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Posts posted by SniperFodder

  1. Any player who disconnects while playing or alt f4s should stay in the game for a couple minutes...sorry but it isnt the games fault your internet crapped out or your comp crashed. I think a user friendly approach to non-intentional disconnects could still include zombies despawning.

    And that attitude is exactly why I don't play LoL, because I can't guarantee that I can stay in-game, especially when LoL likes to drop my connection, even though I'm fine on every other game. Not because my connection is actually crappy, but because leaving is marked against me when the servers are overburdened, or the node my packets are routing through happens to drop out leaving my packets to try and find an alternate route, or any number of reasons that can be ENACTED on ME by third parties, although most of the time unintentionally. And the kicker being that I get my account banned because I have X ammount of leaves and the system bans me. Not that It's actually been banned. I don't actually play the game for that to happen.

    But that's not why I want to reply to your post. This is dayZ, not an LoL rant thread. I think, if something like this is implemented, it needs to take it's cues from battle eye as well. If battle eye is kicking me for excessive ping, or some other reason due to limits set by the server, I should not be punished for that right off the bat. On the flip side I can understand players abusing such a system by causing massive ping during a firefight that they want out of.

    On Final note, While I actually like the comments about a ritual like system, I would like to point out that this game is magnitudes different than let's say, World of Warcraft, simply because it is roguelike. In WoW, disconnecting without completing the ritual, at most, means that you have to run back to your body, and repair gear that has taken durability dammage. This can be said about most games that implement a logout timer. In DayZ however? You die. Permantly. You have to roll a new toon. But, at the end of the day, that's just the nature of the game. Does it suck? Yea. Do I like it? Hell yea. That's half the appeal of the game. Is it fair? Hell if I know.


    I shouldn't be punished by the logout ritual if the server is enacting a kick on me.
