 months every weekend regardless, but recently it's gotten really bad. The hackers really kill our morale more than anything, and these weekly trade events make us a rather large target. Tents and Vehicles: Since they don't save, there's no way for us to turn a profit. Every time we get a batch of items, we've got no place to store them. School: Many of our members are in college, and a new semester is starting. As such, we're somewhat short-staffed. This is a much more temporary problem; once the semester gets started and we get settled in, we should have more of our veteran manpower for ops. Now, this isn't to say we are closing shop. Far from it, in fact. We'll be devoting more of our time to working within the Coalition, and we're taking some time to make some internal adjustments. Freeside is still facilitating requested trades, and we're still a great place to find and sell gear. We're also starting up our mercenary division, so we'll be able to start filling contracts soon!It is still possible we will run occasional weekend trade events, but there will be no guarantee as to when that might be. Check the forums, we'll post here if we decide to do an event either the Wednesday or Thursday before the op. Times will be the same, but we may be trying out new locations. Once tents correctly save and the hackers have been more squashed out by the beta patches, we'll be back to our weekly schedule. Again, this does not mean Freeside is dead - we're just halting our weekend trade events.
  14. Publik

    Freeside Trading Co. US 1665.

    Yeah, I'm unaware of any servers currently up other than Seattle 104, which has been the only numbered server we've had. Looking into it. Edit: Yep, not our server and we don't have a DukeHunter in our roster. Please check our site for what servers we own before making baseless claims. We'll look into other servers toting our name if it turns out to be a problem.
  15. Publik

    GPS toggle

    It's CTRL+M for the in-game display. It pops up like your compass, but it's a toggle. You can't switch it on the map screen :(
  16. You still can :P We've got plenty of things to get done. Like I said, we're just halting our weekly staffed trade events. Other operations are still on-going. Hop on our TS (info can be found here) and ask around. I'm sure someone is available to help you out.
  17. No, our open trade events have been closed indefinitely. We still do officially requested trades. Edit: While I can't say we'll have a fully staffed event, if you happen to be on our TS over the weekend you might be able to arrange a trade with us. Edit 2: Actually please do so... Would give my guys something to do :P In the meantime, USE US! For whatever, really. A part of that morale problem can be healed with good feels. Help us help you, which in turn helps with our morale.
  18. Still haven't gotten my can of beans :( I think Dan is a liar.
  19. Publik

    Couple end-game long term goals

    Freeside is rebuilding civilization... No code requiredTM.
  20. Publik

    M4A3 ACOG GL

    I'd keep it on the down-low until 96061 is out in full force. Freeside (how to word this) keeps a very close eye on people with hacked weapons right now. Once 96061 rolls out, and given that it works as intended, we might be a little more lax with hacked items. Depends on the server you bring the thing to.
  21. Publik

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    Not when people can shit them out. It's impossible not to dupe the things - if you want to guarantee your pack isn't eaten when changing skins, you drop your pack. Sadly, that just spawns an extra :/
  22. It doesn't read like it removes ones already in the game, just prevents people from spawning new ones.
  23. Publik

    Hero & Bandit Skin Variations

    I kinda like it that way. If anything, the bandit skin is the one that needs better cues. Maybe the bandit skin should be the survivor skin but with the holsters and such of the Hero? Right now bandits are really easy to spot at a distance. As for the bandit ghillie or survivor ghillie, they could have different shades or materials? For example, bandit ghillie might be colored more in line with the northern woods, while a hero ghillie would be more suited for the south?
  24. Publik

    Temporary immortality on spawning

    You can still get killed there, though.