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About hockeywise@juno.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. hockeywise@juno.com

    No gun? No Problem! Guide on how to get around with no zombie problems!

    Ever sense the last update you can pretty much just run away from them haha
  2. hockeywise@juno.com

    No gun? No Problem! Guide on how to get around with no zombie problems!

    I have a l85 in this video and a as50 in my bag with a m9sd side arm
  3. hockeywise@juno.com

    Funny vehicle kill

    I was just walking through the wilderness when I came across this. I found id absolutely hilarious and nobody believe me at first so here it is!
  4. hockeywise@juno.com

    Berezino not all its cracked up to be...

    But you didn't loot the military tents.... You mussed out on a big part of that city.
  5. hockeywise@juno.com

    No gun? No Problem! Guide on how to get around with no zombie problems!

    Well I think it will be helpful for new people to watch this video anyway. I know if it were out when I was starting I would have loved it haha
  6. hockeywise@juno.com

    No gun? No Problem! Guide on how to get around with no zombie problems!

    Yes you can good point^ Wish I woulda added that to my video, I guess I was more into the deep city zombie agro.
  7. hockeywise@juno.com

    No gun? No Problem! Guide on how to get around with no zombie problems!

    Never really said they were bad, was just saying 1 way buildings can be a trap.
  8. Lots of people have been asking me to make a video of of how to avoid zombies so heres your answer!
  9. hockeywise@juno.com

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    Calm down
  10. hockeywise@juno.com

    DayZ Item Giveaway!

  11. hockeywise@juno.com

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

  12. hockeywise@juno.com

    DayZ Item Giveaway!
