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About pavarotti

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. pavarotti


    You sir are a jackass.. oh btw it means "leave me alone", no beans for you
  2. pavarotti

    WHere is

    Get your head out of your ass and first browse and then use the search engine.. And for the record rocket stated it's going to be 1.7.3
  3. pavarotti

    Updated loot map?

    @void_false: Except they do, sometimes the loot gets bugged and end up in the sky. And yes the dayzdb map is accurate.
  4. The Devs DID do daily updates on their progress patching the graphical issues, that has however stopped now because of everyone getting their panties in a bunch. But seeing as how you do not have to go in to any of the areas with static bodies or the military installations that give the glitches. If you choose to do this anyway stop moaning, we've done Berezino, airfield, balota, cherno, elektro and many of the others today with 8 people. Shift + num(-) flush works for some of us after repeating 10-20 times, others need to restart the game or their comp. And if someone in your team cant completely get rid of them, just put them on overwatch on your vehicles. I mean seriously, yes it is a shitty situation when you cant see diddlysquat but they are working on it and going all Chuck Intrawebs on the forums aint going to solve anything.