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Everything posted by Publik

  1. I saw 10 or so zombies in an hour of gameplay, I interacted with 5. The first 2 were in NWAF and I killed them with an axe. Then I got into a firefight and died. When I respawned I moved north the Berezino where I found another 3 zombies. One of them actually went around a fence to get me, then it T-posed and sat in the ground and another came up to to me. I couldn't really hit them because of the desync and the shitty melee system and gave up and let them kill me. I don't know if I can really express very well how pathetic or a game DayZ is. It's like a sick animal. Don't defend mediocrity.
  2. Publik

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    I had the idea to play some DayZ after a few months to see if it had changed any and I see there's been maybe one or two updates, zombies still run through walls, and there aren't any forms of storage after 6 months so I'm gonna go watch TV or something instead. Surely didn't have much faith before, surely don't have much faith after.
  3. It's because they're amateurs working with old code. The correct response is "We can't do that now, but we're working on a better way of handling loot so we can have an arbitrarily large number of items".
  4. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    The entire eastern portion could be empty just by having players respawn there. Edit: I should point out that Nizhnoye and Veresnik sit rather close to that dividing line, as do Stary and Novy So I should take what he says literally and not assume anything? I'm very confused
  5. Publik

    Glitching in Walls

    They did when they bought that other studio to fix it. The other studio which is building in navmeshes and bringing Arma into the present.
  6. Publik

    What To Do In A Bandit Situation

    Fuckin owned lol He shoulda just shot you before turning around
  7. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    Right at 8:50, straight from Rocket's mouth. World divided into quadrantsQuad resets when empty for X timeIncludes resetting doorsDoor state randomly set on world startThat's all the info we have. What does "empty" mean? Empty of players? Empty of items? If it's players, how predictable is it? Can I cause a loot respawn on my own? If there are players spawning on the coasts, will the coasts ever restock items because of spawning players constantly resetting the timer. Are "quadrants" literally 57km^2 chunks or does he mean a quadtree? If it's a quadtree, how many steps in does it take? If it's items that cause a restock, does "empty" mean "below a certain threshold"? Do trash items count towards that number? Does this do anything to prevent server hopping? As the OP asks, what does this system attempt to fix? If a system is in early development and we know a little about it, is it better to ask these questions now or wait until the system has been completed? I'd rather ask now instead of waiting for the team finish it, only to find out that said system is exploitable and needs to be reworked. Why wouldn't it be common sense to take what a developer says literally? If Rocket says "We're adding vehicles", should I disregard the very literal statement that they're adding vehicles and instead assume that they're adding tanks and airplanes? Rocket says that under said system the world is divided into quadrants. That's 4 sections, split into NE, NW, SE, and SW squares. These quadrants reset after being "empty" for a timer. Also, doors reset. I've got questions about those very factual statements. I'm mainly arguing with Judo because I don't like him and I'm bored. He hasn't provided any other opinions other than "it's an alpha", so there's no way for me to grow anything. Also, this thread isn't about my ideas, it's about Rocket's ideas. I just brought it up as an example of an alternate method, which Rocket could use as a much more rewarding tool to help his idea grow.
  8. Publik

    How Long Should a Day Last? (Hardcore)

    We'd just end up with 24/7 day hardcore servers like we have now :(
  9. Sometimes you've got friends that don't want to play 1PP or need a few hours to vent on the coastal critters without risking your main dood.
  10. Publik

    How Long Should a Day Last? (Hardcore)

    Whatever the average play session is. I'm thinking 4 hr day, 4 hr night? Or 3/3. I dunno, 6 hours is a long time to sit on my ass and I'd like to be able to experience a full cycle per session.
  11. I don't see anything showing that I responded to OP. I responded to this: which doesn't mention a CPU at all. If I was responding to Rivals.Joho I'd have quoted him. Please stop stalking me, the last 4 things I've been quoted for have been by you.
  12. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    Define "complaining", if you'd be so kind. I posted a list of 8 neutral questions regarding the loot system, then a little bit about why those questions matter. I've added big green letters so you can understand why I asked what I did. Hence why I call the system "hamfisted and inelegant". I then go on to describe a system that doesn't have these flaws and might act in a smoother manner, while providing additional motivation to explore or loot inland areas. I don't get it either.
  13. I've heard here and there that the RV engine is really processor heavy. It doesn't really matter if your graphics card or i/o speed is good, it matters most if your CPU is solid.
  14. Publik

    question will infinite ammo get u banned? READ ON

    Hmm, does the stack become infinite because a bit gets shifted the wrong way? It's either that or they're not validating the ammo count when it's set or initialized.
  15. Publik

    question will infinite ammo get u banned? READ ON

    Nope. Edit: I still wouldn't take it. Just ignore it and move on. I think my favorite part of DayZ SA so far is that hackers die if you shoot them.
  16. Publik

