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About Tenadwen

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    On the Coast
  1. Tenadwen

    Everyone on server dies?

    I'm just curious. When you get backstabbed in MW3, do you throw your controller and scream like a child? Thats the equivilent to what you are doing now.
  2. Tenadwen

    Everyone on server dies?

    Then don't complain about Day Z being crap when the problem lies within the main game itself. Day Z is still in the works, so yes there will be some problems. It happens, we learn to deal with it and move on. And yes, I've seen big name MMO where a player was mass-wiping all targets. It took the team a week to locate the exploit. Even League of Legends, which is a big name PVP game, has bugs people cna exploit with ease. It happens. Hackers hack, it' what they do. If there is a way they can exploit a game, they will. But you raging won't stop it, that just emeans that they won.
  3. Tenadwen

    Everyone on server dies?

    Devs can only do so much. The issue with hackers is something Battleeye is meant to locate and stop. The Dev's made the gametype, but they can not ammend Battleeye in any way to locate the hack, that is the job of the Battleeye staff. You can not blame the Dev for hackers, because, news flash, even big name MMOs like WoW have them. If you are raging about it, then I suggest just not playing games.