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About Omerta23

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Don't whitelist this idiot he got Global banned earlier he is a hacker. Speaking of hackers there has been a ton on today and it is getting really old. At around 8:54 mtn time today one teleported to me and my group jacked our car blew up a town and locked me in place to repeatedly run me over. If you fix this crap I will continue to play on it but if not I wont be back. In game name Omerta. It just happened again btw 9:16mtn time he tried to bribe me with gear not to report him and when I refused he blew me up.Check your logs and get rid of this kid please.
  2. Omerta23


    If your server is low pop I will hit the hospital and bring you an epi pen. You may refuse if you don't trust me I wouldn't blame you.
  3. Omerta23

    Coastal respawns!

    Yup i'm dead.. I have dealt with this shit without getting frustrated for far too long and I am done.. Fuck you hackers, fuck you worthless battle-eye and fuck you Rocket for never releasing a useful or non-broken patch.. Take care legit players. And to all you hackers... Go burn in hell.
  4. Omerta23

    Coastal respawns!

    This just happened to me about 10 mins ago.. I had way too much to lose so I booked it into the woods and began counter sniping near cherno.. Lets just say I came across an invincible hacker that took 3 AS50 nato rounds to the back of the head and survived.. Then I magically get thrown in mid-air after receiving a hive message.. If I log in dead i'm going to be beyond pissed and probably quit.
  5. Looks can be deceiving my friend.. I have the bandit skin but all of my murders right now are from people that shot 1st. It could also be the other way around, somebody could have the hero skin for being his bandit squads medic.. Don't let somebodies outfit determine if you let your guard down or not.
  6. End game for me is counter-sniping snipers on high pop servers and seeing how long I can stalk people without them noticing.. Yes I am the friendly neighborhood creeper. And i'm watching you.
  7. Omerta23

    Random leg breaks?

    This. Scripters can break legs/heal them at will. But then again I have been brutally slaughtered by nearly every wall in the game so I wouldn't rule out a simple bug.
  8. Omerta23

    How do you install

    Whatever you do don't update to Especially if you value your vehicles, equipment in the vehicles, tents, your backpack (skin changing bug), and if you like to not log in on the coast.. .4 is your friend for now trust me.
  9. Omerta23

    Please fix Mike Tyson Zombies

    There are zombies like this in the original there is no use saying it here.. I have had my leg broken from the 1st hit when I was a fresh spawn. RNG ftw huh? Btw from what I understand Rocket had nothing to do with the creation of Lingor island (correct me if i'm wrong) but i'm pretty sure you won't get help here.
  10. I can't even remember how long I have been playing this game and I have NEVER seen a mountain dew and this guy has 20.. Dafuq!?!?
  11. Omerta23

    Server restart deletes vehicles??

    That sucks man I feel for you.. The biggest thing that is annoying me right now is that I put most of my ammo and medical supplies in that car so I could carry the parts and now it is all gone.. If I could get my shit out I wouldn't even bother finishing the car if it is just gonna dissapear on restarts...
  12. Once upon a time I happened to come across a beaten up UAZ in Starry Sobor, and needless to say, I was overjoyed.. So I spent the last few hours finding parts and fixing this thing up only to have the server restart and delete my car... I saved it numerous times and only needed 2 wheels on the thing and it would have been complete.. Needless to say I am very frustrated right now and I would like some answers.. Whether good or bad I don't care.. Will it come back after next server restart or is it gone for good? And for anyone that is going to say *It's alpha don't complain.* or *Bugs happen, deal with it.* Please go troll somebody else's post I really don't want you responding to this. Only serious posts please I would like an answer without getting hassled by internet warriors..
  13. Omerta23

    'Hero' skin question....

    Anyone have a pic of this skin? I haven't got to see it yet.. My humanity is ruined by the idiots that shoot on sight but have horrible aim which forces me to kill them for my own safety..
  14. Does anyone know how to go down a patch using dayzcommander? The issues with the new patch are well known so I will skip the complaining and get straight to the point. I don't like logging out on one side of the map with a 5 day char then logging in on the other side with some random coast noob hacking my face in before I even finish loading. Please help me with this..
  15. Omerta23

    No more Perma Death....

    I still spawn with my bandit skin but after a few minutes it reverts back to the normal skin and my humanity stays at 0. Idk what's wrong with it but I thought it was strange.