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Everything posted by nihilistic

  1. nihilistic


    English is my 3rd language :) But thank you for the compliment anyway.
  2. nihilistic

    DayZ and us - Merchandise

    I remember watching a video of someone interviewing rocket and rocket had a shirt with "anyone in cherno" or "friendlies in cherno" or something along the lines of that. Would happily pay for a shirt like that.
  3. nihilistic

    Joy of Banditry

    So you are saying that people who are sub-human are better at playing the game then you. Woop woop. Out of the thread please.
  4. nihilistic

    Joy of Banditry

    My personal favourite is when me and my buddies dump all our gear in our base, but hold onto our PDW's (micro uzi for those who don't know). We then jump in our mini van which we lovingly call the "bang bus" and drive along the MSR along the coast playing gangsta music over direct and popping a cap in nubs asses when we come across them.
  5. Sorry, but I can't seem to remember where I specifically said that I said people can't enjoy the game? I enjoy the game my way, you enjoy the game your way. To be honest, your post doesn't even make sense. You are taking this way, way to seriously buddy. Like seriously out of proportion serious. This game isn't an inspection of the morals of human kind it's a fucking mod to ArmA. You really are getting moralistic and seem to be taking some sort of moral high ground. Sounds like you really need to chill out lol. Cry all you want, but you're a bit of a silly cunt. EDIT; I'm not going to bother responding to any more of your comments because frankly this will just be a back and forth and the mods don't need more work.
  6. nihilistic

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    Sigh... you are really, really close minded. Half your shit post isn't even relevant to the topic. I liked the bit though where you talk about "elitist based community". You do realise that in you saying that people should only be playing DayZ in the way that you describe, you are being elitist? The game doesn't revolve around you mate. It's a fucking zombie apocalypse... Why do you act as if you fully understand the human psychology in a crisis such as it? If you truly are playing the game for the immersion, then you should play to adapt to an ever changing environment. Because that's what chernarussia is, an ever changing environment. From a role playing or immersion standpoint, you have no idea what man is becoming in such a world. Stop acting like you do. If you aren't playing for this type of immersion then I don't know why you are even bothering to post, because you would be clearly retarded. People buy the game and play it in their own way. You want to actively prevent them from doing that. Think your posts through. Your are just a whining idiot.
  7. nihilistic


    I'm seriously sick of your shit posts. Fuck off. You truly are giving the impression that you havn't seen the sun for a while. Harden the fuck up you whiny bitch.
  8. What all these whiners seem to not understand is that the game isn't focused on immersion, it is focused on survival. You get the immersion instead through the style/way you play the game. You get your immersion through being a survivor and teaming up with others and simply surviving, I however, enjoy being a bandit and teaming up with some mates and going around killing people. Sometimes I check their loot, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I like to go around and kill people with my mates for fun. It's how we play the game. We bought it with our own money, and we can play it anyway we fucking please. I enjoy feasting upon the tears of the fallen peasants I slay on my crusade through the chernarussian wilderness. If you whiners are so upset about PvP (honestly, some of the comments I have seen people post regarding PvP highly indicates that some of these people were on the verge of actual tears as they wrote their pathetic post), get a group of mates and comb the bandit/sniper hot spots (e.g. hill overlooking elektro power station, hill overlooking balota). You have the power in your hands to kill these bandits (believe me, if you put an actual game plan into action and assault a bandit location with even a small amount of thought, you will flank and kill them, even with less powerful weapons, if they d/c, hell at least they fucked off) and YOU CAN fucking kill them, don't make weak excuses because you are bad at the game/unable to form a simple attack plan. What I tend to find however, is that the people who play as the "survivors" tend to be noobs or people who are new to the ArmA engine itself. Stop being so ignorant/close minded and go actually do something about it. If you truly are playing for immersion, then people who play as bandits are just something you have to deal with in an ever-changing environment. It's a fucking zombie apocalypse, stop acting as if you know how man will act and think during a crisis such as it. Also on a side note, Virfortis, I have seen some of your posts around and I have to say that your posts are seriously unfounded and borderline stupid. "PvP based games need to be locked away". Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. You do realise that almost all multiplayer games are PvP based right? (Starcraft, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Tribes Ascend, Unreal Tournament are just a few examples of hundred of thousands more) and also many games with heavy PvE focus have hearty PvP elements (most MMO's e.g. WoW). You are practically saying that multiplayer as we know it should be ceased? Fucking incredulous. Hard to believe that someone could be this naive. "The hardcore PvP industry is dead". Really? You have absolutely no idea my friend. Stop spouting unfounded bullshit and get a clue.
  9. nihilistic


    Always get a laugh when the absolute faggots who cry about pvp come out of the wood work when one of these threads are made. omgwtfbbq, does it make you mad that I enjoy sniping noobs and not bothering with looting them?
  10. Laughing at all these utter faggots having a whinge. I shoot cunts because I love ruining their day. I gain sustenance through your tears. I drop idiots and don't even bother checking their loot because its funny. I played as a survivor for weeks upon weeks and now I am at pretty much end game stage. Killing people is fun and people who whinge are just incompetent idiots. Dave above me is clearly a butt hurt care bear faggot. [i have been warned for this post. - Ubi]
  11. nihilistic

