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About momomo544

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. momomo544

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yup. In other news, I have only found a toolbox once in my months of playing. Soon afterward I took an AS50 round to the knee.
  2. momomo544

    Blood etc

    That sounds good, but also, make it so you can eat raw meat. Regains more blood, but theres a chance that you will get sick from it. I think thats fair...
  3. momomo544

    Making your character in the Standalone

    what that guy said ^^
  4. momomo544

    dayz stand alone new map?

    If its made on the ARMA 3 engine, maybe it could have the ARMA 3 map. (I forget the name, some island in Greece)
  5. momomo544

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    Lol, was thinking about the things in half life 2 this morning. They are these huge tower things that every few seconds lift up, then pound the ground, making a funny noise. This keeps the Antiolions away from certain places. I think this could work in day Z. Example. Huge truck with large speakers on it that every few seconds blasts a certain noise. Idk, just my thoughts :D
  6. momomo544

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    Not being an anime fanboy, but i would like to see a map in japan/china. I want a new country, and US/Canada are not really wanted, russia has been used, middle east=Meh. Australia is possible, but it would have to be possible to overheat. South america is not populated enough IMO and africa, I don't really like. (not racist, just don't think it would work great). Just my two cents on the map question. The rest of your suggestions are good, except for lone wolf problems. You sir, have my beans.
  7. momomo544

    New map to have border between two countries?

    you sir, have my beans. :lol: