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Everything posted by Sanguine1987

  1. OK, FIRST OF ALL, YES I READ ALL THE POSTS ABOUT THIS. Im stuck on the black screen green loading letters that come right after waiting for charactor to create. Best i can do is get into debug, but i cant die. zombies wont aggro me, and half the players i run into cant see me. its a 33k meter walk out too, so if i want to play i have to spend three hours walking EVERY TIME I DIE. THIS IS A PUBLIC HIVE SERVER PROBLEM, i can join private hives easy. I dont know if my character is corrupted or there are bad sectors on the hive hardware who cares. No none of the solutions given have worked. So far i have tried: Udating to latest ARMA2/Dayz. Rolling back to beta 389 and changing the weapons files. Uninstalling and re-installing Arma2. Uninstall and re-install battle-eye both manually and through steam. going back to the oldest version of dayz/arma that i can find a server for. Contacting Arma2 support Contacting Dayz support So far no one seems to give a crap. GIVE ME A PLAYER ID RESET PLEASE. I DONT NEED ANY ITEMS I DONT NEED YOU TO GIVE ME ANYTHING JUST RESET ME SO I CAN START OVER AND PLAY PLEASE JESUS CHRIST SO MANY PEOPLE WITH THIS PROBLEM WHY CANT YOU JUST ******* FIX IT RESET ME DAMNIT. OR RESPOND TO THE NUMEROUS SUPPORT TICKETS I HAVE SENT ON MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. MY GAME IS ****** AND SO IS A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLES GAMES. IF YOU GIVE A **** ABOUT US ******* FIX IT OK. jesus ******* bull**** a'sdj'ak;sd;lak sdl;kas;dka'dk;s';laskd askd alsk;alkd ;laks d;lkas ;ldka lskd a'ksd l'akd 'kalsd[ pka[w eoidq w=ioe [klqwr ';kdw
  2. Sanguine1987

    Corrupt Character. Need a reset or somethin?

    really dude this guy is trying to figure out how to fix a computer problem. go away w your broken leg.
  3. Sanguine1987

    This game has the wrong name.

    Call this game LoadZ or HackZ or ScriptZZZZ
  4. Sanguine1987

    Stuck on Loading

    Hey guys, maybe letting you know this bit of info will get them to fix this finally, If you are spawning in the debug just run your way out, sometimes youll get teleported to your last known spot, but as long as you spawned in debug you get these benefits...: 1.Zombies will NEVER AGGRO YOU LOL 2. Half of other players cant see you but you can see them 3. Pretty sure you make no footstep sounds 4. If you die you respawn in debug with nothing, but if you disconnect/reconnect you have all your gear again. 5. if you have good gear, go find your buddies, hit the respawn button, they can loot your corpse, then just disconnect and reconnect again. 6. if your last known position was inside a vehicle, when you sometimes get teleported out of debug you will "spawn" inside that vehicle at your last known position. Anyways, have fun. oh yah you dont need any food or water either.
  5. So guys ive been playing this game a few months now, and one of my biggest problems that i have not yet found a solution for is....... dayz support? Anyone know how to fix this issue? Can i just re-install battle eye manually and magically get some support or something? Id really like to know how to get my character reset in the hive. I mean its not like it can be that hard.
  6. I did have this problem on one server before, cd key in use, but my character wasnt dead/dying after. So im pretty sure it was just a problem with that 1 server.
  7. Pretty much all you can do is to ask your provider for a new key or buy a new one and stay away from any servers you played on before. It could be your provider is selling multiples of the same key but.... Kinda unlikely.
  8. Sanguine1987

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Whered you get satchel charges?!?! I want some.
  9. Sanguine1987

    Killed while logging?

    Its not a bug, everyone has an "alternate" character with no gear in the debug. Your character is there for a little while before/after the waiting for character to create phase.
  10. Someone stole your cd key, i have bad news for you guys, since servers check your cd key, any hacker/script kiddie that runs his own server can steal your guid or cd-key. THATS RIGHT. ARMA SO BROKEN THAT PLAYING ANY SERVER RUNS YOU THE CHANCE OF LOSING YOUR CD KEY.
  11. Sanguine1987


    When you log out in shock, you end up unconcsious for 5 minutes when you log back in, only thing you can do is log in and wait out the hourglass.
  12. Sanguine1987

    Vehicles disappear?

    Dude they dont care about us and have stopped responding to requests or bug reports. The only people willing to help others are us survivors. Day Z staff dont care anymore.
  13. Sanguine1987

    Troubleshooting Day Z Support.

    Yes and to your other forum team member who calls someone a hacker because he pressed shift + p on another thread, you guys are no help at all, people have a problem and you all say alpha. You didnt volunteer to help, you volunteered to accuse people that they hack, and that they get no support because this game is alpha, be happy you can play, well my game is fucked and the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT IS SUPPORT. SO YEA IM FUCKING PISSED.
  14. Sanguine1987

    Troubleshooting Day Z Support.

    Im sure youd be whistling a different tune if your game was unplayable, stfu and gtfo.
  15. Sanguine1987

    Troubleshooting Day Z Support.

    Im sure youd be whistling a different tune if your game was unplayable, stfu and gtfo.
  16. Sanguine1987

    Troubleshooting Day Z Support.

    Well lol many people have filed many tickets about problems and no one is getting any response at all from Day Z staff, it was a joke about how shitty thier support is for players.
  17. Sanguine1987

    Troubleshooting Day Z Support.

    My beans to whoever can find the solution to a better dayz support team. Good luck.
  18. Sanguine1987

    Stuck on Loading

    Yea this is complete crap, im sure its an easy fix too. 1. Type player id 2. Delete data. 3. Problem solved we go on with our lives. At this point i dont even care if i have gear.
  19. Sanguine1987

    What is happening?

    And that even came from someone on the forum team, shame on you and your shitty support!!! Fucking bastards.
  20. Sanguine1987

    What is happening?

    Shift + p are the keys used to check if anadmin in on that server, idk wt ur talking about crate spawning script but i sure am tired of seeing everyone get labeled as a hacker just because they are having game problems. Shame on you.
  21. Sanguine1987

    Global ban

    I havent been able to play for two weeks nowand all i need is a character reset.
  22. Sanguine1987

    Global ban

    Yea this support is bad.
  23. Sanguine1987

    HELP!! Cant die!!

    You should be able to crawl out prone...no?
  24. Sanguine1987

    Huge lag after playing for 3-5 hours

    After a few hours arma 2/dayz starts to eat up all my ram, usually just restarting dayz by exiting completely out fixes this issue for me. You must have some program w a memory leak, do you use google chrome? It too for some reason starts to eat my ram after quite a few hours open.
  25. Sanguine1987


    More and more and more people are experiencing this issue. Can we atleast get some kind of response as to when it can be fixed?