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    ^ Nail on the head. You are just horrible at ArmA in general Virfortis. You can have no snipers in FaggotZ, but I'll stick to DayZ kthx. And actually, it's a role playing game. It is focused on surviving, not immersion. You get the immersion through how you play. Sniping ruins FPS games. Jesus christ lol. Use your "years of gaming experience" to understand how fucking retarded that sounds. "People online are bullies". Sounds like you are just one of those but hurt carebears. I like to survive and to also bandit it up every known and then. You just need to improve your play style. It's clear that ArmA isn't a game that is mechanically suited to you. "Snipers ruin FPS games". Fuck, I just can't get over that. Unbelievably hilarious. Idiot.
  12. nihilistic

    Scaring People - Part 2 Teaser [Video]

    Haha. Hilarious. Excellent idea.
  13. nihilistic

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    The fact of the matter is however, that most players who are playing DayZ, are extremely new to the ArmA engine and their only experience with the ArmA engine is DayZ itself. I laughed at the bit where you mentioned assuming things then went on to talk about military tactics. I'm pretty sure that I said "tactical movements". As in, you know, not moving predictably (e.g. running in a straight line), not bunching up when you move, bounding from tree to tree or cover to cover. Also, it's easy to know when someone has logged out. Just fucking relocate yourself. Fuck... honestly. My first experience with the ArmA engine was with DayZ and I soon after joined an ArmA realism clan and used the armoury/missions and now I am significantly better in DayZ and survive for much, much longer. Restrains people without a scope... lol... if you can't hit people with iron sights then a military sim like ArmA really isn't the game for you. Years of FPS experience. trololol Scanning the treeline is useless? Yeh.............. nah.
  14. Get evidence or stfu. Useless thread.
  15. nihilistic

    L85A2 AWS Gone

    Try searching the fucking forums? Useless thread.
  16. nihilistic

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    What I fail to understand is why there is a British weapon (l85) spawning in chernarussian choppers. The M4 class weapons (not including the m16a2) are also very much out of place. If there is to be a thermal scoped weapon in the game it should be the AK74 GOSHAWK. I have used the thermal l85 for a while now as both target spotting for my DMR (preferred sniper rifle :D) and spotting hostile snipers. It is extremely easy to spot any target at any angle within your draw distance if they are a player who isn't familiar with ArmA or moving tactically. If you use your brain (something people rarely do in DayZ sadly), there are many ways to mask your thermal image and to lower your profile. Thick foliage, trees with a lot of branches (e.g. those pine trees) all mask your thermal image. It always makes me laugh when people moan and cry when in reality, it's their own stupidity, ignorance, lack of motivation to learn or a combination of all 3. Stop being a slack peasant and learn about the game. Load up ArmA combined ops without DayZ mod enabled and load up the armoury. Get a feel for the guns and tactical movements. It will seriously improve your game and your survivability. But I guess that that is the plight of the internet, fuckwits cry and whinge when there are simple ways to learn and get better. After using the thermal scope for a while in DayZ now, I really do feel that thermal just doesn't belong in DayZ. You need to be able to get away from people, to hide. The thrill of being able to evade a hostile or to flee from a firefight and hide in a bush somewhere is completely gone. If there is going to be thermal in the game, it should be separate from weapons and instead be in a hand held device such as modded into the rangefinders as an option alongside its night vision optics or actual thermal binos themselves.
  17. nihilistic

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Thank fuck l85's are gone by the looks if it. All of mine disappeared. Was just too easy to kill cunts with it. Thermal doesn't have a place in DayZ.
  18. nihilistic

    How well geared are you?

    Backpack: 1x Coyote Elite (24 slot) Weapons: M4A3 CCO + 5x magazines PDW + 4x magazines Medical Supplies: 1x blood bag 1x epi-pen 4x bandages 2x morphine injectors 2x painkillers 1x antibiotics Food/Water: 3x water bottle 5x cooked steak Gear: 1x NVG All other gear (GPS, map, entrenching tool etc)
  19. nihilistic

    Your Best Bandit Video Thread

    I love nothing more than to ruin some shit cunts day by murdering them for nothing offer than the lols. Only then to top it off by hiding their body after taking their beans. You mad Reuter? Deal with it mate.
  20. Clearly you are horrible. Lol at logging off inside the military barracks, one of the most sought out loot positions in the game. QQ noob. Day 7 and still going strong. Stupid beaners.
  21. This is excellent news for me and my team of bandits. We are all equipped with M4A1 Camo SD rifles, M14s and DMRs. We all also have night vision goggles and enough ammo between us to get through a world war. We are all mates and use military tactics and love nothing more than to butcher noobs along the coast and anywhere else we come across others. We look forward to killing every last member of your militia and continuing to wreak havoc on all noobs everywhere. Fear the night. We are coming for you.