    Loot grinding

    ITT: People said grinding was fun and/or necessary. We modern gamers are pretty sad lot.
  17. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    I'm a developer too, ya knob. If I don't know what the devs are planning, it's not for lack of interest. As for the "do wrenches count?" question, it's an important one. The mod had trash loot, we have trash loot in SA. Currently wrenches are trash loot. Pots and pans and camping stoves are trash loot as well. They don't currently have any sort of use, so no one will pick them up. If trash loot needs to be picked up before the quadrant will refill, that means that unless players pick up every single trash item in a 57km^2 square the square won't restock. If the case for a server to restock a quadrant is so strict that it will rarely happen, the implemented system won't do anything. If the system still spawns loot on server restart, the servers will still restart.
  18. Publik

    These are real hacks.

    "Hacks" or a glitched pile of ammo and a firing macro?
  19. You bought something like that on request? A $70-90 piece of hardware to make a $30 alpha run a little faster? Why do people buy computer parts for games?
  20. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    Then it won't change anything. There was a server I was on the other night with a MOTD asking for donations to a yahoo account to "keep the loot respawning".
  21. Publik

    Respawning Loot Prototype

    System is hamfisted and inelegant. It's also not very transparent to the player. What constitutes an "empty" quadrant?Do useless items like wrenches count towards a quadrant being "empty"?Do players need to pick up these useless items to make the quadrant empty?Do players dropping items cause a quadrant to not be empty?How quickly do quadrants restock?If I pick up the last item in a quadrant, do all of the buildings around me suddenly spawn loot?Are there any cities bisected by a quadrant line?Does loot still respawn on server restart anyways?All I can see this system doing (if the last bullet isn't true) is that the servers will start with a bunch of loot, people will quickly snatch up all of the food, weapons, and ammo, and since the system doesn't sound like it'll restock very often people will just end up with an empty server. New players won't find food and will starve, and if they don't they're not going to find any weapons or ammo. Even more KoS since everyone will be starving and/or that guy over there might have some gear! If the last bullet is true, nothing will change at all. I've proposed a better solution in my signature. The gist of it is that the server keeps a tally of the number of items held in that server and held by the players of that server. Let's assume a server has 19,000 unique items (250 of which are carried by players) and it wants to keep a stock of 20,000. Every X-Y minutes, the server decides to restock loot on the server. In this case, it would want to spawn 1,000 new items to bring the total back up. The server would then pick 1,000 loot locations. If a picked location is FilledHas a player within X00 metersthrow that location away and pick a new one. This has a sanity count of 1,000 to 2,000 tries before it gives up and uses the current list of acceptable locations. This system would Spawn loot away from playersNot spawn loot near players (loot cycling)Lower the loot in high-traffic areas (airfields, etc, makes server hopping less profitable, drives people away from the kill zones)Implants the idea that "there's always loot over that hill, or in that little farmhouse, or in that town we haven't checked in a few hours" (promotes exploration)
  22. Publik

    What has the standalone become ?

    You got source for that?
  23. Publik

    Dayz feels like..

    I've included some pictures* so you can understand. I also find it hard to believe "you can do more" with an engine that's not licensed. I can download UE4 or CE3 and get to work today. Take a look at DayZ's code if you get a chance (you can get into the .pbos with Eliteness and decompile with unRap). It's the same stuff that goes into TOH, and it's all kind of dated. Here the DayZ team mentions how cool it is that they've added an emissive shader. Such advanced, much glow.
  24. Publik

    Dayz feels like..

    Define "advanced". In what areas? For helicopters, maybe.
  25. Publik

    What has the standalone become ?

    Explain how you'd do 1 & 2.