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silent (DayZ)

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Everything posted by silent (DayZ)

  1. silent (DayZ)

    Awkward Hackers Argue - They Forgot About Me! :D

    Why they are called hackers? They bought software from smart coders just to have advantage because they can't get it in legit way. Lets say they are hacker/cracker customers or just cheaters. They don't deserve to be called "hackers".
  2. silent (DayZ)

    Extremy Unlucky? or the norm?

    It's DayZ, you will love it still :thumbsup:
  3. silent (DayZ)


    Yes, it's a common cheat still not patched.
  4. silent (DayZ)


    HAHAHAHAHAHA I can't..... uffffff
  5. silent (DayZ)

    Where is all the PvP

    I can and can't agree. It depends on your point of view. You can play as a lone wolf in deep land and avoid contact with players or you can participate in SKS/Mosin orgy at the beach. In the first case you will unlikely meet a hacker but in second case... answer yourself. To make a true image of situation you need to know whats going on entire server (developers know this (I hope :P )).
  6. silent (DayZ)

    Where is all the PvP

    I know the problem, you know the problem and developers know the problem. Furthermore I undrestand why we can't make a deep talk about the problem but I'd like to talk in public about the problem in general way. Constructive discussion can bring us some new ideas about how to prevent or discover future problems.
  7. silent (DayZ)

    Where is all the PvP

    Electro, Berezino, Novo, Svetlo and Cherno in this order... but beware for cheaters. Populated areas are dangerous not because of legit players but cheaters. You need at least 4 cooprative palyers in separated positions to have any chance to fight with them. We killed some of these "players".
  8. silent (DayZ)

    When are the servers back on?

    Don't rush. I'd like to see persistent objects today or even tomorrow, the day is long enaugh to test/fix stable patch for today update :)
  9. silent (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Will database be wiped after next stable update?
  10. silent (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    I hope you can say the same thing about duping ;)
  11. silent (DayZ)

    Fix weapon balance by fixing duping issue

    I can't agree. Duping is a game breaking issue for me. This game is changing to: Death Match Berezino Fair players are now in deep black *** hole :(
  12. silent (DayZ)

    Fix weapon balance by fixing duping issue

    Is it fixed already?
  13. silent (DayZ)

    Internet Speed Requirements For DayZ ?

    A few month earlier when dayz was using not optimized netcode you will need at least 2Mb but now you will be fine with -+1Mb/s.
  14. silent (DayZ)

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    After 250+ hours of gameplay same thing happened to me last week (two times). First one was "friendly" cheater but sceond one just killed me. Shooting through the wall is another story. I don't know if it is a cheat bug or something elese...
  15. silent (DayZ)

    What does maxframesahead settings actually do?

    What these settings really do Andrew?
  16. silent (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    The question of the day! Give answer ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  17. silent (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I palyed yesterday but problem with server connection provoked me to throw chairs through window. Very entertaining :thumbsup:
  18. silent (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

  19. silent (DayZ)

    Alpha poll

    Great poll 10/10 :thumbsup:
  20. silent (DayZ)

    Mine - Cave - Underground structure

    I'd like to see locations like this: -mine -cave -underground structure In these places there was a total darkness.
  21. silent (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Hurray!!!! Finally first wave of cheaters will die B) (I hope...)
  22. silent (DayZ)

    vehicles you want in the game

    Bicykle and nothing more. Maybe boat for fishing.
  23. silent (DayZ)

    How do you prepare to log off?

    I'm not wasting my time for log out:
  24. Is it really in game and it works...? https://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/414032090154680320 ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE WALKIE TALKIE