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Everything posted by DemGators

  1. I put it to the people who want sidechat back to continue posting new threads about this because it's the only way we can voice ourselves. Rather than listen to the community that overwhelmingly wants communications back, they stick their heads in the sand and pretend not to notice.
  2. DemGators

    Hackers on NZ 04 and NZ 02

    And your proof is where?
  3. Your signature is annoying as all fuck.
  4. Same is happening on my server. Not happy, Jan.
  5. DemGators

    Tents wiped.

    My crew and I filled about 4 tents full of goodies over about 6-7 hours today with plans of relocating and setting up a large base somewhere else. Anyway, I had to restart the server later tonight when no one else was on. When I return, all my tents are wiped back to a previous saved (all tents are there, but only one tent has items in it... which was from about 12 hours ago). All of our tents were saved in game long before the restart. I tried stopping the game, and starting up. No go. Tried BErcon #restart and #shutdown. Once again, no go. And no, our gear wasn't stolen, as stated... one of the tents had 12+ gear in it. Indicating that tents are infact NOT saving when they are supposed to be. And no one looted us, out vehicles are still there. This is not the first time this has happened either. This needs to be a priority other stupid bandit skins and face wraps. Sick of glaringly obvious bugs being ignored for shit like that. Pick up your game.
  6. DemGators

    Vehicle inventory loss on server restart

    It's bullshit and requires an immediate fix!
  7. DemGators

    Dayz Tent Bugs, Items disappear on server restart

    Just lost 4 tents full of gear. Fan-FUCKING-tastic. This is such bullshit.
  8. Installed Installed 95819 beta. Filter results by - get this error in game;
  9. Which is why admins already have the option to disable voice chat (at least, we do on Vilayer). I'm talking TEXT side chat. Many servers already have it enabled and haven't faced blacklisting yet. The fact remains, removing it was an experiment, I get it but if you look at how the community reacts... it's all KoS. There is no in game community any more. No one can go meeting up with a total stranger. No one can talk to anyone else in game unless they are on direct or another chat program, which requires knowing people first. It goes against everything that multiplayer gaming is about.
  10. DemGators

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Yeah, who gives a fuck what the community wants, right?
  11. DemGators

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    Apparently they haven't pissed off the people that make their game possible enough, now they threaten to fuck you in the ass if you turn side chat on. For a game that has actively shut down single player modifications, enforcing multi-player only stance... you sure don't like people to play with each other.
  12. ANZ 1, 2, 3 and 4 have it enabled and they are main hive. Removing it was a shitty decision by the DayZ Staff. This is really a decision that has to be left to server admins.
  13. Just ordered a new Adelaide server. Can't wait for it to install :)
  14. DemGators

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Congratulations on fixing... absolutely nothing.
  15. DemGators

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    Tip; It's c:/users/yourname/appdata/local/ArmA 2 OA
  16. Only one zombie has spawned despite me running around Cherno, too.
  17. DemGators

    Updated server; No loot spawns

    Yeah thanks, I'm glad my problems are bringing you such fucking joy.
  18. DemGators

    Wrong Version Error []

    I don't see why they'd change the name, start the server, have 20-30 people join... all while not actually updating.
  19. DemGators

    Wrong Version Error []

    This is on all servers that explicitly state in their titles that they are on
  20. DemGators

    Mission editor help

    At least you have zombies in, I can't figure out how to spawn them in?
  21. What's up here? And who is [AUSCOG]Karmichael
  22. DemGators

    Found this in my files [HFB Servers]

    I find that strange. This is on HFB servers. Perhaps I had better send them a ticket.