Given the fact that Chernarus is a fictional Post-Soviet state, the weapon selection in DayZ is rather poor as far as immersion goes. The vast majority of DayZ weaponry is of American origin, outnumbering Eastern Bloc weaponry by a large margin. Some weapon categories, the ONLY options are American (machine guns come to mind). I propose a shift towards weaponry far more likely to be found in such a nation, adding many more of the Soviet and Russian weapons, and significantly lowering the spawn rates of American weaponry. Some of us like to roleplay a fair bit in our zombie survival and get really into it, and the current biggest problem with that is the fact most of the weaponry doesn't fit well to the setting. Preferrably, most of the newer military-grade American weapons would be removed, but I suspect a rather large proportion of the population would be against that, thus the compromise of reducing its probability of spawn might be needed. Things like the M16A2s and M1911 pistols are old enough that they might not need a cut in probability, M16A4s, M4s, the machine guns and submachine guns, the M9 pistols, and MP5 would need to take a rate hit. Good suggested weapon additions: Handgun: Makarov SD (equivalent: M9 silenced) Submachine gun: Perhaps non-silenced Bizon PP-19 (currently have an unsilenced MP5, but only silenced Bizon) Shotgun: Saiga 12K Assault Rifles: AK-74 GP-25 (equivalent: M16A2 M203) AKS-74UN (equivalent: M4A1 CCO SD) AK-107 PSO, (equivalent to M16A4 ACOG) Sniper rifles: VSS Vintorez possibly... would probably be a bandit weapon almost entirely KVSK (equivalent:to M107) SVD with no camo Perhaps SVD with NSPU? Useless in day thus perhaps balanced? Another most likely bandit weapon. Launcher: RPG-7V, probably the most common launcher worldwide. Four possible types of ammo, not all necessarily in game: OG-7V frag, PG-7V HEAT, PG-7VL HEAT (higher penetration, lower HE than PG-7V), PG-7VR tandem HEAT (very low HE effect, less effective to current Day Z vehicles than other two HEAT rounds, meant as anti-tank vs. reactive armour) Maybe RPG-18... would be similar to current M136. Machine guns: RPK (equivalent: M249) PKM (equivalent: M240) PKP (extremely rare, equivalent Mk 48, but with magnified optic) Such modifications would make a much more believeable experience in your finds moving about Chernarus.