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About DonRuins

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DonRuins

    For those struggling with cyrillic....

    This was helping me tremendously when I got lost and stumbled onto an unknown town. - http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-chernarus/map-of-chernarus_en.html
  2. DonRuins

    What was your dumbest death?

    Joined a low pop server, about 7 people at the time, all hanging around Elektro', some guy said he was in Berezino. Im scouting around Stary Sobor on my way West when i see what looks like a repairable vehicle. I think, 'Wow, finally a car i can salvage." I pull out my binocs to take a look, when all of a sudden my blood drops to 0 near instantly, ( was sitting at around 11000 ) And im laying on the ground dead, with nothing around me, no gunshots at all, no zombies were in the vacinity either, and im like... Wtf m8?