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Everything posted by Publik

  1. The guy that made this has a thread with all 3...
  2. Items have no value and storage is limited to the player's body (which can be lost at any time). Before there can be an economy within DayZ, these things need to be addressed. Freeside won't be doing any full trade events until we've got a way to stockpile goods and have the goods to stockpile. Edit: Also, if they do add banknotes we'll probably be using them as our unit of currency. Whether or not you visit our trade events is up to you. Our business is based on trust, and people are more than able to report violations of that trust in public (har har har).
  3. Publik

    Dayz SA Unplayble since 1/8

    Please wrap that in a
  4. Publik

    Elecktro Trade Stop

    You could join Freeside ;) We'll be open for business once there's item storage/once there's stuff to trade. Edit: And if not, be prepared for hackers. I know there aren't as many of them in SA, but the summer the mod came out we ran trade ops pretty much every weekend for 3 months and had a hacker barge in just about every time.
  5. Publik

    Adaptive Artificial Intelligence for Zombies

    I've got a game I'm working on with an enemy AI that functions similarly but without the layers or learning. Basically, roll a d4. If you get 1, attack the lowest HP target. If you don't get a 1, roll another d4 and if you get 1 attack the target with the least armor. If you still don't get a 1, attack a random target. With OP's method, the die rolled changes to have fewer sides when the previous rolls succeed, and the die gains sides when the previous roll fails. Whatever works gets more likely, whatever doesn't work gets less likely. Additionally, there are different layers the AI works on. At the bottom are basic movements, like "move forward", "move left", "crawl forward", etc. The middle section is made of these basic movements and represent activities, like "go to player 1", which is made up of "move forward" and so on. The top level is for goals, like "kill player 1", which includes the middle level commands "go to player 1" and "attack player 1". Another example is a survivor behind a door. The "kill player 1" goal might fail, because the player is behind a door. The zombies would eventually learn that when the "kill player 1" goal fails (because "go to player 1" fails), they need to do something else, for example adding "break door" to the front of the goal ("break door" -> "go to player 1" -> "kill player 1"). Is that about right? Would they do better if the system doesn't evolve and the initial percentages are determined in closed simulations? The only negative thing I could think of is that this assumes that zombies are relatively permanent/never despawn, which might not match the server restart pattern that's currently here, and if the servers are so put out by a few hundred zombies how are they going to get a system like this in?
  6. Publik

    Putting a hit on bandits / kill on sighters

    Sort of, but not really. The reason this'll never be in the game is because Rocket wants us to enforce ourselves. Want a safe zone? Make one. Want to be able to clear zombies from a town and take it over? Do it. Want to trade with people? Start a trade group like I did. Want NPCs? There's a guy starting up a whitelisted server with actors and shit playing the part of NPCs.
  7. Publik

    Spray Paint/Tagging walls and surfaces

    If you don't like 20ft dicks painted on the walls, moderate it with your own spray paint. "Oh no, people will draw dicks". They also have names like FagLord696969 and feed each other bleach. Sounds like a pathetic reason not to add something as potentially useful as this.
  8. Publik

    Putting a hit on bandits / kill on sighters

    Give me a sack of beans and point me in the right direction, and I'll carry that hit out for you.
  9. Publik

    Adaptive Artificial Intelligence for Zombies

    I'd be interested in stuff you know in general.
  10. Publik

    Fill Canteens with water bottles!

    Actually it kind of is...
  11. Publik

    Keep the zombies the way they are

    Wait until they respawn and don't clip, then decide. Right now they might as well not be there. Zeds drive player interaction. Without them or some other larger goal/opposing force, the game can only go in one direction.
  12. Same issue, just worse. Now it's not just Rocket I have to be angry at, it's BIS. If Rocket and team wants to follow a Minecraft style development cycle, they need to be making snapshots and keeping their community informed, before we all get bored of Disinfectant Party 2014 and start playing War Thunder instead.
  13. Publik

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    ^ Some random mix of crap loot to start with. Sometimes it's a flashlight, sometimes a water bottle, sometimes a pocket knife.
  14. I don't care if it takes 2 weeks to fix zombie pathfinding or adding new pants, I just want to know that it's being worked on. Rocket's never been good at being open with his community, and that's what the problem is. Maybe with this roadmap they're talking about things will be different, but I don't have very high hopes. This is the same guy that wouldn't let server admins ban blatant hackers and had his community dissolve into private hives and spinoff mods within a handful of months. DayZ doesn't have a lot to offer right now. The mod lasted for about 3 months or so before it's CCU plummeted, the hackers took over the main hive, and people fled to the private hives. SA has even less than the mod, and if there's no carrot for us to chase how could anyone expect someone to stick around for a year of this? It's not about slow or fast development, it's about open development.
  15. Publik

    character animation transition

    It's a banana!
  16. Publik

    No more 3rd person and zoom

    Someone else finally gets it lol, been posting this here and there for a week now. While they're at it, disable the crosshair when in 3PP as well. 3PP Off servers are a shitty fix; it just takes the problem and shoves it under the rug, or in this case onto a separate hive.
  17. Publik

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    Why does everyone call Rocket "Dean Hall" now? I get that it's his name and all, but it just feels weird.
  18. Publik

    character animation transition

    Different "draw" animations depending on where the item is. Item in pack = rummage through pack to get it (slow), item in vest = reach to vest (fast), item in pants = reach to pants (medium speed).
  19. Publik


    Just use ACRE
  20. Publik

    Building Destruction/Fires

    Ability to light buildings on fire using gasoline and matches/fire source. Could be used to clear out a portion of a town (I am Legend style) for security, or as a combat tactic. Building would hopefully be destroyed for a while and not just until server reset.
  21. Publik


    Only if you've got one IRL
  22. Publik

    Wishlist Handsigns

    Tactical gestures, point at something, yes, no, hold up, etc
  23. Publik

    Vertical Hand Grips (Daily Suggestion #2)

    Should reduce sway when moving or something along those lines, or make you recover sway when standing. Shouldn't magically make a gun more accurate.