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Everything posted by Archrandom

  1. There's some radical stuff out there, firstly, is it the loading screen with the bar or without the bar? personally for either I have found that if you insert the DLLs manually as described above, verify game cache of ARMA 2 and OA thru steam and then open six launcher, click the verify in there, click launch and use the in game server browser then find the closest possible server you reckognise as something run by an ISP of some sort, try it, you may have to sit at the loading screen with no bar... for anywhere up to 10 mins but if that doesn't work, try running the game in windowed mode for the joining process, I hear some people have had success with it as much as I cannot for the life of me understand how it could make a difference, anything is worth a shot tho.. Good luck mate.
  2. Archrandom

    Stuck on loading (Without the bar)

    This helped me, get the up to date DLLs from the battleye website and if you use steam, replace the following. Steam users, assuming everyone uses the default directory, put BEClient.dll and BEServer.dll here: - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\BattlEye" And ALSO put BEClient.dll here: - C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye and I also manually reinstalled my beta client even tho I use Sixloader. It worked for me, the loading screen used to hang for about 20+ minutes before my patience gave in, after doing that the screen only lasts for 3-5 mins and I'm into the game. Its a big problem and no one is really sure exactly what to do coz no one thing seems to work for everyone. :s
  3. I literally stopped playing an hour ago and... yeah, tried to log back in and same problem.
  4. I am literally a fresh newbie, just got into a game, finally got the version issue of battleye sorted and got kicked for "script issue #185".... There must be some glitch coz surely if I was hacking I wouldn't be so low on blood I keep passing out every 3 mins in a forest, hopeless and mostly blind with only my own gobble noises to keep me company.. :P
  5. Archrandom


    I would suggest lateral thinking, personally an overabundance of trees has always served me well and thickness never really varies in many games, distance is determined by the width of the tree which corresponds to elevation markers on the sights.. Personally I find this element of making a tiny note and sticking it to my monitor fun but and very effective... Its not for everyone.
  6. Archrandom

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Dear Rocket, thanks for the mod, is there anything we can do for you?
  7. Archrandom

    have a "killed by" in the chat

    I think the anonimity of it all helps add to realism and stops flame wars... You died.... Demmet, you have to get over it and it does take away the ability for the more mentally fragile individuals to rage at someone... But I think complete lack of death notification would be a good option for servers to use, if you don't hear them die, you shouldn't know about it.