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Posts posted by marson5

  1. Hi guy's i was on 2 days ago had some real good gear and needed some ammo and meds so i went to elektra after i lost a bike i found at NW airfiled in back lol,,and on bike i found a chopper in filed was going so good any way i went to back of meds building to get stuff out of box got sniped and poped back up close to were elektra was run back to body started gettting gear back coyate pack and all still on ground i guess the snipper ran up on me was just about to get up and run for my life with gear back lol he killed me again i was so mad lol and so poped up again but close to cherhogorsk was mader then before so i was going to loot and try to get back to elektra to try to revenge my 2 deaths lol got to ohter side for cherhogorsk and heard a chopper over head then it crashed in back by tree line of cherhogorsk i was close so i ran to it guy was dead and had

    coyate pack full of goodies a AS50 with rounds ,gps,entrenching tool ,m1 911,range finder,toolbox,nv goggles,ghillie suit and more better then what i started with as i was getting last stuff another chopper was landing close to me lol not sure if it was his buddys are killed his chopper ? they landed i was running up hill and over the hill i was hearing them shoting at me i think got to a safe place and loged out my heart was pumping hared lol ,i wise i had it on fraps hehe frist time i got a As50 was so happy and still have all ;) that's my story and i'm sticking to it,i fell bad for the guy dead by chopper too ;( his lost my gain .up 1 min down next up again love this game hehe !
