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Everything posted by Zomberc

  1. Zomberc

    DayZ takistan opinion

    I find it very odd that nobody seems to have a problem with the severe lack of medical spawns. After hours and days of playing I have found 2 blood bags. Both at crashed choppers inside medical boxes. I also find that maps are incredibly rare based on my only finding one in the entire time I played. I also checked somewhere around 50-75 dead bodies I came across, none of which had a map or compass. Hell I even found the rare and cursed mountain dew.
  2. Hey Drek, I'm interested in joining up potentially but I prefer to work in a group of two. If you want a larger team then disregard my post. If two is fine ...I'm Canadian, 26yo in -5GMT. I play nights usually, anywhere from 7pm to 4am. I tend to play fairly hostile and shoot anyone I come into contact with, though I don't hang out on the beach for kills. Also I've been playing some Takistan lately and I'm enjoying it so that would be fun to try with a partner. Send me a PM if you're interested.and my play time fits yours.
  3. Zomberc

    Backpack switch Czech with Alice

    I'd like to point that although the Czech pack looks bigger up and down, the Alice pack is wider and has 3 medium sized pouches on it as well. Also as someone mentioned, there is the whole camo thing that makes the Czech pack more appealing since a good eye can spot the oddly colored Alice pack from up to 400m fairly easily. The size difference seems to be an issue of balance rather than realism. What I would like to see though are other forms of gear slots. Something like a shoulder strap pouches, belly pouches, small 2-4 slot pouches that clip onto your current pack to increase its current size and bandoleers would just be fantastic for holding spare mags while leaving more pack space for food, meds and firearms.
  4. Zomberc

    More vehicles. Mostly cars

    To be clear when I said the average server size is 50 players, what I meant was "50 is the maximum players the server will allow". Yes there are bigger and smaller servers but 50 is the number i see most. Furthermore your math shows an average of 69 players per server. (even though that's nowhere near close to accurate) So do you think think maybe JUST MAYBE that one of those other people got to the fresh spawn vehicle before you? Have you even considered that if you find 1 vehicle the chances of finding more goes up by leaps and bounds? Think about it .. you want to check a vehicle spawn, so you head to where it spawns. It's not there because random player A got there first and fixed it up. You then decide that you want to check the nearest spawn to the one you are at, BUT maybe random player A has the same thought and gets there first again because he has the first vehicle. If random player A has a friend than they together fix it up together and drive off with both vehicles while you get there late again and boohoo about the "lack of vehicles". Now lets consider that Rocket adds another 2, 5 or even 30 vehicles. Your chances of finding them go up slightly but more likely is the fact that you get to those spawns late, as well, and the people who already had vehicles simply have more. Crying about a lack of vehicles doesn't put vehicles in your hands. Searching does. Please reread the last thing I typed in my first post .. hell I'll copypasta it for you so you don't need to search. "Also remember that vehicles have a CHANCE to spawn. That means they have a higher chance to NOT spawn." Try not to forget that Day Z is a survival game, not a drive and shoot like GTA or a racing game like Need for Speed. Vehicles are prized possessions of people who earned them either by fixing them the hard way or stealing them from people that fixed them the hard way. Crying won't get you any wheels and it sure as hell won't get you any beans from me. So like I said earlier, vehicle count is fine. Whiner count is a little high though. No Beans for you.
  5. Zomberc

    More vehicles. Mostly cars

    Wow, I seriously have no idea how so many people agree with the OP. Day Z has a enough vehicles to support a 50 person server on average. Just because you can't find them does not mean they aren't there. (I have yet to see a range finder spawn but I know they're out there.) Lets count shall we ? 2 buses 3 ATV's 2 Motor bikes 2 fishing boats ( or more) 2 bicycles and at least 1 of each of the following : Huey , civilian ural, S1203 van, the off road truck, V3S civilian , UAZ, GAZ , old hatchback, the PBX, and the tractor That is at least 21 vehicles for 50 ( I say 50 because it's a pretty standard server size) people. That's more seats than people to fill them. And I may have even missed 1 or 2. For a 15x15 Km map that's enough vehicles. What possible reason is there that could justify adding more vehicles besides "I wanna drive fun cars too". If that's the case go find a car that is hidden out in the woods. Also remember that vehicles have a CHANCE to spawn. That means they have a higher chance to NOT spawn. Just because you've visited 100 vehicle spawns and have yet to see a vehicle simply means you have yet to see a vehicle. There are a number of reasons why that could be . Bad OP. No beans for you.
  6. Server - US 520 Time - between 3 and 4am (-5 gmt) What happened - Some guy dropped nukes in cherno and electro for about an hour randomly every 3-10 minutes while driving around in a black spawned SUV. This shit is getting out of hand. In the past week myself and my squad have been killed by hackers in different servers at different times of the day. We have lost more than 5 NVG's, ghille suits and camo, a few 50 cal rifles, silenced M4's, and even worse a camo dragonov and an L85. Oh and I almost forgot about the truck full of stuff and our sweet motorcycle with the flame decals to some dick porting around with a rocket launcher. Now I don't really mind dieing and having to get all my stuff back when its a legit kill but being nuked for an hour and having my body despawn with all my stuff is beyond aggravating. So I gotta ask ... is battle eye as terrible as it seems ? Am I the only one that finds hackers in almost every server ? Is battle eye getting an update any time soon ? Why in gods name can't battle eye instantly ban someone who has spawned an item and how can the server not track that sort of thing ? Oh and lastly does battle eye ever actually catch and punish cheaters? Honestly I don't really expect answers to any of my questions but it would be nice