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Everything posted by VolatileSilence

  1. Not sure what time the BE update was rolled out but I got kicked at 9:30 - 10:00 last night while in a server.... just as I killed somebody. (No changing of clothes) restriction #45.... tried logging into multiple servers and keep getting the same restriction..... and I've had a #39. 100% massive pain in the arse. I play with 2 friends regularly and they are having no issues :-s stuck roaming namalsk on my own till BE sort it out I guess?
  2. Ive got a 6950 and running everything on highest settings. When the horrible triangles start appearing (doesnt matter what distance they are away) I look directly at the source and change my vsync enabled or disabled (dependant on when it last happened). This has worked for me and my mate every time, hes running a 6850. Be intresting to know if it works for you too. :-D