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About toastyy

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  1. toastyy

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    Ah man that sucks. :(
  2. toastyy

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    Hmm ok well at least one lingor server I play on is up that wasn't yesterday. You are right the chernarus one is still down. e- it seems it wasn't villayer?
  3. toastyy

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    Servers are up but a character wipe? :( Man I had really awesome characters on both lingor and chernarus servers.
  4. toastyy

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    That is what namalsk does. It concentrates all the food Of course you do? That is why places like electro and cherno are death traps on high population servers. Obviously players can work around this by gearing up on low population servers or sticking to more time consuming but less busy routes. If you look at namalsk, it flips the script. Instead of having lots of civilian (food/drink) spawns spread out across the map and having small concentrated military spawns that people fight over it does the opposite. it has lots of military spawns but very few civilian that lots of people with guns fight over. It's interesting because you can survive in chernarus with out top end military gear (so you can avoid NWA/heli crash spots) if you want. But on namalsk you have to eat/drink eventually and you are forced run the gauntlet at vorkuta.
  5. toastyy

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any more ridiculous. People role play different characters because it's a fun thing to do in a computer game that has no real life consequences what so ever. I honestly don't understand how some of you can't see this? The fun thing about dayz it's that any thing can happen and there are no rules. With out "bandits" there are no "heroes". It's the inherent danger that adds the tension and the fun to the game.
  6. toastyy

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    The start, middle and end game is a fun fps. The higher up the ladder you get the more powerful tools you have to engage others with (50 cals, helis etc). All the environmental interactions, the zombies, the need for different supplies etc force players too move around the map and set up interesting engagements as they compete for resources.
  7. toastyy

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    Never trust any one if you have a fully geared character. If you are a new spawn, you can if you want but don't be surprised if they shoot in you in the face once they get a weapon.
  8. toastyy

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I think you probably answered your own question.
  9. toastyy

    Please stop the hackers

    A private hive does nothing to stop a hacker. It just makes it slightly more inconvenient. If any thing a private hive is more of a juicy target that would motivate said hacker to spend the 2 minutes signing up. Until the standalone come out there is nothing more really any one can do.
  10. toastyy

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Hey come on now, let's not try and introduce common sense into this. Sacriel shooting some one with out a gun in an fps is a signifier of the end times and how rotten to the core society is these days and other crazy hyperbolic nonsense I can't bothered to trawl back through the thread for. He's a BIG MEAN BULLY AND I'M TELLING ROCKET.
  11. The whole point of these incremental patches should be that they are on an upward curve. Removing the ability to know how much food you need to get back to to full health to some nebulous colour change is a backwards step. Include a small blood % or number inside the symbol or have the debug monitor as an option to toggle.
  12. toastyy

    Why does this keep happening?

    I was trawling through my recently played to find some examples of these servers. Maybe we could post them here and some one could look at them and see any similarities.
  13. toastyy

    Why does this keep happening?

    This has happened to me many times, not just on lingor. I used to think it was hackers but I now think it's to do with the server (a wrong version of the map or arma or some thing). If you log out and log in again it will spawn you back in at one of the default spawn points (with nothing apart from clothes), but you can get off the despawn island. I once actually tried to take a boat from despawn island to the main land but ran out of petrol half way over.) The best way to avoid this is to stick to servers in your favourites that you have joined before (especially if you have a geared character you like). Also be very wary of servers that constantly have no people on them despite being daylight and attractive otherwise).
  14. toastyy

    Ermm, What just happend?

    Had this happen to me on sunday night as well. Can't wait for the standalone.
  15. toastyy

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Read these words you have written about a multiplayer fps. About people clicking their mouse on some pixels. I think you really need some perspective on the whole issue. This whole thread is embarrassing (I have physically cringed at some of the posts in here).